Wounded Lovebird

You seem to have an excuse for everything people say... You don't need to get a tree from around you, tree's are everywhere.. go for a walk away from the construction and get some branches..

Honestly, if you care as much as you say you do then why do you keep making an excuse for every suggestion that comes up? My bird got sick, I could NOT afford it, had to borrow money, go without food etc, and she end up costing me $1000! I still get sick thinking about where I could have spent that money and the bills it could have gone towards, but you know what, she is my responsibility and I love her and I want her to be happy and healthy, so its the sacrifice I made. If you can't make it too, then honestly, the birds need a new home. When you get pets you accept the responsibility to care for them, which means providing them with mental stimulation, the correct diet, lots of love and attention and of course health care when needed. Sometimes things happen in life - You lose your job - or you get very sick and you can no longer provide these things. When that is the case, its time to do something very unselfish and give the birds up to a better home, to someone who can afford to give them the care you can't.
You seem to have an excuse for everything people say... You don't need to get a tree from around you, tree's are everywhere.. go for a walk away from the construction and get some branches..

Honestly, if you care as much as you say you do then why do you keep making an excuse for every suggestion that comes up? My bird got sick, I could NOT afford it, had to borrow money, go without food etc, and she end up costing me $1000! I still get sick thinking about where I could have spent that money and the bills it could have gone towards, but you know what, she is my responsibility and I love her and I want her to be happy and healthy, so its the sacrifice I made. If you can't make it too, then honestly, the birds need a new home. When you get pets you accept the responsibility to care for them, which means providing them with mental stimulation, the correct diet, lots of love and attention and of course health care when needed. Sometimes things happen in life - You lose your job - or you get very sick and you can no longer provide these things. When that is the case, its time to do something very unselfish and give the birds up to a better home, to someone who can afford to give them the care you can't.

Sadly, I doubt Lovely will listen. I wish the best for these little guys and that one day they do find a home that will care for them. It doesn't even sound like money is the issue - the issue is her. Why have pets if you can't even be bothered to get a branch for them?

Don't want the branch? Make cheap toys. I've had lovebirds and they're destruction isn't as bad as my amazons.

Don't have much money? Then why do you spend it on bedding that could potentially kill your parrots? Use newspaper. I've even showed her an article on it.
None of it makes any sense, really. Some people just like the drama, so they keep stirring the pot to keep things going. I love the idea about the branches, and both Rio and Kiwi would love love love love it.

Question though, how do I know which trees are not toxic. I have no idea the names of the trees in my area, except for a fruit tree, but unless it's it fruiting, ha I haven't got a clue! :)
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None of it makes any sense, really. Some people just like the drama, so they keep stirring the pot to keep things going. I love the idea about the branches, and both Rio and Kiwi would love love love love it.

Question though, how do I know which trees are not toxic. I have no idea the names of the trees in my area, except for a fruit tree, but unless it's it fruiting, ha I haven't got a clue! :)

If you're interested in getting some branches perhaps you could:

1. If you're able to walk in a natural park:
• Google the common types of native trees in your area.
• Cross reference with safe trees.
• See which are available to use and find out how they look.
• Go for walk and get some branches.

2. If you're unable to go to a natural park:
• Try and find out what type you have. Take pictures and then research it on the Internet. You should look at the bark, leaves, flowers, colors, texture, and anything else worth noting to properly identify.
• Cross reference with safe trees.
• See which are available to use and find out how they look.
• Go for walk and get some branches.
Here's photos of the millet that's been growing in the yard. The dried up one is kind of small, but the others are larger... except for the one that hasn't gone to seed yet, that'll be the biggest plant!

Wasn't even trying to grow these, they just sprouted.

View attachment 8791 0127.webp

View attachment 8789 0121.webp

When I lived in the suburbs I could easily take branches from my own trees. Now I live in turn in an industrial area near a busy road. We have semi trucks going right behind the house! And we aren't that far away from the train tracks, either... which are used. I also live in the desert, so it's not like I can go to the mountains and find a safe tree to take branches from! There's a lot of safe brush and pine trees. Although pine wood is safe, pine branches are often covered in sap.

Now, I don't know where you live other than "east coast", but as far as I know, it's pretty green over there! See if you can get yourself familiarized with the various plants. I'd imagine that you could easily find some trees safe to use, even if you need to go a little bit out of your way to find them.

I love the idea about the branches, and both Rio and Kiwi would love love love love it.

Question though, how do I know which trees are not toxic. I have no idea the names of the trees in my area, except for a fruit tree, but unless it's it fruiting, ha I haven't got a clue! :)

Sammy is correct! If you can get a small twig or branch from a tree that has some leaves on it, you can Google "tree identification" and it can help you ID the tree using the leaves and bark.

Here's a couple of sites that might help


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Yeah go for a walk, sadly there's construction everywhere! I use to live in a nice wooded area, but now their taking them and building houses.

And I'm getting a @#$%ing 2nd job! What else do you want me to do? I'm doing everything I can do to get her some professional help. You all must have selective reading. Here let me help you.
There. Now I'm not making drama you and your selective reading is what is causing the drama. She's growing her down feathers, I've ordered a toy for her to chew on so maybe she'll chew on that and not herself. There's not much more I can do. I've already asked my parents for money, and they won't fund me.
Because I'm going back to the doctors for my ankle, so I can get a doctors note so I can keep working at my current job. Please stop saying I'm not listening.
You want me to take her to the vet? My health comes first with the job I have now. If I can't coach then I can't work, which means I can't make money. So I need A to do B to earn C. Get it?

Yes there was attitude in that, but you all have been repeating the same thing. I've responded to your request. What more do you want me to do?

Lovely - I'm sure you are going to take offense to this, too, but I mean it with all sincerity. You may want to investigate whether your school allows you access to counseling. Most schools have free programs for students. There is something seriously disturbing about this thread and your reactions.

You say that people are "selective reading". Well, how do you explain this: In post number 13 you state you are working 2 jobs. Now you state you are getting a second job. And, in post number 15 you state that you are getting a dog "soon", then freak out at everyone who advises against that, YELLING that you aren't getting a dog for 2.5 years and we are all apparently idiots.

People are trying to help you - BECAUSE YOU ASKED FOR HELP. You don't like what people are suggesting. You are terribly inconsistent, then get all huffy that everyone is "selective reading". You seriously don't act like a 20 year old college student and I wonder if that part is true. I hope that you get help for your bird, that has been suffering from some sort of issue, untreated by a vet for A YEAR, and I also hope that you can get some help for your self-stated depression and self-esteem issues. Getting help for yourself may make a lot of things more bearable.
This is against forum rules and I'm sure I'll probably get in trouble for it! But what the hay! I also realize I may get some flack for this! Lovely had a chance to take her bird to the vets but didn't. She didn't even realize she could at first.

Maybe it is best for Lovely to rehome her birds, but it shouldn't be anyone's responsibility to take care of someone else's problems! (this is not to be taken offensively - it's just to say that the potential health problems of a pet, or behavioral problems, shouldn't be left to a new owner to fix) We don't know that another owner *would* in fact take Nips to the vet. Maybe a new owner would cause more harm than good. Lovely is willing to take Nips to the vet if she had the money to, but she doesn't. She's already dealing with enough stress between school, work, her own health, her parents and now her lovebird.

This question is to the members. Would anyone be willing to donate money to get Nips seen? I'm not asking any one person here to pay for the bill, let alone *all* of us to pay for her bill. Minimum, Lovely will probably need to pay the office fee and medications. I'm willing to put some money towards the rest of the bill, but I can't pay the remaining amount of whatever the bill is going to be. I don't know what vet office it is, but Lovely was quoted $200-$300 for the bill.

Now, what I'm thinking is... if this vet will allow payments to be made over the phone for the bill, then the final bill could be paid that way. This will ensure that Lovely never touches the money so it can't be used for anything else. It would probably be easier if it was all paid at once so a trustworthy member could gather donations from members to be held until it is time to pay the bill... (this could also be done through a website and everyone could see the amount of money donated)

But........ if this were done, it would have to be done privately since it is, after all, against the forum rules.

Minimum that should probably be done would include crop swab, gram stain and a basic blood panel. I'm guessing that alone is $150, give or take. (possibly over $200 by itself) Plus $60 for the office visit, that's $210... medications, if any????

Well, blood panel would be recommended, but the crop swab/gram stain may be more important... blood panel, if enough can be raised to cover it.

I'm sure plenty of members will be against this idea, considering all the back and forth, the confusion, frustration, etc. I understand that. For those that may be interested in helping out, thoughts? Opinions? Message me?
i dont know what to believe anymore. i already stated a lot of flaws in your stories and yet, more and more keep coming out. i agree with sonja.

everyone here has been putting in their time and effort trying to help you, and you dont appreciate a single one of them. people on this board are (obviously, this thread as proof) incredibly patient and they're ever so helpful and kind. they're the ones being treated badly and you don't see them freaking out and getting attitude. instead, they sit here and STILL offer you advice and help, which you continue to make excuses.

i live in a city and still get bird safe branches for my birds. there's construction here too. i simply walk to another place. obviously you are capable of walking since you are in school/college and go to work... but you wont sacrifice a little bit of your own comfort to selflessly help your poor bird.

and frankly, all the photos i've seen, none of the cages posted are large enough for lovebirds, so overcrowding may also be an issue with the plucking...

(as to your parents giving you funds/not giving you funds.... which is it? before they gave you money to bring the bird to the vet, and now they havent?)

ETA: MonicaMC has more patience than almost any person i have ever met. her suggestion is a very kind and generous one. i support her idea, however i do not have funds to spare. i have to put my own flock first. :)
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I can't speak for anyone else here but myself. In the beginning I truly did sympathize for you and I'm trying to continue but it's getting harder. The reason I believe your not doing the best you can is because you have an excuse for everything.

1. You always try and focus on money as to why you don't take him to the vet. You've had the opportunity to take your lovebird twice to a vet. Both times you've decided you had something better to do.

2. Myself and I believe at least one other person have told you of cheap solutions. You don't have to order toys online or get them $6 toys. I've had lovebirds and I can tell you they don't need them. You know what they can use? Cheap home made toys.

3. When we try to tell you where to save, you instead turn and say no. I'm talking about when I told you about the dangers of the bed you were using. Newspaper is cheap and sometimes you can even get it for free.

4. Construction everywhere. I highly doubt your entire town is under construction. You drive, as such you can pull over or go a bit out the way to get some sticks. If they don't turn out to be bird safe, just throw them out. It also doesn't have to be the only activity you go do. When I go get something for my amazons I do it when others have errands to do too.

Again, this statement has been made before, if you can't give them the basics (which is the case right now - including with diet which could cause your parrots to be malnourished) then you should try and find them a home that will.

I actually thought of something similar after echo mentioned he helps people out. I decided not to mention anything since I thought the answer would be a big fat no. I'm sad to say, but I might end up siding with those no's, or rather in echo's words, "that ship has sailed."

I think after having two opportunities to take her lovebird to the vet, there's no way she would now. The only way the lovebird might be able to see a vet is if she's willing to lend him out to someone for the day so they do all the work.
Sammy, I fully respect that! I already spoke with two mods, and both said it's against the rules to do so, and I completely understand why. Saw someone on another forum [recently] rehome birds, including birds she got from another member (thinking it would be the birds "forever home"), and then say the birds died as to an excuse as to why she doesn't have them anymore. She said cause of death was monoxide poisoning and some of her remaining birds/animals were suffering... so members gathered up money to help pay for vet bills. Dug deeper and it appears this person may be a hoarder and when she gets in over her head she makes up some excuse to rehome her birds. It's not that the birds are suffering (nice sized cages, toys, food, etc is provided), but that she can only handle so many. When she goes above that limit (whatever it is), she rehomes/sells the birds. (that part unknown) She might even be a flipper. (gets free birds and sells them? don't know) She never got any money.

Everyone is frustrated over this situation.

The important thing? This lovebirds health. That's the only reason I brought it up.
You don't have any trees near you??? Um that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I'm thinking this is just someone trolling or something now because these answers are getting worse and worse.

I agree with you that the important thing is the lovebird's health. I think the only way it's going to get better is if someone takes them in. That's if Nips is real...
Well, photos do prove that there is a bird... and she's plucking.
Well, photos do prove that there is a bird... and she's plucking.

Yes, but with google I too can find pictures of a bird plucking. I'd like to think that Kc is right that it might be a troll. I'd rather think that than that someone is being neglectful to a precious little parrot.
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Yeah its very easy to google photos or go onto forums. These answers just don't add up, Someone who claims they love the bird SOOOOooo much, yet can't go for a walk to get them some FREE branches for their birds own well-being.. I'm not buying it.
Can someone go find those exact photos somewhere else then?

She did mention she has health issues... And having to go see a doctor for her ankle. Shouldn't be an excuse, but it seems to me she is also very frustrated with the situation.
I had an interview, but they didn't tell me I didn't get the job for the longest time. Reason why? Conflict of interest. It just keeps getting more and more complicated. So lets just start from this month.

I work 3 days a week. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. I make $8.50 an hour. I am dealing with a possible fractured or maybe a torn ligament in my left ankle. My mom yells at me because I am tumbling and not focusing. Why am I tumbling? Because she wants me to join the George Mason Co-ed Cheer team. (Give you any hints to where I live now?) I can ask my dad again if he'll give me the money to take Nips to the vet (he got a job again yay :) ) but I'm more focused on my health right now. I mean I'm 20 years old with back problems of a 60+ year old, and with a possible fracture/torn ligament in my ankle (Also could just be arthritis.) Nips isn't plucking anymore, so the shampoo is working. I will still take her to the vet, but I'm doing what I can for her with my limited funds. I already owe $500 to BillMeLater, and I don't think I can go into debt with a vet. Why? Because I have till December to pay back BillMeLater before they add interest. Now MC has taken the time to help me by giving me helpful ideas. But as I stated in my previous post, if I want to work at my current job I need a doctors note that says I can. (New company policy which I hate because my injury was before.)

I've tried hard to be relaxed when I reply to you all in the forums, but as MC stated, I'm stressed. Between Nips, school, my parents, finding a 2nd job, work, and trying to keep a social life.

I've considered selling my flock, but the thing is what'll happen to Nips? Will someone want her even though she's bald? Will they take care of her? Will the take her to the vet? I don't want my flock to get separated, I want them all to stay together.

This post isn't to sound mean, but it's to clear anything up. If you need anymore information just message me like MC has been doing. I like that more then having you all scold me.

This is a very long topic, but i just wanted to say about your medical issues..

I am 18.. I tore the ligaments in my ankle when i was 16, and had to quit soccer, because ever game it would snap my ankle across again..

When i did it, it was so bad, the doctors all said it was broken.. Each and every week since then, i will roll that ankle, and it swells up again..

I have an extra bone in my back, which the doctors told me i would always have back issues and aches..

I cant lean in one position for more than a few seconds because it aches, which makes it incredibly difficult to clean out my horses hooves...

I had a riding accident 3 weeks ago, and for 2 weeks i couldnt bend my knees at all, my knee cap was out of place, but EACH and EVERY day, i cleaned Fargos cage, even though it was hurting me, i still did it.. because i care SO much about him..

I dont care if i was almost dying, i would still do everything in my power to make sure he is ok..

I still can not put any pressure on my knees, so cleaning his cage is still difficult, but im still doing it...

I walked my horses with a busted ankle and swollen knees, just so they would get to their paddocks..

My wrists click, and so does my jaw.. I also have a crack in my collar bone, and have asthma...

So you can not use your medical issues as an excuse, because i have them too :/

And everyone has parent issues...

Go for a walk, and find some branches for your lovebird!

Everyone on this forum has just tried to help you, and you haven't taken any of their advice, you should be thankful everyone on here is so caring towards your situation all this time... All they want is the health and safety of little Nip!

As for your question, YES people would care and love Nip even though she is bald, thats why people rescue.. ALOT of people prefer to rehome and rescue because they are giving the poor bird a better life! :)
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