Goodnight guys, it's Thursday night (09 June 2016) and I have those long awaited updates.
Today marks the 5th day that Robert is eating without problems or issues.
Here's what happened.
Thursday 02 June 2016:
Robert gave so much trouble to eat on this day. Fed him 3 times and he regurgitated almost all of the formula and I felt so desolate. I eventually cried that night. My wife and I felt so stressed we had to pry his beak open to feed him and them he just brought the food up. After seeking advice from vets (useless) and forum members (positive) we decided that from the next day would offer him many things.
Friday 03 June 2016:
We offered him fresh chop, whole grain penne and water. We left some in his cages and also on my work desk and in the kitchen. He ran it through his beak but didn't eat. Made all the yummy noises and all. He just stared at me as if I should have been able to know what he needed. He just followed me around and whimpered but no begging for food. In the late evening my wife was eating yogurt and offered him some warmed to 108 f. He ate just under 1 ml. At this point he had been hungry all day, about 12 hrs.
Saturday 04 June 2016:
Around 24 - 30hrs of not eating. Woke up early and cooked some gloop (bananas, broccoli, carrots, corn, lentils, oats, quinoa) for him. Cooled some and put in a bowl and I started eating it (with 'yummy' noises of course!). He came over to investigate what all this fuss was about and took the spoon from me making a mess. He ate 2 tablespoons of it and wanted no more. I was so relieved he ate so I didn't force him. An hour later the wife and I kissed him up and he begged for food again. I decided to make some Harrison's formula and offer him the syringe and see if he would like it. He didn't open up and my heart sank. But I opened his beak gently and he gave a feeding response and ate the entire 60 ml of formula. We cried with joy. He too was happy. At lunch he ate another 60 ml with no feeding response but he willingly ate the entire 60 ml but he took his time. At night my wife suggested that I puree the gloop. So we went to the appliance store and bought a NutriBullet. That thing is super amazing. It made all the ingredients into a thick liquid. Left the banana out as it is very perishable. So the broccoli, carrots, corn, lentils, oats and quinoa became so smooth. Poured out 60 ml, warmed it to 110f and put it at his beak. Upon squirt some in his mouth, it disappeared. In 20 secs the syringe was empty. He ate it all! We were so happy. During this day the wife and I completed his outside cage.
Sunday 05 June 2016:
He ate gloop puree all day. 90 ml servings went down his beak instantly at each feeding of the 3 feedings. His feeding response was so strong I could hardly hold the syringe. He also started slowing raising and lowering his head (slowly bobbing motion) AND honking with wing flips. He called for us all day long.
I came up with some feeding schedules to mix things up for the coming days.
Monday 06 - Thursday 09 June 2016 (4 days):
We fed him,
First feeding will be formula + carrot puree + bananas
Second feeding will be formula + carrot puree + papaya
Third feeding will be formula + carrot puree + broccoli
All my gloop ingredients for depleted. His food bowls had Water and Chop (changed 2 times a day). he had his formula cocktails 3 times a day and in between meals he actually went straight to the chop bowl and 'ate' some. Right after feeding, once his bowls were available, he would 'eat' (read play) some chop, then drink some water.
Towards the end of this 4 day period, Robert has become very playful, more obedient, he has started stepping up and seem so full of energy. Even more than his normal self. He doesn't even fuss to go into his cage anymore. We moved all his toys to his new cage and moved his food bowls. He begs for food 3 times a day and eats 60 - 90 ml without us forcing him. He simply opens his mouth once I pick up the syringe and swallows like he hasn't eaten in days.
Robert lay on his back for the first time tonight. I fed him and he came to me and threw himself down.
A month from now, when all his Harrison's formula is finished:
We plan to start giving him pureed gloop for 1st meal (by spoon) and puree Harrison's High Potency pellets for his last meal (by spoon). During the day in his bowls he will have gloop (NOT pureed) and dry Harrison's pellets. This way he will be eating the same thing fed by spoon and in his bowls. And a little closer to weaning.