Wounded Lovebird

So this is my set up for the birds. (I'd show you my whole room, but it's kinda messy XD )


They could use more natural perches and rope perches, as well as more destructible toys, but really, they don't look like they are in a horrible condition!

Sometimes, birds may get along better if they are in a large enough cage to escape from each other, but well, some birds are just feisty to begin with! That includes lovebirds! LOL
Those other two cages look fine for your purposes for the moment!

I'd suggest just one white one for now; and you will be fine, you should at least be able to put the white cage under one of those! =D

A few more perches are a good idea as well... would you happen to live near a winery or a vineyard aka wine grapes?

Grapewood makes for AMAZING perches. As for shreddable toys.. do you have any books you don't like anymore? I tear a book in half, remove the cover and just stick that in the cage; the parakeets shred shred shred on that all day long.

Or a phonebook makes for a good shredable toy xP.
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I use to have the green cage you have. I had it in blue though. :)

A way I kept my companions happy was, when I got home if let the first group out for an hour. Then the other group. If you get enough natural branches (especially big ones) them you can use that as play stand.

Some of my birds really liked a cheap play area I made. All it was was newspaper on the floor/ table (where it would be put), branches, and cardboard boxes. I had a big box with holes cut in it so it was bright inside. They liked to chew on it and move the smaller boxes. You could add footsie toys (even though they're too big, some like shredding it).

You could add wood beads (you can dye them for cheap), paper folded up in orgami, and treats in small thin boxes.

You could also make "mini retreats." A bunch of safe plants and branches. In the center would be a water dish and seeds.

Just see what they like and from you can build cheap play areas.
made from sycamore, willow, and birch assortments.... i hardly paid anything for it, i made it all mostly from scratch, even a lot of the toys. i bought the two rope perches on the cage though, the spiral perch i also made.

if i had to say a total of cost i paid to make this, maybe almost $20 for everything i had to buy, like toy parts, hardware, twine, etc.

you can do it too :D
Thanks for the ideas guys!
I'll have to figure out how I can make some more room for a play perch.

That play gym is awesome!!! :)
That play gym is awesome!!! :)

I know I want one for my birds! Lol I want it to go around my whole room They'd have so much fun!

You should have a look at Tab's photos, she has incorporated her birds play gym to go all around her room and she still has room for her stuff. Thats an idea if space is very limited :)
Thanks for the ideas guys!
I'll have to figure out how I can make some more room for a play perch.


If you go with a floor play area then you don't need to permanently have it there. I'd just put the newspapers and toys on the ground while they played. When they were done, if the boxes were still good I'd put them in a bag and throw the newspaper out.
My birds have their wings still. So I want something they can fly around.

My birds have their wings still. So I want something they can fly around.


That's fine. :)

I was just thinking of my birds. They were all flighted but some still liked playing on the floor. :)
Ok. I'll have to talk to my dad about this, because he'd have to help me build it. I'd also have to take down everything that has paper off my walls. I learned the hard way when I went away for a week and let my day watch the birds. All he did was let them out for an hour in my room and close them back up. Came home to my posters of Nastia and my Senior panorama chewed up everywhere. Q-Q

Guys this is super important!
I got my first parking ticket today! :(
It's $50 and I wanna pay it off before my mom finds out. I don't get paid till Thursday, but I also don't want to wait till Thursday (What if they send a notice?!) I still have the $50 I have set aside for Nips' vet appointment. But seeing as I'm getting paid Thursday I can just refund myself the money.

Should I use the $50 to save my butt, or not?

P.S I have an interview on Monday for a second job! :D

Guys this is super important!
I got my first parking ticket today! :(
It's $50 and I wanna pay it off before my mom finds out. I don't get paid till Thursday, but I also don't want to wait till Thursday (What if they send a notice?!) I still have the $50 I have set aside for Nips' vet appointment. But seeing as I'm getting paid Thursday I can just refund myself the money.

Should I use the $50 to save my butt, or not?

P.S I have an interview on Monday for a second job! :D


The parking ticket should have how many days you have to pay it off. I think it's typically 14 days (my dad loves getting them - two times in one day even).

I'd wait until you get your paycheck if possible. I know it's tempting but you can't touch Nips' money. Think of it as his money like he's been doing extra sweet things for it. ;)

If it's too much temptation get a piggy bank that the only way to get the money is by smashing it.

ETA: Good luck on your interview. :)
Thanks. I haven't caught Nip's plucking in 2 days :D
Good signs YAY!

and Thank you

Giving Nips' her bath today, I noticed a bag of fluid by her neck at the top of her wings. I don't know what that is. Anyone know?
She also gave herself a bath right before I picked her up to put her in the one with the medication (Smart bird)

Could be her crop that you are looking at.
The arrows are pointed at where I saw the fluid sacks. I looked it up, and I got ruptured air sac. I can try to get a picture of the thing, but I'd have to get her wet again.




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