Right now Salty is.....

Well puberty has finally hit Salty, poor boy. Earlier this week he delivered a few bites to me that were so uncharacteristic of him that at first I was confused and hurt emotionally - what if he really did all of a sudden hate me that much !! Then we took a closer look at how he has been acting - lunging at everyone, excessively screaming, biting and even seeking out dark nooks and crannys amoungst the blankets and pillow. So I have been carefully watching his body language, making sure I don't upset his daily routine, and letting himhave his alone time to brutally destroy his toys. The thing is, he always acts sorry for these outbursts and bad behaviour - almost contrite, if parrots can act that way. He is still at heart my buddy and friend, We would love him no matter what. We have been careful now to not give him warm mushy foods, only giiving him head scratchies, to not have dark nooks and crannies for him to go into and giving him plenty of space and patience. I'm sure that some parrots just loose their Sh*t at the onset of puberty but were high strung to begin with. Salty has always been so mellow that we were taken a bit off guard- but as everyone will tell us; this too shall pass.
I know Salty has had play date's with another member on the forum in the past.
Do you thing you will need to avoid doing that now that Salty has hit puberty?

I will be very interested in how his behavior progress because it is something I will have to face with Merlin and possibly Luna as well.

I know I went through it with Bingo but that was a long time ago and didn't even know what was happening. I think I am going through it now with Bella but being a CAG her reactions to everything are completely different than an Amazon.

Good luck buddy, I know you will weather the storm.

Salty is getting salty?????
I do wish you good luck. At least he's still brilliant, does tricks, and mimics so hilariously.
Anytime you need a contrast that will make Salty look like an angel, The Rickeybird can Skype with you again!
How old is Salty, again?

Ouch. Puberty can be rough. I got lucky with Maya and Jolly in this regard. Maya has bitten me once in all the time I've had her... and that was at the onset of her puberty. It was kind of a "WTH?!?" bite, as she seemed as surprised that she'd done it as I did. Lol! Nastiest bite I've ever gotten, but seems with that she got it all out of her system.

As for Jolly, he only gives off a single scream of complete exasperation whenever I or my wife have the nerve to refuse his amorous advances. Hahaha!

I hope that after Salty gets over the initial shock of puberty, he'll be a little more chill about it. But if not, I know you and Geri have got this!
Poor Salty! He must be so confused and agitated. Probably more than you are Al. I am sure you will all get through this and things will calm down soon as Salty gets used to his big boy body.

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Salty turns 4 in June. Considering some of the stories I have read here and other places, his pubertical symptoms are fairly mild , and always wants a good nite scratchie. He has his good days and his not so good days/ We will all survive I am sure of that. Gail, I am gonna pass on a therapy session with Dr. Rickey Bird.
We will most likely still have aplay date wth John and Amy ( who is really Amos) -these 2 parrots love each others company too much to deny them this. Last time, they started calling to each other when I was driving up Jms block!
It's our turn to travel buddy :D It's finally getting warm now and Amy is getting anxious for an adventure!

Awwww road trip!!!! Post the journey and mayhem!!!

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Hang in there, Al. Here’s hoping that Salty returns to his sweet, living self in no time.

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Aaaaw, our Salty is growing up before our very eyes. It is insane how quickly time flies by. And now the joys of transition into Adulthood - puberty!

As you know, it is best to just go with the flow, as at this point, the rush of chemicals and their effect is near totally uncontrollable. Everyone is confused as there is no pattern and little to no announcement of the on-set. This is where the 'Check the Amazon' before approaching concept originates from. It is also the root of 'Be Attentive When Playing' as they become easier to spin play into a hormonal rush. And, by no means the last; 'Amazon Chill-Out Time.' You will quickly learn to see the ramp-up and be smart enough to step back and let them come back from the chemically induced rush.

Hugh Warning: Never Push A Raging Amazon!!! Back Away!!! Give them Room!!! They do not have an Emergency Stop Button!!! Translation: They will cause serious damage to everyone and everything around them, even the one(s) they truly love. This is the single major cause of the stories of the Big Hot Three!!! Humans fail to be attentive and then foolishly push into the Amazon personal space!
Required Action: Simply back away and give them Space and Time! It Chemical - Not Emotional (Personal).
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Teenagers...we even have them in parrot form!

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Thanks guys. 'Boats we have been reading and re-reading the Body Language stickie believe me. It just kinda caught me by surprise, Salty has been a model parrot until now, we were just waiting for the shoe to drop. I feel so bad for my little guy, you can almost see the hormonal soup coursing thru his veins. And yeah, backing off is our watchword now. Carefully doing it, so we dont re-enforce undesireable behaviour and trying to end every encounter on a positive note. Taking it one day at a time.
You are so correct! The WTH factor catches everyone off-guard. And, the first time had to be an eye-opener.

If your household keeps a Birthday and other Events calendar, add this date to the calendar. There is no assurance that the exact date will repeat next year, but they tend to be fairly close depending on when the warm days of Spring become more common place. And, than you have Julio, who is a late December, early January kind of guy.

Even at 22, Julio gets that WTH look when he first spins-up for the new year. And, we find ourselves stating; its that time of year again! We are on Gail's Sun Schedule for sleep and I swear he has a Sun Dial around here some place! :D
Yup, a real head smack the first time he got uppity, I was trying to figure out what I had done wrong. Easy to remember the date, its 5weeks befpre his 4th birthday.
I am pumped ! I placed an order for a set of glasses with a camera built into them, so I can take better videos of Salty, who has always been leery of any sort of camera, cellphone or tablet. Cant wait to post new vdeos and pics of my best buddy.
FYI, good friend. Remember to use the introduction process with new things and your need to wear them more than just when working with him. They are just so bloody smart!
Sounds like a good idea.
Good way to make use of technology.

Grrr couldt get the first pair to sync up correctly. Have to try another brand.
So this is the second Saturday in a row that Salty and I went to our local Starbucks, a latte for me and a mini bagel for Salty. He got lots n lots of sunshine, and even shook hands with folks.

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