Thank You Pajarita...
Yes, I took a look at the link that posted those pictures and looked at the xray from 2011 and the latest ones, and I do see that the liver is larger in the 2013 xrays.
Also, in Toots's 2013 xray, that air sac area is not black, but has a "white haze" in it that could be liquid.
I just wonder if there is a possibility that an issue with the xray's contrast is different between the xray's? If you look at the xray taken in 2011, the light to dark contrast is much less, the muscles are lighter, the bones are lighter, the overall contrast is just different between the two... I know they were taken 2 years apart by different vets and different machines, but I would think that the calibration has to be the same.
Very confusing!
I guess I will just have to make an appt. to see the specialist and take all my records with me.
Thank you for your input and observations! I appreciate it!
Yes, I also thought that maybe the 'whitish' empty space was due to something with the X-Ray itself but just in case...
His liver doesn't look so much enlarged as swollen, which would fit the high monocytes.