Right now Salty is.....

Sooooo nice out yesterday! Had to get the missus and Salty out into the sunshine. Salty practically falls into his harness now. We went to our favorite little corner of a duckpond near us to feed the ducks ( in violation of Town Ordinance 243.7 part B). Lots of ducks and one of the biggest swans I have ever seen, who literally had a hissing fit with Geri, kinda scary that; the swan not Geri. She had dug up a CD from my days as a rock guitarist and singer, and surprise! Salty starts singing with it in the car, something he never does with the pirate music.
This is really strange lol...last night I was showing Amy the latest Salty video you posted and Amy was watching VERY intently with his eyeballs flashing,poofed up face and beaky moving as if he was talking (did this while you were praising Salty,Al) and I swear I heard him exclaim 'SALTY!" This would really freak me out if our,or any parrot for that matter,can recognize another???:eek::confused:

This is really strange lol...last night I was showing Amy the latest Salty video you posted and Amy was watching VERY intently with his eyeballs flashing,poofed up face and beaky moving as if he was talking (did this while you were praising Salty,Al) and I swear I heard him exclaim 'SALTY!" This would really freak me out if our,or any parrot for that matter,can recognize another???:eek::confused:

Since Amy and Salty have seen each other in person and more than once, it would be well within expectations that they would recognize each other. Honestly, I would be surprised if they didn't.
This is really strange lol...last night I was showing Amy the latest Salty video you posted and Amy was watching VERY intently with his eyeballs flashing,poofed up face and beaky moving as if he was talking (did this while you were praising Salty,Al) and I swear I heard him exclaim 'SALTY!" This would really freak me out if our,or any parrot for that matter,can recognize another???:eek::confused:

Since Amy and Salty have seen each other in person and more than once, it would be well within expectations that they would recognize each other. Honestly, I would be surprised if they didn't.

I suppose you are correct with that assumption 'Boats..When we visited this summer,as soon as we got in the door,BOTH of the fid's went crazy yelling and calling out to each other like it's been ages since they saw each other :18:

Jim, Salty does recognize some parrots on Youtube, but only certain Indian Ringnecks Sky and Sunny. I know our guys have their bromance, so I am not surprised that Amy poofed up watching Salty. Oh yeah, and a certain Amazon named Mernino ( who sings Opera) - Salty recognizes him too.
I love how the community is close-knit enough to foster birdy bromances, haha...fun reading this thread :)
For Amazon owners: Don;t you love when they sing? They are capable of such beautiful tunes, mostly from their own heads. They can also use those to a prelude to a screaming jag.
Salty did that tonight. Singing his ever popular "Little Brown Jug" so sweetly, but of course after a few renditions, the begining Ha Ha Ha turned into ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HAAAA HEHNAEHHA SQUACK SQUAWKSQUACK

Amazons. Gotta love em.
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I wish Amy would give it a shot at singing. He's never tried. Just love that Salty laugh Al ;)

Hi there , long time no see... originally I had internet trouble and internet still isnt great so I wont be posting a lot but before I looked anywhere else I thought Id check in on you and Salty :)

Nice to see Salty is still up to his tricks and still putting a smile on everyones face.

I sadly lost my beloved Mr Biggles a few weeks back RIP but yesterday I got a Blue Fronted Amazon. We are just getting to know each other...so far so good. He is not tame like Salty though. I think by his reaction to me and readiness to bond that he may have at one point not been an aviary bird and may indeed have been hand tame at one point. Nothing could replace Mr Boiggles, but when I heard about an Amazon that had a similar history to Mr Boggles (didn't get on in the Aviary or aviaries I should say for there were a whole string of them) I had to say yes, he could come here to live with me so my new baby sort of led me back here ...it's been a while and perhaps you won't remember and that's okay if you don't... :)
Oh Mary, of course we remember you, and Mr Biggles, see my condolence message on your thread. We pretty much hit here together Salty, and Mr Biggs. Salty's learned so so much since you were last on. Maybe Rodney will enjoy looking at his latest video! He is really beautiful!

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Thank you !
Salty is Awesome. Wow he has so many tricks now...Great Job Salty ♡
I really enjoyed the video and so will Rodney too when he wakes up in the morning. Rodney will have to learn from him.
Way to go Salty ♡
So excited ! Salty has become a bit....jaded? Complasiant? Doing our nightly training sessions. SO I spent a few hours scouring the web for some new ideas and tricks for him to learn. They started to arrive today. First up is a mini pooltable, that even has a ball return. Salty got thepicking up the poolballs, andhe knows where they go,now its just a matter of honing thatskill. Ultimate aim is to have him actually use the poolstick to sink the corner pocket ! Next up is awood box, with 4 draws and a colored string attached to each, so he can pull them from the wood frame. That might take awhile, but using walnuts as the treat seems the ticket here-pinenuts kinda blend in with the wood. Last to arrive is a oh so cute little plastic green cheek amazon - its maybe 1-1/4" long and really done well. Of course,Salty shied away from it at first, the scaredy cat, but we did manage to get him to put into his shopping basket and take it for a ride.

Great Job Salty...looks and sounds like lots of fun. Rodney will have a whole lot to learn from you once he settles in and starts learning some fun things to do :)
I maintain that like children, parrots like to learn new things,and once they understand that you are trying to teach or show them new things ,they are like a sponge. And its a good way to create and maintain the bond with your parrot, especially if you dont have 3-4 hours a day to spend with them.
I can't wait to see Salty in action with his new repertoire of tricks and such! Those sound like some fun ones.

I maintain that like children, parrots like to learn new things,and once they understand that you are trying to teach or show them new things ,they are like a sponge. And its a good way to create and maintain the bond with your parrot, especially if you dont have 3-4 hours a day to spend with them.

So true! I couldn't agree more.
Oh man, I fee like such a S**T whenI don't do our training sessions. I'm getting the flu (again) on top of a bronchial infection(again) and Iwas so tired from coughing and sneezing all day and last night, I skipped Saltys training session. In the last 3-1/2 yaars, I've only skipped out maybe 8-10 times (except for when I'm in CHina,or overnight for band gigs, and Geri covers those times). Each time I feel so GUILTY. Uuugghhh,I am such a bad parrot daddy.
Oh no! I have to admit, having added Kirby to the household has thrown my training schedule with Cricket completely off the track. I started working with him again the other day and it took him a minute to even realize what we were doing!

You're a great bird-dad and seasonal weather changes are the worst. Everyone at my house has been on and off sick. You'll get through this and Salty will forgive you. :)
That little kid of yours is all too aware that dad’s feeling punky. Brew up a hot toddy and curl up with an audiobook you’ve always meant to read but never had time and let your body heal. I am taking for granted that when I say curl up, it is in a spot near & dear to Salty. Taking care of and fussing over you will keep him plenty busy until your up & about. Btw, talk to your md about a flu & pneumonia shot, sooner than later. Even though you have the flu it is technically “a” flu & there are many different strains and sub strains. Because you have been so sick with upper respiratory crap, you are (unfortunately) at an even higher risk of getting sick (again). Also, go get a physical with blood work and the whole nine yards. If Salty had the sniffles you’d be hunting down top avian ear nose & throat doctors. Keep yourself healthy so you can be there for everyone!
Feel better soon Al, Salty understands...just concentrate on taking care of yourself for a bit and that will please Salty too ...Hope you have a speedy recovery.

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