Hey guys.
Went to vet yesterday but she said the clinic was closed of this week. She said it was an emergency shut-down. she still looked at Robert for a minute and said he is active and bright and looking well. I managed to ask for her private number and she said no. Too many guys are talking to her inappropriately and other people send her 20 photos a day about their rabbit. So she doesn't wanna take any more risks. That was totally understandable. I told her I would check back next week and started packing up to leave. The I told her it's hard to come to clinic to set an appointment and then come back another time to see her. and when I come to set appointment, i still have to WAIT to set it. She said if I promise not to abuse the privilege she would give me her personal number for setting appointments and HOUSE CALLS! Didn't know she did those. I promised and we exchanged numbers. Told her I was married and she doesn't have to look forward to any inappropriate conversations.
So in the end of the brief meeting she told me she would do a faecal analysis to check for parasites, fungus and bacteria AND a x ray to check for blockages and tissue damage sometime next week. I am going to ask the other vet I met before her to do the same thing and compare their notes.
Last night I was really tired and I decided to retire early. My wife left Robert out sleeping on my worked desk. when I awoke this morning, oh the carnage! Destroyed my mouse, speakers, poop was everywhere. he went to town on the monitor. When I woke up and called for him, he screamed in shame and tried to hide. I reached out to touch him and he flew all over the house screaming out. I fed him, kissed him up and put him on the gate to dry off after I cleaned him up.
Below are the most recent pics of him.
Today he is 16 weeks old! Can't believe that months have passed already.