Baby Green Wing macaw refusing formula at 11 weeks old

Before I go to bed I have to bump this......this is a heartwarming thing for people to see.....
Hi guys,
Good morning,

Pictures will be coming soon as he looks a little better. He is being pampered with every food you can imagine.
We had an idea of the area he was but couldn't pinpoint the actual house. But seeing that Robert was well known, many rumours about who had him emerged. People said there was a home that recently got a large red Macaw and they were trying to cut his wings and he won't let them. It's illegal to go to other people's homes and accuse them or stand in their driveway even if they have no fence or gate is open.

He doesn't wanna leave our side.
He came back mumbling all sorts of new things. He sounded a little like a wild macaw.
Every lunchtime another macaw comes and sits on his cage and they mumble together. I invited this stranger inside many times for a treat, but he wouldn't cross the front door.

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