Right now Salty is.....

Right now Salty is recovering from a full CAV checkup, with blood work and everything. Jim's Amy made me go back and see when the last time Salty got the works as far as wellness checks -Yipes almost 3 years. SO Dr Hofer and her staf did the whole routine on him. Salty wore his harness to and from the CAVs office and was really calm about putting it back on even after the manhandlingto draw blood. The vet and tech were pretty surprised about that. Funny, he had carrots and red prppers for lunch, so his poops were bright red, which worried the vet until I explained. Back at home now , in the teeming water of a BIG t-storm.

Here is a gratuitous Salty pic:


He is lovely :) I'm glad all is well. :heart:
I know how we all worry about them, it's never ending.
Sakty was so cute this afternoon. He was hanging out on my shoulder, and started talking in his quiet indoor voice, saying "Hello", and "You're a good boy" and "Pretty Bird" and even some singing. So cute and not captureable on video, because he will stop as soon as he sees a camera orcell phone up close.

We took him out to dinner with us, to a place that has a outdoor beer garden, last night. Well evening lets say, cuz the sun was still out. He was so well behaved, eating the tortilla chips from the nacho plate. Totally ignored his harness, which is how it should be. He shook hands a few times with curious folks ( As I held my breath, waiting for the first sign of a nip or bite coming), and even laughed on command for some. He is a real oven roaster ham.
Right now Salty is recovering from a full CAV checkup, with blood work and everything. Jim's Amy made me go back and see when the last time Salty got the works as far as wellness checks -Yipes almost 3 years. SO Dr Hofer and her staf did the whole routine on him. Salty wore his harness to and from the CAVs office and was really calm about putting it back on even after the manhandlingto draw blood. The vet and tech were pretty surprised about that. Funny, he had carrots and red prppers for lunch, so his poops were bright red, which worried the vet until I explained. Back at home now , in the teeming water of a BIG t-storm.

Here is a gratuitous Salty pic:


Lovely photo of Salty, he looks to be in fine feather!
Oh, Salty is so very dear to our hearts, mine in particular. How can I not love a creature that says "Hello Daddy" and "How ya doing?" every night when I come home, snuggles and asks for scratchies and skritches, works so very hard every night to please us during his training sessions? He fills a great deal of holes in this house. I honestly could not fathom a better parrot companion for Geri and I.
I just love staying "connected" to the people here and reading about their great relationships with their fids. I might "go quiet" at times, but I always stay in touch by reading and learning in the background. It really teaches me so much and provides so much encouragement to always look for bigger and better ways to enrich the lives of my there girls! Thank you for sharing!
Friday, Geri had a Dr.appointment and it was beautiful out so I harnessed up Salty and took him with us to the office. He puts it on so unflinchingly, working with him with the harness every single night ( for the past 3-1/2 years) has really paid off. We waited outside, on the back lawn of the Dr's office, playing around. When Geri was done, I took them both out to dinner at a local pub that has a outdoor beer garden, where Salty got a salt free crasker ( mehhh) and a bit of white meat chicken ( yummy). He's so good in the harness, suffering fools gladly, when they ask questions like " Is that a parrot?". I on th otherhand do not suffer them so gladly, answering "No its a green cat", or "Parrot, what parrot???".

We have company this weekend, so I had to skip his nightly training session Thurs and Fri. But come tonight, boy, does Salty dive into our training sessions! Running, absolutely running mind you, from trik to trick, and doing the ones he likes, like rolling over, or flipping the hoops over his head, just for the sheer fun of doing them.

Tomorrow, is CHOP day, we have to make up a few months of chop for Salty, think I will make a spicy recipe for him, he does like his Ghost peppers and habeneros. Last time I made this kind,we cleaned the Stop and SHopout of almost all the peppers they had. The checkout girl raised an eyebrow when she rang them up.
The new batch of CHop went over well, he didn't come up for air until 1/2 of it was gone! Which is a good thing , seeing as how we made 120 baggies of it. Hotter than hell, but thats the way unh huh, unh huh, he likes it !

Salty's weight has stabilized at 315 grams +/- 5grams. For awhile there he was 320 +, so we cut back on the pine nuts we use for training, limiting that to 2 grams of nuts. Just cut them into smaller pieces, cuz God forbid I skip some tricks for lack of treats! He always gives me the stink eye if we skip some of his favorite tricks.
I live under the cloud of stink eye with Kevin! Ha! Salty sounds like he’s doing great, what a great bird.

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Ah yes, the stink eye. Some parrots have raised giving the stink eye to almost an art form. Salty has it down cold. Our little BeeBee parrot, Max, (RIP), had not a shred of it. Talk about reading body language, skip the body - with Salty its all about the eyes. Although he has calmedd down immensely from his puberty phase (seems he trained me to know when he gently mouths my finger or hand that a real nip is next), the "EYE" is ever vigilant and all seeing. Part Sauron, maybe?

Tonights training session was such a joy. Salty was running, really running from trick to trick, pausing only from getting his reward to take a peek over the edge of our training table ( coffee table) to see what tricks were left ( I have them lined up on the floor next to the table). He has started embellish one of our older tricks, playin the xylophone. So the trick used to be he plays the x-phone, then I play it while he sings these 4 specific notes, and then he does an encore. Tonight Salty was actually singing while he was playing the instrument. Geri and I were shocked and suitably impressed - this is like the 3rd or 4th time he took it upon himself to alter a trick !! Parrots have to be the smartest animals!!
Shot a new training video tonight, and added it here in addition to a new thread I posted earlier.
Salty doing every trick he knows, except the card trick and the slide. Hope y'all enjoy it.

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Right? I had the tablet in reverse camera, so we saw our selves on the screen. I'm tellin' you he does NOT like to see other Amazons. Greys OK, 'toos OK, and ring necks he loves to watch and immitate them. So wierd.

On the otherhand, tonights training session was hysterical, because he was running around the table top, looking over the edge to see all the toys a tricks laid out on the floor. Runnng to the next trick - Geri and I were laughing so hard. Salty was so eager to do the trick and get his little treatie.
You know sometimes I post on here becasue Salty learned a new trick, or because he did or said something funny or memorable. Nope not this one. Its a 'Just Becasue' post. Just becasue I am blessed with a parrot, a wild animal, a evolutionary cautionary tale, a bird. He says Hi to me at night, loves my company ( most times) and I think he makes me a better person. He might not actualy, it may be I am anthromorphasizing(?) but he sure does make me smile a lot, and most days thats all I need.

Thanks Salty boy!
Salty harnessed up for a trip to the pet store, to replenish his supply of toys to destroy. He was singing in the car when i put the Spanish music station on, and why not? He is from Venezuela after all! The folks at the store love him and he got his picture taken a few times, even the gas station guy took one. SOme lady and I struck up a conversation becasue she has a U2, who screams all the time. I sent her here, so dont be surprised if she shows up for advce. I think Salty really likes car rides, he looks out the side windows so intently. Un-harnessed easily. But I bet tonight he will refuse the harness trick when we train.
Salty passed a test tonight! I've documented here how he kinda hates my youngest son Brett. No reason, he just decided one day that Brett is the boggie man and must be hated. So tonight, Brett came over a few minutes before trick training time (8:45 PM, sharp). He sat and acted as the audience for Salty's whole session, which he hadn't seen in a long time ( Brett lives in NYC). Not only did he laugh at Salty's new tricks but at every time he broke out with his maniacal laugh. And Salty went thru our routine without nary a hitch or a spread tail feather. I guess thats the sign of a true performer, to ignore your audience and do it for your own enjoyment - and Salty did.

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