Right now Salty is.....

SO nice out here that Salty got his harness on and we went to get fresh load of toys and pellets at the local P** S****. Instead of going to Starbucks,we went to a watering hole nearby and sat out side while Daddy enjoyed a cold adult beverage. Gave the bartender a chuckle, as I ordered it for Salty and said that I;d have a water. We met a very nice 80 yr old man who came over, full of questions about Salty and parrots in general. Salty got lots of Sun and Vit. D. Funny, tonights training session, he slipped his harness on like a champ - sometimes he wants nothing to do with it if we've been out during the day. Sunday looks to be just as nice, so we may venture out once more.

The Long Island game Farm has a parrot show running for 2 months, I am trying to get permission to bring Salty boy when I take my Grandkids. Jim - I wonder if he will start jabbering and calling, like when he and Amy have their play dates - remember that? LOL, we might get ejected just for that !!
I am pumped ! I placed an order for a set of glasses with a camera built into them, so I can take better videos of Salty, who has always been leery of any sort of camera, cellphone or tablet. Cant wait to post new vdeos and pics of my best buddy.

Soooo 007! We are living in the future! Can’t wait for the sneaky videos.

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Love Salty and his beer. Did the waiter card him?
So stoked - Salty celebrates his 4th hatch day on 6/15. What big year this has been for him - puberty, with all the attending mood swings; new tricks learned; mastering wearing his harness and going outside more than ever; allowing Geri into his exclusive 'You Can Scratch Me' club and firmly deciding tha my youngest is the Devil incarnate, worthy of his mighty birdy fury. We'll merge his H-day party with Fathers Day party @ my daughters house, including one of his favorite junk food - PIZZA CRUSTS !

I promise pics and videos !!
Go Salty! What a big year for a big boy!
I think Salty has turned a corner in the trail and trial of puberty. He is back to his lovable, playful self. Even when he is pumped up destroying his toys, I can interject my hand and play with him with nary a hard beaking. He has finally learned bite pressure and eases up when I admonish him to be gentle. He's such a delight , and loves his scratchies more than ever, closing his eyes and tilting his head to present the part of his head that he wants scratched. He's back to hopping and running to his favorite trick when we train at nght; he even remembers tricks we haven't done in a long time, like picking the kings out of a deck of cards. So smart! He is starting to sing along with himself when he plays his toy piano, something he started doing un-bidden by me.

So harken to those going thru the onset of puberty - there is a light at the end of the tunnel; like most things parrot, time and patience will prevail.
So how long would you say it took to get to the other side?
1 year? 16 months?
Less Wade,much less, but then again yellow shoulder amazons are noted for their milder dispositions than the hot 3. Saltys seems to have been about 7-8months where we definately noticed a change in his temperment. LOL, I can tell becasue all the little puncture marks from an over excited beak have all healed and no new ones have taken their place. Could it be the size of the parrot determine the length of onset of puberty? Good opportunity for a vet students doctoral thesis - inquiring minds want to know!
Hmmm, likely over. But, as with the hot three, there can be waves as they physically adjust the chemical flow and also their reaction to it.
It will be interesting to see when he selects his yearly start.
Julio is on the Sun Schedule regarding the amount of sleep and connects strongly with the Sun's longest night in late December. For him, January and February can be challenging.
You may have something regarding their size /weight and how quickly they adjust the chemical rush, or the size of the rush itself.
I can also tell because the house is filled with that 'Christmas cookie' happy Amazon smell. How I missed that !
I think Salty has turned a corner in the trail and trial of puberty. He is back to his lovable, playful self. Even when he is pumped up destroying his toys, I can interject my hand and play with him with nary a hard beaking. He has finally learned bite pressure and eases up when I admonish him to be gentle. He's such a delight , and loves his scratchies more than ever, closing his eyes and tilting his head to present the part of his head that he wants scratched. He's back to hopping and running to his favorite trick when we train at nght; he even remembers tricks we haven't done in a long time, like picking the kings out of a deck of cards. So smart! He is starting to sing along with himself when he plays his toy piano, something he started doing un-bidden by me.

So harken to those going thru the onset of puberty - there is a light at the end of the tunnel; like most things parrot, time and patience will prevail.

I’m glad to hear that Salty has gone back to normal, but not al all surprised. You laid the groundwork by developing such a close relationship with him based on mutual trust and respect, you maintained consistent boundaries while giving him the space a teenager needs, and now you reap the rewards of your efforts. You are a shining example to all of us.

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Right now Salty is recovering from a full CAV checkup, with blood work and everything. Jim's Amy made me go back and see when the last time Salty got the works as far as wellness checks -Yipes almost 3 years. SO Dr Hofer and her staf did the whole routine on him. Salty wore his harness to and from the CAVs office and was really calm about putting it back on even after the manhandlingto draw blood. The vet and tech were pretty surprised about that. Funny, he had carrots and red prppers for lunch, so his poops were bright red, which worried the vet until I explained. Back at home now , in the teeming water of a BIG t-storm.

Here is a gratuitous Salty pic:

Salty's the best. I love that bird. He's our little prince. That expression is an innocent parody version of the Joker's "why so serious?"
YeaH! Salty's blood work and other tests all came back with a nice normal across the board. We didn't really expect anything different but it's been 3 yrs since we had a full wellness checkup. $400 well spent money.
Glad to hear it, Al!

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Poor Geri, i went to a jam session Sunday night with my son, so Geri was supposed to do Salty's trainin session with him (8:45PM sharp every night). Salty was not having any of it, and started calling "Daaaaddy" She felt so bad, because he will usually do a few tricks with her. Plus he wouldn't come down from his roosting spot at the top of his play chain, up by the ceiling. I told her not to worry, he's not going anywhere once he roosts. He was still there , sleeping, when we got home just part midnight, when I retreived him and put him to bed in his cage.
Amazons can be just as stubborn as any other species of parrot.
Stubborn is right! Last night I was all set to video a training session, and do every single trick Salty knows, since we often only do some , just to keep it fresh for him, but he was not having it. If he doesn't want to do a certain trick, I let him refuse it, and move on. Most nights he runs thru them no sweat, but the camera freaks him a bit. He is so observant! I'm gonna place it in its spot every night now, so he gets used to it.

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