Salty is RELENTLESS !!

The cage floor covering depends on the size of the cage. For my macawā€™s large indoor cage I buy huge rolls of 40 lb brown paper. I hoarded many rolls of it when I saw it for a great price delivered (it is HEAVY!) I mount the roll on a paper cutter that sits on the floor of the garage. I have marked the floor of the garage with blue painterā€™s tape to indicate the proper length of paper to be torn.

The outside cage is smaller. I use old newspaper that I hoarded. I am now working on 2020 news. šŸ¤£
My budgies are very hormonal, and everyone, it seems, wants SEX! Boys with girls and boys with boys! No girls with girls, if that means anything in the avian world. I found my best girl female budgie Rocky exploring in the trash can next to the dining table where we all hang out. We keep it covered with a piece of cardboard and only put paper waste in it. There was a one inch gap and she squeezed in while her faithful manservant Beau looked on. Imagine my surprise when I went to put some trash in and out popped Rocky! I wish I could get them back to normal, but I'm beginning to think that with a small mixed flock of happy, healthy budgies, this IS normal! I don't begrudge them their "pleasure" but I don't want more budgies!
At least you don't have this problem with Salty. Without a mate it's bound to stop! I had to laugh when you said you were just "venting" because that's what we call budgies mating- that and "doing the humpty dance"!
rocky said that she found trash and became a raccoon
We discovered during our move that packing paper is the perfect size for liners. I went to Lowe's when we got here and picked up a bundle where they keep all the moving boxes, etc, and then we had all the ones we packed our things in arrive too. I think his cage will be lined for the next 6 months at least.
It never occurred to me to use butchers paper. I looked online and parchment paper can be used. I got 2 roll packs x2. from Sam's. Unbleached, 15inx164 ft. It's very heavy. Should be interesting. If it works, I'll miss the looks from buying out newspapers!
Oh dang, mating season is always brutal with Jasper as well. But unlike Salty, instead of getting rambunctious and destroying things, she likes to savage my parents. They end up with cuts, welts, and bruises on their necks and arms that last for weeks. And they arenā€™t trying to interact with her eitherā€”she just throws herself at them, demanding to be on them. Some days sheā€™s too dangerous to be let out of her room, so weā€™ll close her curtain and let her hang out at her cage and big stand.

Sheā€™ll get me once or twice during breeding season, but my parents take the brunt of it since she prefers them over me. Thereā€™s definitely benefits to a parrot being completely indifferent to you šŸ˜‚

That being said, Iā€™d rather Jasper be well enough to go through ā€œhormonal timesā€ than not. For the first year or two we had her, she was so unhealthy that she didnā€™t experience any change in hormones.

Although, now youā€™ve got me wondering how much more of a handful sheā€™s gonna be now that her kidney disease seems to have given her some extra pep. She learned the joys of shredding newspapers this year, and she recently discovered the bookcase we have in her room (she just started exploring her surroundings this year), so Iā€™m fearing for the safety of our cookbooks.
As I thought my CAG was settling down she started something new. Her out of cage time became dig up the carpet time. First I thought it was her usual prowl and get into mischief time. That ended when she decided on one corner. The destruction beganšŸ˜­! I have found her there several times. I do have a plus. Each time I found her there I'd say...what are you doing? Now that phrase is repeated to me šŸ«¢. So I am not being completely ignored.

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