Hi guys exhausted after 25 hrs of continuous calling, blazing caribbean sun, looking up and standing up. But it was well worth. Had a couple hours sleep and so did Robert.
We gave him 60 ml pedialyte with a quarter tsp of glucose twice (x2) about 3 hrs apart. Then this evening we made 60 ml of very thin formula mixed with 30 ml of pedialyte. He will have 1 more meal of formula and pedialyte then return gradually to thicker formula until we reach desired thickness.
Robert, after having pedialyte and glucose cocktail, became very active. He didn't want to drink the pedialyte. He complained and protested. I prepared the formula and something amazing happened. He started moving his head up and down slowly (begging) and then as soon as the food touched his tongue he bobbed his head so violently (feeding response) I could not keep the syringe in his beak. Was so relieved that his feeding response returned! He ate 90 ml of the pedialyte/formula mix and begged for more.
Two important things to note is that Robert did the feeding response AND he didn't regurgitate... not even 1 drop fell from his mouth! I have been struggling with those 2 for weeks.
Since then he is happily playing with us and back to his old destructive self walking around the house causing much damage.
The law of our country states that it is illegal to clip/cut/trim the wings of any Avian (especially parrots). I bought a travel carrier and an aviator harness for carrying my baby around.
So relieved he is back with us. Thank you again for your prayers and well wishes.
Below are pictures of some of the spots he went to during his 25 hr long trip.
This is where he landed when he first flew away. 70 ft tall 33,000 Volts.
Close up
The tallest object in the area he flew to. A cell phone tower. 100 ft tall. My wife and I climbed to the very top of the tower. We could not reach him at the last 10 feet as the antenna itself could not be climbed.
Close up.
On the roof top where the cell tower was anchored. We put his toys to entice him to come down.
Another high power wire he flew to after the roof top. 12,000 volts.