Wounded Lovebird

Ruptured Air Sac

The title is a little bit of a lie, but I think that might be the case for my little girl. I noticed two sacs that were full of liquid, while she was getting a bath yesterday. I know have a picture of them, but I want to know if my suspicion is correct. The pictures show where, I saw them at.
I know its not that good. but its all I got.

Any advise, her trip to the vet is closing in.

1 week left. :3



Ruptured Air Sac

If it is a raptured air sac you might need to take them to a vet.

Here's some information on it:

1. Air Sac Rupture from www.avianweb.com

Air sacs are located inside the neck, chest and belly. When ruptured, air will leak from the sac and accumulate under the bird's skin. If air is not released, the tear in the sac will enlarge. The vet will disinfect skin, poke the air sack with a sterile needle to allow the trapped air to escape. Surgical repair / antibiotic therapy may be necessary.

2. Here's a site with first aid information (I know it's for cockatiels but in this case I believe it applies).


ETA: I'm not sure if it is a raptured air sac as it's hard to see. It's hard to say what it is, but here's some information on tumors:


Have you tried googling to see if it could be a tumor? I know it's a weird location, but it could be possible.

The best thing to do is just wait until you take them to see a vet. :)
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Re: Ruptured Air Sac

I'm afraid to take her to the vet though. I know it'll do her good, but I just don't want to here "It's too late to do anything for her." I just hope I get the 2nd job, that would make paying for her appointment and medication/treatments so much easier.

I'm scared I don't want to lose my first Lovebird.:(

What happened????? How did Nips going from looking like THIS on September 24th

To looking like THIS September 29th?????

Or was the first picture not taken on that date? Is it perhaps an older picture????
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Re: Ruptured Air Sac

I'm afraid to take her to the vet though. I know it'll do her good, but I just don't want to here "It's too late to do anything for her." I just hope I get the 2nd job, that would make paying for her appointment and medication/treatments so much easier.

I'm scared I don't want to lose my first Lovebird.:(


If it's a good avian vet they will do their best to make sure that Nips is fine. She appears healthy. She's eating, drinking and active. There is no reason an avian vet would have to put her down. If the plucking is behavioral and not medical, then they might not be able to do much in that regards, but you can still discuss with the a-vet on ways to try and stop it... one option is using a cone or collar to prevent her from plucking and allowing her feathers to grow back.

You can test for giardia, an internal parasite that is known to cause plucking. Do a skin biopsy, gram stain, etc.

It's similar to going to a human doctor. They do a physical exam, may want to do some testing to see what's going on, and if meds will help then they will prescribe medications.
Hi Lovely, someone pointed me i your direction. I did not go through every page but will try and address what I did see. When a bird is plucking or mutilating it is very important to separate from the rest of the flock. This is important for health reasons as well as the danger of other birds injuring this one.
I know you are preparing to go to the vet and money is a problem. It is so very important to have this little lovey seen though. I would definitely have a skin scraping done and test for Giardia, yeast and bacteria.
I am not real clear on the pics of possible crop rupture or air sac injury. Either one is extremely serious and needs to be addressed by a vet. Crop injuries can be fatal if they are not treated. Air sacs can be treated very easily by an avian vet.
This little bird needs a collar ASAP! Mutilating the chest and under the wing can cause serious damage and bacterial infection. I have a rehome CAG that mutilates under the wings. He came to me in such bad condition that he has developed scar tissue that causes him to never have the ability to open his wings or fly.
They are many soft collars available that are very easy to use. You can message me and I can put you in touch with a lady who makes excellent ones.
While a collar is very important it does not negate putting off a vet appointment.
Has diet also been mentioned here? Some birds have allergies that cause them to pluck and mutilate. If you feed pellets steer clear of artificially colored ones. Try to stick to organic ones such as Harrisons and TOPs.
If you are feeding seeds make sure it is a clean seed, such as Volkmans.
Offer lots of fresh veggies, especially orange ones such as carrots, yams, pumpkins and sweet potato which can all be cooked and made soft. Adding a bit of natural cinnamon is very beneficial for their immune systems.
Sadly, plucking and mutilating is not an easy fix. Patience and following through with a collar and most importantly a vet visit will hopefully bring you answers.
I hope this helps and your baby is soon better.
I'm sorry it didn't really dawn on me till MC said something to me.

Time line of a Healthy to Sick bird:
Nips' Story.

February 2012: A week after Flutter Shy's sudden Death, Dino joined Nips. Bringing her back from depression.
Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting

July 22, 2013: Nips' mild plucking begins, only noticeable after a nice bath.
Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting

August 25, 2013: Nips' plucking has gone untreated, and then I ran into you nice folks here.
Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting

September 23, 2013: After (I think its her 2nd or 3rd bath) with the Feathershine shampoo. Down feathers are soaked, but there is growth on her back and chest.
Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting

I have other pictures and the past 2 pictures I have posted, are from last night (October 1st)

I think you may have confused members when you posted a photo of Nips fully feathered. I read that post as that's what you wish Nips looked like and you can't wait for her to be beautiful again.

Other people took it to mean that she suddenly feathered up again and defeathered shortly after...
yeah, I added a date I hope that would clear it up. She's still plucked, and right now shes sleeping.

^ So needed^

I have taken Nips to the vet. Well... The vet said she's fine, I questioned the call, but the vet said she's a healthy bird self molting (I can't spell sorry)

My face met my cars dashboard when I got out of the vet's office. I was so upset, I feel like I wasted $60 at the vet. But I went, I guess Nips is just a healthy Lovebird.

Please don't yell at me. :(

An idiot vet.....
For once I agree. Someone who came HIGHLY recommended by a bird breeder. Anyway, does anyone have some home remedies I can try?

Did the vet run any tests??
Any bird that is self mutilating is not a healthy bird....

Unless your vet did blood tests to check, then there is no way they would know if she is healthy or not
I didn't have money for the test :/
Not to mention I got a speeding ticket today. (Not my week. -sigh- )

But I'm taking her to Pender Animal Hospital in a few weeks when I get paid again.

I bought her a bigger cage too. :)
It has a lot of toys so I hope it can distract her so she wont pick off her growing feathers.


Cute cage but why are you still putting the scented Cobb bedding in there???
I'm trying to use the last of the large bag I have. I have to clean Gabby's cage and then it'll be gone.

I'm trying to use the last of the large bag I have. I have to clean Gabby's cage and then it'll be gone.


You are missing the point. The scented product might be irritating your bird and contributing to her feather plucking.....

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