Male Amazon turned 23 - biting me now - help!


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Feb 13, 2014
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upstate NY
Kwaxi, a male Blue-Front Amazon , 18yrs. old (as of 2020)
I've let Kwaxi - my blue-front's wings grow back. I decided he needed the exercise. When he's been able to fly, he's always flown to my shoulder as he does now. Slowly, his behavior has become more aggressive. We've had moments before when he's bitten, but I've always been able to figure out why. I know, for e.g. he hates my iphone, isn't happy if he thinks I'm going to put him back in his cage (like when we have company or are eating dinner). During this winter (I'm in Syracuse, NY) he's also spent the winter regurgitating (or like he's about to) on my shoulder - which in the past is behavior I've observed during spring but not all winter. He and our German Shepherd also seem to be more antagonistic than they ever were before. She's 9. But lately he's grabbed me on the neck and will not let go. Once I thought I was going to pass out. Now I have scars. Today when I stood up from the couch and went into the kitchen, (usually he just flies onto my shoulder from the back of the couch)he flew to me and grabbed my neck. I'm really not sure what is going on. Should I clip his wings again? (which will break my heart) Should I start some regiment? I know I must be doing something wrong, but am not sure what. Also, the nights when I have locked him in the cage, I wake up to him walking around on the bottom; not something he used to do. I give him showers. Feed him warmed BirdStreet Bistro or food like that every morning, a mix of fresh vegies and quality pellets during the day. He's got toys to chew on. I maybe haven't given him as many showers as I used to. I'll take all the help I can. Thank you.
One thing I would do is not allow him on your shoulder. He could really hurt your face. You may need to partially trim his wings to prevent him from landing there and biting. A very conservative wing trim will allow him to fly but not as fast or as high. Might save you from stitches or plastic surgery.
Regurgitating and aggressive behavior are signs of hormonal behavior.

Some years are worse and longer than others.
Till he comes out of it and is more himself no more shoulder surfing 🏄.
Regurgitating and aggressive behavior are signs of hormonal behavior.

Some years are worse and longer than others.
Till he comes out of it and is more himself no more shoulder surfing 🏄.
Thank you for answering. Yes, I know these are signs of hormonal behav. Why would he be exhibiting it all winter? The shoulder thing is going to be hard...he's been sitting there for 23 years. I guess maybe a little break. This last time he flew to my shoulder and just grabbed--never ever done that before. TY also for telling me that some years are different than others. Also, as we all are now, I'm really stressed and am no doubt carrying that with me which Kwax can read and my hours haven't been as consistent as they should be. In reading the forums, they are reminding me of how important consistency is and I will try to establish some routines so that maybe he feels safer as I'll be more predictable to him.
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One thing I would do is not allow him on your shoulder. He could really hurt your face. You may need to partially trim his wings to prevent him from landing there and biting. A very conservative wing trim will allow him to fly but not as fast or as high. Might save you from stitches or plastic surgery.
Thank you for answering. I guess I've just been lucky all these years, but Yikes! you're right. I'm afraid if I only partially trim his wings, he and my German Shepherd might get into a chase and I'd be afraid for both of them. I might have to trim them though I guess and carefully watch his adjustment to reality; it's not like he hasn't been there before. It must be so confusing for him. He has quite a climbing area and roomy cage with lots of things to do.
You are not alone. I’ve been bit twice by 2 different parrots I have in the last week. I cried because it’s hard not to take it personal. I work with these parrots every day, and train with them. They are like children that never grow up to me. I try to keep telling myself that these are wild animals. Parrots are not 100% domesticated. They go through hormones especially in spring, and become something else. Luckily I’ve only been bit in the face by my sun conure. It didn’t do much. My larger parrot wouldn’t fit on my shoulder even if I wanted him there. I have learned to keep parrots at lower levels. I don’t have them up high as they can sometimes become dominant, and are less prone to listen to me. I had a play stand above one of my parrots cage, and he bit me. He refused to come down. As soon as I moved the stand down to a table he stepped right up.

I’m sorry you are experiencing this. It really does stink when hormones kick in, and we the parrot owners take the brunt of that.
I went through a time recently that I had to keep my Bingo off my shoulder.
It’s taken us both time to rebuild trust.
He bit me hard on the back of my head.
He was literally hanging off the back of my scalp frome his beak and I was screaming for help.

It wasn’t hormones, it was my own stupidity.
I was trying to take my Rx pills and forgot how much he hated pill bottles. I knew I made a mistake and turned my head so he wouldn’t bite my ear off.

There is a saying that is supposed to be from the lion tamers in the circus.
“If you stick your head in the mouth of a lion you have to know there is a chance he might bite down”

We take these wild creatures into our homes and things can happen.

I was 6/7 years old when our house cat ripped up my arm and sent me to the ER.

I am sorry your little buddy has turned into a little demon.

Sometimes a chang in diet, no moist or mushy foods.
Mating season is by no means the same every year. Sometimes its early, sometimes its way long and some years its especially intense. This is one of those years. Salty ( 9 yrs old) usual mating season is relatively mild and lasts like 2 months. This year (and we are in NY also), he started early, late Dec, and is still in the middle of it. He has never done the shreddy, seeking dark hidey holes, broody thing, but this year, WOW, thats all he wants to do. That and getting crazy loud for extended periods, as only an Amazon can. Seems like he comes up with a new ear piercing, maniacal scream every day! He hasn't been excessively bitey; that occurred when he went thru puberty in year 2.

I would consider a light clip too: Feathers grow back - learned behaviors from mating season on the other hand can be difficult to unlearn sometimes. Other then that all you can do is take the normal steps to reduce (but not eliminate) mating season behaviors.

12 hrs of good solid sleep
Eliminate fruits and high sugar foods and carbs from the diet
Eliminate access to shreddy type materials, like paper, cloths etc
Prevent access to dark hiding spots
No touching anywhere except the head and shoulders
Lot of exercise - a tired parrot has no energy for bad behavior

And most of all remember - This Too Shall Pass

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