Baby Green Wing macaw refusing formula at 11 weeks old

Took robert to the beach yesterday. Its a private beach. You have to drive 14 km along the very edge of Trinidad's tallest mountain to get there. You need a vehicle with 4 x 4 drive to climb it. The road was so steep. And it was made of loose dirt! They cut the side of the mountain to access the beach. The mountain is so tall that at the very top we were literally in the clouds! Robert loved the cold moist cloudy atmosphere.

Hi guys.
So much has happened since I last updated you all. And boy do I have quite the long story for you. Buckle up, it's gonna be a long one. Exams are done and now I have a few days off from university.

I moved into a new apartment about 3 weeks ago. The previous landlady's son suddenly decided that my Robert is not a suitable pet for a tenant! Even though she gave me permission to have him. So after caring for my Robby for over 4 months (who has been extremely quiet), the landlady's son started making trouble. He soaked my birdie and his cage down with a pressure (power) washer claiming he was just washing his car next to my cage which is in the porch. And various other acts of mischief. Mind you this is a grown man.

On a more cheerful note, Robert has been eating reduced amounts of Harrison's hand feeding formula and has taken an interest in the food I put in his cage daily. He eats between 30 ml - 45 ml 2 times a day. He misses his morning feed sometimes too. He can't wait for get out of the house and into his cage right after feeding. He sleeps on a perch in our bedroom from about 6 pm or 7 pm until 5 am. One we wake, he also wakes and flies unto our bed and begs for cuddling by bending down with his foot on his head and looking at us constantly. We give him all the cuddling he wants before we feed him and put him in his cage.

Last week a friend of mine (whom we only met once when they got their macaw 3 months ago) who has a scarlet macaw (Zayn) a little younger than Robert, flew away. Zayn's wing had been cut but still gained enough lift to fly away. It was a Friday evening he left. The live about 60 km (1 hr drive) away. Saturday morning ( a few hours later) as soon as the dawn hit, we drove down to see them and assist in recovering the macaw. Entire family was sad. We drove and drove looking for Zayn and finally found him. They were so happy. We used Robert to find him.

Below is a few pictures and a video of Robert as of a week ago.

Playing with Robert
[ame=""]Playing with Green Wing Macaw 28 weeks - YouTube[/ame]

Supervising while I work.

Sometimes he just day dreams out of that window and I don't know why

My ladder is his play gym. he likes it so much.

This is what he has everyday between his morning and evening feeding

After he eats, he goes to work (play)

This is Zayn and Robert after we recovered Zayn (when he flew away)

Good morning friends! How are you guys? Sorry for not updating in a while. School has me so busy.
(warning long post)


Age: 7 months

Weight: 930g (he is getting much thicker and looks more like an adult but no weight gain, just less fatty and more muscular girth)

Plumage: Molt began 1 month ago, feathers dropping all day and hundreds of pins growing, no tail or wing feathers dropped yet

Illnesses: None

Appetite: Huge

Wean: Started 2 months ago, eats formula and solid food

Formula: Harrison's juvenile Morning and evening, 30ml each meal

Food: Harrison's High Potency Pellets, 2 bowls of fruit, 1 bowl of vegges, 1 bowl of sunflower seeds (his favourite), 1 bowl of water, 1 bowl of assorted nuts (1 macadamia, 1 Brazilian, 10 pine)

[ame=""]Green Wing Macaw daily morning michief - YouTube[/ame]

by Chad

The alarm wakes my wife and I at 5 am. As the lights go on, Prince Robert becomes vocal (no speech yet, just sparse words), takes a massive dump, then flies down from his perch unto our bed. He pulls the covers from over us and cuddles up begging for playtime. Sometime we pretend to be still asleep and he flies to the curtains above our bed and flaps his powerful wings in our face while screaming loudly. We are forced to 'wake up' as he may wake the neighbours at 5 am. We pray and then play with him for about 30 mins. As I exit the bed, he follows me and then stops at the edge of bed quarreling with 1 foot reaching up as he begs to come along. One would think he can't fly right? Once he is picked up, he flies off to all the areas of the house. He flies and flies until he reaches the kitchen. That's when it all starts.

We then prepare his food as detailed above in stats. His food takes about 30 mins to prepare every morning. During that time makes mischief with everything in the kitchen. And If you stop him he will protest and quarrel, then 2 mins later, he is back to mischief. We love Robert so hem... Prince Robert! His food is then placed in his cage and we begin making his formula. My wife prepares the cage while I prepare his food. Teamwork! As soon as I pick up the cup his formula is made in, he quickly jumps to my shoulder and silently looks on. This makes me nervous like when a manager comes looking over your shoulder. I guess he wants to ensure I don't forget any steps. Lol.

Up until 5 weeks ago, Robert was drinking 90 ml of formula x3 times a day. That is a decrease from 120 ml x4 times a day just 2 months ago, just before he became interested in solid food. He started refusing his morning 90 ml. He would literally take his foot and push away the syringe and protest. Most lunch times I cannot leave work/clients to come feed him. So I dropped his lunch time meal and after 2 days he decided he wants his morning meal as lunch time is no longer on the table. 1 week ago, he decided he only wanted 30 ml of formula morning and evening. Most days he would watch me make it and then refuse to eat it. Mind you, his formula is only made when he asks for it. So I make it, he watches the entire process then runs away as it hits the syringe. So at that point I turn to the sink to empty the syringe and wash up his utensils, and guess what? He jumps into the sink and opens his mouth with a feeding response! I feed him and he then begs to go to his cage so he can each his 'real' food. These games he plays. Beg for formula, watch me make it, runs from me, refuses to eat, then begs as I proceed to throw it away.
It seems he doesn't really want formula again but just wants the security that he can get it whenever he needs it. He maybe wants to know that I didn't forget about that aspect of our relationship. Because he begs for formula at the strangest time sometimes. Then when I make it, he eats 1 ml (yes 1) and then laughs and begs for playtime again.

By the time we reach home on evenings, he is protesting to come out of the came. He paces up and down the cage silently. When he is inside, he screams and screams for 1 min as if upset we came home so late. We give him some solid food when he devours and then he begs for formula by doing the head bob on my shoulder and crying in my ear. He doesn't play with night time feeding. No games at night. He sits silently on his perch in the kitchen and anxiously waits. The food disappears at the back of his throat. He then starts crunching his beak and begs for play. After 5 mins of play, he rudely interrupts, jumps down from his perch and goes to our bedroom. I put his perch in there and he slowly drifts off to dreamland.

Sometimes he haunts in the room for something to run through his beak, destroys it then falls asleep. He sleeps with a fan on him all night. Is that okay? Also he like the AC on at 26 deg Celsius.

Enjoy the 2 pictures below.

After the hunt, he destroys his prey

Sleepy time
Ah he is something special isn't he? But honestly no wonder he is playing you about with a name like Prince Robert LOL. Good to hear he is doing good but sorry to hear before of pesky landlord's son, some people honestly! Great news you and Robert were able to help get Zayn back home, well done.

Hope life continues good for you all but with anything electrical be very, very careful! If you are not there and he gets it into his head to have a go at the wiring etc.

Sometimes he haunts in the room for something to run through his beak, destroys it then falls asleep. He sleeps with a fan on him all night. Is that okay? Also he like the AC on at 26 deg Celsius.

Perhaps give him a parrot friendly toy to play with at bedtime rather than something he finds for himself as not possible to tell if he is eating any of his finds and a blockage is not something to aim for IMO. Electrical query: Not possible to go back after events have happened but you can try to prevent them. Things like live wiring are lethal and you never know if it will take his interest one night. I wouldn't think him sitting in a draft all night very good for him so something to think about as you are there. Rule of thumb I use, if you have to ask if OK it probably isn't IMO. Oh the joys of having feathered equivalent of a three year old child LOL.

Great to hear from you and see some more of your Prince, thank you.
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Glad to hear and see Prince Robert is doing so well, thanks to the extraordinary care by you and your wife.

ashkark sadiqi.
Glad to hear and see Prince Robert is doing so well, thanks to the extraordinary care by you and your wife.

ashkark sadiqi.

Hi Wrench, what's ashkark sadiqi or has Salty been jumping on your keyboard again? :confused:
Awesome progress!
These are some great posts, photos are over the top!
I think a lot of folks are missing out on them because this is such an old thread! You may want to start new threads moving forward!
Hi guys. Been about 3 months since we last communicated. Robert is almost 11 months old and he is 3 months into his first molt. Its progressing nicely. His colour look great.
Robert is doing well. He loves Harrison's High Potency! He gets fruits and vegetables, also some nuts. My time is slim these days.

Here are some videos and pictures from when he turn 9 months.

[ame=""]October 9, 2016(2) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Greenwing Macaw new toy - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]October 9, 2016 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]October 9, 2016 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]October 9, 2016(3) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]October 9, 2016(1) - YouTube[/ame]

Hey Chad ! Thanks for dropping by. I know life intrudes on our cyber life. Great to her Robert is flourishing and doing well. He looks great. Did Robert really help find your friends Macaw? Robert must have been the hero of the hour ! We have some terrific new macaw owners on here recently, you should make their aquaintance, they are good folks with some interesting macs ( yes,Gus, I mean you among others). Don't be such a stranger, we love hearing about Prince Robert.
I'm going through the same thing with my 13 week old now 14 and a half week old B &G. Just all of a sudden one day he decided he did not want formula. I talk to people on this forum, and of course went to the vet like you did, thank God Baby Bobby did not have an infection.
I talked to the breeder that I got Bobby from, she said that I should continue trying one to two feedings a day with the syringe, and as long as I can't feel the macaws ribs he was okay, he's just not hungry. I also talked with several other professional breeders that deal with macaws. They said the same thing. I go through heck every time I try to feed Bobby, so I do wait for the headbobbing and thats for formula, Bobby taught me that. I get fresh fruits and vegetables I have pellets and 3 different bowls on his cage and on the floor where we play. Bobby went from 1030 to this morning at 823grams. I'm still very scared and still working with Bobby. everybody still telling me that he's fine and they go through this in fledgling. Bobby yesterday flew for the first time.
I don't know if I'm qualified to give any insight. but listen to the vet follow the directions with the formula and offer what they call abundance feeding that's what everybody told me. I know your baby is very young, and it will probably get its appetite back when the infection is gone. I was also told that sterilizing the syringes and everything I use for the hand-feeding is very important. And during all this I found out that Bobby prefers his formula at 110 degrees. Our vet recommended nothing under a 102 degrees and over 112 degrees for formula. You don't want to slow the crop down with food that's too cold, or obviously burn the crop.
I wish you all the best I know it's nerve-racking like I said I've been going through this for a few weeks now lost a lot of sleep over it. Everybody on this forum was very helpful with Bobby. Good luck. ����☺
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Got some bad news.
Robert flew away again.
last night around 7pm. He sleeps in our bedroom as you know. As I opened the cage to bring him inside he got startled by fireworks and flew off into the night. I ran inside to get the electronic gate key and when I came back out, I could not find him in the darkness.
We searched for him this morning at dawn and we are going back out to search for him now (9:45am).
I have cried and cried.
Can't find my prince Robert anywhere.
Hope you find Robert soon. ROBERT?ROBERT?
Good morning guys. Prince Robert is back. I type this with tears in my eyes. I don't have much time this morning so I will summarize and elaborate later.

He flew away 30 December 2016 because of fireworks.
Someone had him and didn't wanna give him back on 22 February 2017.
He flew away from them because he wouldn't let them cut his wings on 11 September 2017.
On 5 October 2017 he returned home... weak, scrawny and scared.
Today, he looks so much better.

Thanks to my wife with put fresh Harrison's High Potency pellets, fruits, veggies, nuts and water every single day for 278 days. Most days I felt sad as I felt he wouldn't come back. When the other person had him and didn't wanna release him, I was devastated. Felt sorta relieved when he flew away from them.

He back...

The prodigal son has returned!

Welcome back Prince Robert!!
Good to hear he's back!

Why didn't you call the police though? That is 100% theft. to be honest if someone got a hold of my pet it wold take a lot to stop me from crashing the door down and getting them back myself
In this country, if the person did not come to your home and take the bird, it's not theft. The bird arrived at their home. Spent a great deal of money looking for way to retrieve him. Just glad he found his way home. Safe and sound...
In this country, if the person did not come to your home and take the bird, it's not theft. The bird arrived at their home. Spent a great deal of money looking for way to retrieve him. Just glad he found his way home. Safe and sound...

WHAT!? That's the most backwards thinking ever for a country. What country are you in? That boggles my mind.

Would still take a lot to stop me from tearing their home apart looking for them.

Like you say though he's home and that's what matters. Just be careful with windows from now on
Oh my gosh, WOW!!! What a story. He sure has gone through A LOT!!!

Don't let him out of your sight! :) Welcome home, Robert!!!!
I was like man this post is so old that 11week yo must be ....

Then I got to the end and OMG! BRILLIANT SUCCESS!

I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!

This gave me a happy that will last all day! :)

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