Baby Green Wing macaw refusing formula at 11 weeks old

And how is Robert doing?? Has his condition improved? Did the vet draw blood, too?

He was exposed to 'something' foreign??? Like what???? :eek:

I truly hope he makes a full recovery!
Interesting that's the antibiotic I'm on for strep throat currently.
Robert played all day outside his cage. Just fed him 90cc of formula and 30cc of carrot puree. He ate 90% of it. And spilled the 10% on the counter top. Still no feeding response but he allowed me to put it at back of his throat. He also just had 1.5cc of antibiotic and 1 drop of multivitamin in 1.5cc of water. He is under the dining table play happily now.
Please don't forget to get the probiotic.
Robert is Adorable I do hope he is fully better soon.
Hi guys. Just an update. The diarrhea has stopped but his urine is still YELLOW for about 3 weeks now. Still having problems feeding him. No feeding response and he spits back out 10% to 50% of the food we feed him. Food is 25% carrot puree (gerber) and Kaytee hand feed formula. He very active climbing up our 7 ft indoor security gate, couches and anything really high up. Flapping up a storm too all day long.

The only disturbing thing is his weight loss. Friday morning he weighed 1000g and Sunday morning (today) he weighs 945g. 2 weeks ago he weighed 1050g. So that's a total of 10% weight loss from 2 weeks ago to now. He feels less 'meaty'. Unsure if this is fledging weight loss or illness weight loss or a combination of both. Either way I am worried. The vet told me that I should only be concerned if it stretches to 25% weight loss then I have to bring him in. He said that because he is only have 75% formula, fledging and is ill, his weight loss will be more than normal.

Waiting for him to poop so I can show it to you all and also email it to the new Vet I found.
Good night everyone
Robert has been flapping and flapping and climbing so much. He then came and begged to hang out, so I picked him up and gave him 2 hrs of TLC tonight and then he ate... wait for it... 110 ml of carrot puree and formula mixed.

So without further wait, here is the poop you have been waiting for!
Faeces is almost well formed. Could be a little more solid.
Urates are white.
Urine is yellow. Not cloudy anymore, just yellow.

I have been reading about a product on amazon to help detox the liver called Aloe Detox. Many reviews state that it helped their birdie. My plan is to run the course of antibiotics (10 days), then wait a week after that, till its out of his system and then do 1 week of Aloe Detox (3 times a day). The maybe do another week of detox with a few days in between.

Tell me what you think.

[ame=""] Lily of The Desert Aloe Herbal Detoxifying Formula, 32 Fluid Ounce: Health & Personal Care[/ame]
The yellow urine would worry me, too. I don't have experience in that area but I have been dealing with some weight loss with my baby Eclectus.

He went from 348g to 340g to 332g over three days. I thankfully am getting some weight back on him. My breeder suggested it could have been a huge bowel movement, combined with the increased activity of going from the small breeder cage to his huge cage, plus ALL the flying.

They are getting a lot more exercise these days. To get my baby eating a bit more, I make his normal formula and then mix in puréed baby food. He loves it so much more. Proper temperature is also very important. He prefers his around 106F-107F and refuses anything less than 104F.

I ordered the Avitech Weight Gain supplement just in case we have any more weight loss. My breeder stressed the importance of daily weight checks each morning, after the big bomb poop but before any food consumption. Especially because my guy is an Ekkie and she said Eclectus are slow and complicated when weaning. I have been playing it by ear and offering plenty of food and variety.

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Robert flew for the first time this morning. I let him out around 6am and wife and I started preparing his formula and carrots. He climbed to the top of his cage in the living room which is 2.5 ft high. We were in the kitchen, about 15 ft away. All of a sudden there was a gush of wind over us and down came Super Robert from 7 ft high and 15 ft away. He also landed so gracefully. Gave him much praise. After that he had a whopping 120 ml of formula. Made formula at 110 f and a little thinner and he drank it all.

For those wondering, this is what I mix into his formula... makes up 25% of what he eats. Says no iron. Lemme know if to continue using this.

WO-HOOOO! Way to go Robert! :D Now let the REAL adventure begin!

Yes, you can continue mixing the baby foods under his formula! I am so tickled to read he ate so well for you this morning, after his maiden flight. :D
Hey all.

Robert ate another 120 ml of formula at 2pm. So happy. Still not begging for food or head bobbing but he ate it.

This picture is him at 8 weeks and him at almost 14 weeks. Can't believe 6 weeks has passed already.

This look like signature material. Was playing the fool with the stylus lasso app and made this.
Oh yes, that would make a really nice signature! :)

So happy to hear he ate well again!
Well done Super Robert (that is gonna stick you know?), great stuff.
Glad the news pleased you guys.

Just fed him another 120 ml. That's 5 meals so far. His stomach is emptying so fast. Usually takes 8hrs now its empty in like 5 - 6 hrs. He came to me and just sat there looking at me and when I checked his crop it was empty so I fed him.

One thing though, i saw him throw up a little food a few minutes after I fed him on 2 of the 5 feedings of 120 ml. I did some research and they said the antibiotics makes him nauseous. Felt sad to see it. Wasn't much just an inch in diameter.

His current weight for today is 960g.
Night guys, fed Robert 90 ml as the 120 ml seems to make him throw up a little.

After I fed him I decided to grab a bite. Took me 45mins to eat as I had to fight off Robert from my plate. He flew up to my lap and I placed him back to the ground then he flew back up to my lap again. This repeated about 12 times. I put him on the table and he jumped back down to my lap. Anywhere I put him he just flew back to my lap. Now that I have finished eating he is just sitting on my stomach licking my top and bottom lips. He is also obsessed with my teeth. Constantly trying to open my mouth. He takes 5 minute breaks to do this erie beak crunching and grinding. Then he goes back to licking my lips and goes back to beak grinding. Why does he grind beak? Beak crunching/grind is loud and it crawls my blood a little.

Can't get him off my stomach. I wanna pee and can't move. Hostage!
He's happy and content if he's beak grinding, love him.

Have you never had the fortune of having to sit on the loo with a parrot on your shoulder cause they absolutely refuse to go anywhere else? Welcome to parronting.

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