Wounded Lovebird

It doesn't have anything harmful to it. Its normal Kay-Kobb bedding. I've been using it even before Nips' issue.

I love the Corn cobbed bedding, because it has a nice relaxing aroma to it. My birds don't eat it though. I don't like the newspapers though because Dino loves to spill the water bowl sometimes, and it just spreads.

This is what I am referring to. The "aroma" is not good.
Oh! Sorry. :I

Well I had to get rid of the last. I didn't want to waste it, because it was my money that bought it.

Hey! I don't want to throw my money away, I worked hard for the money. I might as well finish off the bag, and then I'll switch my birds cage to newspaper

Why would you want to keep using something that might be harming your bird :/

You would rather harm your bird than waste maybe 5 dollars whats left in the bag?

I have chucked away sooo many bags of horse food i have bought before, just cause i thought it smelt funny and wouldnt dare feed it to my horses...
Lovely, please consider listening to the advise people here are giving you. People here want the best for Nips and are passionate about it. Yes a proper vet visit will be costly because a proper vet will run tests. If you can not afford a large amount look into a payment plan or help that is available. I witnessed the vet office that I take my dog to give a phone number to a crying lady with a real skinny dog (that sounded like sick by her description) a phone number for money help because she did not have the kind of money needed to pay for the help the dog needed. Now I live in a poorer state and it would cost me money if I had to have my vet run tests on my bird. I seen you said it cost you 500 dollars just to have a vet look over the bird. If a vet does a regular check up that inspects the bird all over, look at its feathers, and look at its dropping (without running any tests) it should not cost that much. I use to use corn cobb bedding for a little while till I learned how bad it can be. I tossed it out and never looked back. I will be blunt you will also save money when you use newspapers and paper towels instead of that corn cobb. Now I understand the birds represent memories of your aunt and your aunt must had strong reason to believe you would care for her birds. However, instead see them as living beings and more then just a memory of a loved one. I do think you love them like your aunt does but sit down a decided what needs to be done for Nips and your other animals to keep them healthy. Love all the animals in your care the same and you can not go wrong. Please keep us updated.

Wishing Nips a fast recovery.
Guys I know what your saying. I know what you want me to do. But that bag of Kay-Kob bedding was pretty much my whole pay when I bought it. I don't want to throw out a paycheck. It's gone already the Quakers knocked the bag onto the floor and ruined the rest of the kay-kob.

Also! It's really nice outside. Can I let Nips sit in the sun for about 1-1.5 hours? It's shady right now where she's at but I want her to have the same outside time like my other 2.

It also gives me time to clean up their mess.


Yes sunny fresh air is awesome!
Ok! So I can leave her outside for a while?
She's enjoying it a lot, its been too cold for field trips outside.

Ok! So I can leave her outside for a while?
She's enjoying it a lot, its been too cold for field trips outside.


Well is it cold or is it nice outside??? What's the temperature?
My phone says its 83 outside. But their sitting in the shade. Once that shade moves I'll bring then back inside


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