Wounded Lovebird

I know, I'm not the only one with issues like that. I don't have the extra bone in my back, but I have something that can be surgically fixed.

But right now I don't think I've ever felt this (excuse me) shtty because people think I'm trolling. Facts people.

1. You don't know what I look like so proving to you Nips is real will be pretty hard.

2. I have feelings, you all are hurting me because of what your saying.

4. Going to ask my dad for the money to take Nips to the vet this week or next week.

I only ask, please stop hassling me

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This is a very long topic, but i just wanted to say about your medical issues..

I am 18.. I tore the ligaments in my ankle when i was 16, and had to quit soccer, because ever game it would snap my ankle across again..

When i did it, it was so bad, the doctors all said it was broken.. Each and every week since then, i will roll that ankle, and it swells up again..

I have an extra bone in my back, which the doctors told me i would always have back issues and aches..

I cant lean in one position for more than a few seconds because it aches, which makes it incredibly difficult to clean out my horses hooves...

I had a riding accident 3 weeks ago, and for 2 weeks i couldnt bend my knees at all, my knee cap was out of place, but EACH and EVERY day, i cleaned Fargos cage, even though it was hurting me, i still did it.. because i care SO much about him..

I dont care if i was almost dying, i would still do everything in my power to make sure he is ok..

I still can not put any pressure on my knees, so cleaning his cage is still difficult, but im still doing it...

I walked my horses with a busted ankle and swollen knees, just so they would get to their paddocks..

My wrists click, and so does my jaw.. I also have a crack in my collar bone, and have asthma...

So you can not use your medical issues as an excuse, because i have them too :/

And everyone has parent issues...

Go for a walk, and find some branches for your lovebird!

Everyone on this forum has just tried to help you, and you haven't taken any of their advice, you should be thankful everyone on here is so caring towards your situation all this time... All they want is the health and safety of little Nip!

As for your question, YES people would care and love Nip even though she is bald, thats why people rescue.. ALOT of people prefer to rehome and rescue because they are giving the poor bird a better life! :)

summed up perfectly :D
As Tab said, of COURSE people would care for a plucked bird. MANY MANY people rescue these birds, some with no feathers at all.

And also, yes we ALL have medical problems, family problems, money problems, you are making out like you are the only one in the world with these things!! EVERYONE deals with them. But we still make sure we give the care that our birds need!! Or if we can no longer provide it, re-homing is the option. You've already been told this.

You are not taking ANY of our advice, all you are doing is trying to make everyone feel sorry for you! Yes, life can suck sometimes, and I feel bad that you are going through it!! But my life is HELL at times, its seriously a living HELL. That's LIFE, sometimes it sucks, sometimes its good. Its not an excuse to deny care to a loved one.
I am sorry if you are getting upset with this thread..

All i can say is that everyone on here is incredibly passionate towards birds, so you have to understand where they are coming from when they see a lovebird plucking itself, and all they are trying to do is help the little thing, but it seems the owner isn't listening!

It is honestly so easy to make toys... Fargo prefers natural wood and big leaves to coloured blocks anyway, so the fancy expensive stuff does not matter!

Just go for a drive or a walk, and get some leaves and branches so they can chew the bark, and see how you go!

If you want i can close this thread so there can be no more comments? Up to you! :)
You came onto this forum, asking for help. We all offered you advice, there is some FANTASTIC advice on this thread, but you keep knocking it all back and making up excuses for everything! Its your fault that your feelings are hurt, not ours. All we have tried to do is HELP you and your bird. If you ask for help and you are genuine about it, then take it and use our advice!
From your facebook you look like you are in an area with PLENTY of trees.
I'm not denying care for Nips.

And why would you care KC?! Your one of the ones who questioned if Nips is real or not. How can you say something like that and then tell me to care for a loved one? Do you know what you did when I read that? I can't believe your still allowed on the forums. That was uncalled for. Very uncalled for.

No it was not uncalled for at all. Sadly this forum attracts many trolls and fake people, and when your answers are all over the place and you refuse to take simple advice such as get your bird a free branch from a tree, then yes, of course I will question if this is real!! lol
I have trees, but the construction for the new neighborhood has put dust and chemicals in the air. I'd rather not take a branch from a tree in my area. This weekend I do plan to go out and find a nice tree for her. But I won't troll anyone. I respect all of your help, but I do take offence when someone tells me I'm doing something I'm not. I am not ignoring any of you. I'm just trying to make money. I've sold my kindle, and N64. I have about $50 set aside for Nips so when the time comes and I get the rest of the money I can take her to the vet.

I understand that. Next time you go for a drive, get some branches from trees away from the construction. And I am glad you are saving money for her vet trip, she really needs it.
I had an interview, but they didn't tell me I didn't get the job for the longest time. Reason why? Conflict of interest. It just keeps getting more and more complicated. So lets just start from this month.

I work 3 days a week. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. I make $8.50 an hour. I am dealing with a possible fractured or maybe a torn ligament in my left ankle. My mom yells at me because I am tumbling and not focusing. Why am I tumbling? Because she wants me to join the George Mason Co-ed Cheer team. (Give you any hints to where I live now?) I can ask my dad again if he'll give me the money to take Nips to the vet (he got a job again yay :) ) but I'm more focused on my health right now. I mean I'm 20 years old with back problems of a 60+ year old, and with a possible fracture/torn ligament in my ankle (Also could just be arthritis.) Nips isn't plucking anymore, so the shampoo is working. I will still take her to the vet, but I'm doing what I can for her with my limited funds. I already owe $500 to BillMeLater, and I don't think I can go into debt with a vet. Why? Because I have till December to pay back BillMeLater before they add interest. Now MC has taken the time to help me by giving me helpful ideas. But as I stated in my previous post, if I want to work at my current job I need a doctors note that says I can. (New company policy which I hate because my injury was before.)

I've tried hard to be relaxed when I reply to you all in the forums, but as MC stated, I'm stressed. Between Nips, school, my parents, finding a 2nd job, work, and trying to keep a social life.

I've considered selling my flock, but the thing is what'll happen to Nips? Will someone want her even though she's bald? Will they take care of her? Will the take her to the vet? I don't want my flock to get separated, I want them all to stay together.

This post isn't to sound mean, but it's to clear anything up. If you need anymore information just message me like MC has been doing. I like that more then having you all scold me.


diagnosed at 17 with clinical depression.

diagnosed --with a full body bone scan-- with osteoarthritis in my left shouler, both hips, left knee at age 20

diagnosed with plantar's fasciitis in right foot by same bone scan at age 20.

diagnosed with asthma in left lung at age 18.

diagnosed with costochondritis at age 17.

diagnosed with tendonitis in left wrist at age 16.

i had severely torn one of my larger thigh muscles when i was 15 and that leg is still occasionally stiff.

i suffer frequent migraines and sleeping disorders related to my ADHD, diagnosed at 6 years old (for the ADHD)

despite all of this, i put my problems aside to help my pets. if i am having a depressive episode where i dont want to do anything, too bad for me, i get up off my butt and take care of my pets, regardless of my depression. my joints hurt? i still get up and scrub my pets cages clean, i still lift heavy litter boxes (i have cats too) to change out their litter. i put aside my pains and inconveniences for my pets because they are my children and i love them all dearly. i made the decision to be responsible for them, and their needs are just as important as my own, only i am the one responsible for their needs--which means it comes down to me to do it for them.

i feel for you, honestly, but i feel more worried about your bird. no offense to you as i personally do not know you or your full situation. however, a lot of what you say keeps going around in circles and is confusing and frustrating everyone.

fact is, we all have our problems with family, we all have our own health needs. that's the point of my post as well. i have some advice for you, coming from someone who does have a lot of health problems as well and still works and cares for pets (much more pets than your number as well!)

this is not to make light of your problems or anyone elses, however, think of it this way. your problems dont have to be problems. make them a challenge to overcome and when you overcome them, have some confidence that you can do it, therefore you will also boost your self esteem. you CAN always find a way to overcome your pain and needs, and i would hope that another innocent life would be the best motivation for you to do that. Nips needs you and i'd like to hope you'd be the better person and put her needs first, because you know what its like to be ignored when you were in pain and in need. please, try a little harder and try to accept that you are responsible for Nips and the others, for better or for worse.

:) i do not mean offense to you personally, i just worry for your bird. i know i probably come off as harsh, and i dont fully intend to, but when i worry about a living creature who is in need, i tend to be more blunt than needed, which is a fault of mine, i fully admit it.

make your problems challenges for you to overcome, not excuses to avoid the issue ;) i mean that in a good way, as personal advice.
This is the best photo I have. I was told to do this, and Nips would stand still unless I gave her the paper. Don't worry she's not chewing on the writing.
PS you all got different colors XD

Okay thank you, this proves that this is a real situation. Now please please please, I beg you to take on some of this advice very seriously. Go back over this thread, read the advice given, Especially on separate caging (She needs a bigger cage then the carry case) Its much safer if you use paper as a lining to the cage (Get a cage that has a grate to stop her from getting to the paper) Get some branches this weekend, make some cheap toys for her and then get her to the vet. She will be so much happier and you will feel happier in yourself that you have improved this little birds life so much.
It should also be noted that birds pick up on our emotions, and seeing as you are going through so much and are very stressed, it could be stressing out your birds as well. So try to remain calm, and just remember EVERYONE goes through hard ship. Seriously, we do. I am out of a job at the moment and I have been searching for months, its so stressful and depressing, as well as numerous health problems and problems with my family etc. But I still make sure my birds have everything they need. I don't know how things work where you are from, but perhaps you can get some kind of benefits or help from the government? That is what I had to do to get by.
Just listen to everyones advice and just do whats best for Nips, even if it may not be whats best for you!!!!

I don't have room for a 3rd cage. :/
Gabby and Dino don't get along so I can't put them in 1 cage.
It's tough. Lol I have the most pets in my room, but I have the smallest room in the house. ._.

There are some great cages that can be stacked up on top of each other, someone sent you a link to them, they will save a lot of space, and can be picked up cheaply on ebay. But you may have to consider asking your parents to let you move the cages somewhere else as well.
Tab that is so cute. :)

KC at the time my uncle is stay with us. So there's no real room to move the cages. I'll try to find a larger then the carrier but small stackable cage for her. Plus I'm scared my Great Dane will become unafraid of the birds and knock the cage over.

I know I should be done with this thread, but tab_xo is there any way her Facebook information could be removed? Or maybe Lovely can remove it herself?

I just don't think it's best to post your Facebook up on a public forum.

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