Wounded Lovebird

I know I should be done with this thread, but tab_xo is there any way her Facebook information could be removed? Or maybe Lovely can remove it herself?

I just don't think it's best to post your Facebook up on a public forum.

agreed. i wouldnt want her personal information to be abused.
Just listen to everyones advice and just do whats best for Nips, even if it may not be whats best for you!!!!

Are my amazons the only ones on here that go to bed at 7 and consider that late?
Removed the facebook link :)

And what do you mean? It is only 1pm here in Australia, but Fargos bedtime is 7pm each and every day! :p
Removed the facebook link :)

And what do you mean? It is only 1pm here in Australia, but Fargos bedtime is 7pm each and every day! :p

Thank you for removing the link. :)

My bad. I thought you were in the states. :)
Guys I'll be honest, I don't care about what people say about me. I've been called everything. I've even had a death threat put on me. Nothing scares me, it's just when people tell me I don't care about my pets. Then I rage. Lol, but I can always edit it. So hang on.

OH and Dally I'll look into that type of cage. for them. Where will I put it and how will I afford it o-o

That cage can actually be found on Amazon for 36 bucks :P

Its the same one I have for Porter; as the little stinker doesn't like bigger cages.

Its the LARGEST I could get him to accept, not that he's ever in it unless he's playing with all the toys I've got crammed in there!

Lovely these folks all helped me when I started out with my new bird; even though I've had others in the past I had some things I didn't know! Like how dowel and some plastic perches aren't good for my little guys. Now I'm making my own Grapewood perches !

Bird people are sometimes crazy people... we love our birds to the point that they are in truth our children, at least in my case.. as I have no kids of my own, and likely never will be able to; (medical issues).

We mean well though, so don't take the critical remarks to heart...

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Petco-Designer-White-Finch-Flight/dp/B004I2KCF4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380165245&sr=8-1&keywords=finch+flight+cage"]Amazon.com: Petco Designer White Finch Flight Cage: Pet Supplies[/ame]

Right there -

We just want to help.
My suggestion is get one of those, and put the two lovebirds that get along in it.

Then put Dino in the cage you used to have Gabby and Nips in. I have the exact same one.. its a little small but if you hang it from the ceiling you can likely save a little room that way, and my small birds always LOVE it when I put them in there for 'sunshine time'.
well, you know your room. what can you move? measure about 40" and see where that would fit. that should give you 10" to spare, since the first cage i showed you is 30" wide.

as to how you can afford it... can you do maybe a small yard sale of some things you are willing to part with? but first and foremost you should worry first about affording the vet bill. then worry about the cage :) play video games? have any you dont play anymore? sell them on craigslist :)
jugoya's suggestion is also a good one if that's a workable situation for you.
Haha I need to get a new cage for Dino anyway. (the bottom is held together with glue XD ) I like the Amazon price better. And I will get 3 of the cages.

Also none of my lovebirds get along. (JERKS!) They don't know about sharing and caring. -sigh- I wish Gabby wasn't such a !!!!!! and Dino wasn't a punk. LOL >.> Ok! I will get the cages x-x soon. and ask dad if he'll help fund Nips' trip to the vet.

I'm a crazy budgeter..

lols. But if you saved 10$ every month.. you could have the cage by christmas :P.

If you want.. message me with images of all your current cages and measure them if you can. I might be able to help you come up with a way to combine a few of them to help you make them 'larger' by putting two cages together.
When you get the cages it is possible to use the old ones to make a divider. Relatively easy actually! It might work as a temporary solution after all! What size cage do your quaker's have? just for curiousities sake? ^^
My cages are crazy sizes. And Nips is in a tiny carrier but gets spoiled with fly time. So I want to get 3 of these cages :) to keep each of them happy. And I can't wait till Christmas. D:
Q-Q I don't want Nips to suffer with a small cage that long, then again I hope to get her birdy butt to the vet

It's bed time for me exam in the morning, and bed time for the birdies

Well those cages are 18"Wx 18"H x 30"; for a temporary solution you can set up a divider in that cage; and keep one of them in the green and white cage until you can afford two more :3. Dismantle one of your cages and use one of the sides for that.

That way you can work on getting better, taking Nips to the vet AND still give her more room right? Don't overwelm yourself at first; you CAN progress towards this slowly. Work within the budget.
Here's a slightly smaller cage (24 x 16 x 16) that has a built in removable divider. Costs more, but it has the divider.... so it could be used as a cage to kind of split up a pair of birds. It's tiny.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/YML-Small-Breeding-Cages-Divider/dp/B0002A6V42/]Amazon.com: YML Small Breeding Cages with Divider, White: Pet Supplies[/ame]

Lovely, I still got your location so I'm going to send some links your way. I doubt they'll be helpful but ionno....

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