Tami we went thru 1 harness fo the first 6 months or so, becsue Salty would chew n one of the straps. But he never struggled once it was on. I got clawed a few times putting it on plus I take blood thinners for medical reaasons, when I get scratched it usually looks worse than it is.
But I read on here on a good way to get Salty to voluntarilly put his head thru the loop. Make the straps long enough to easily go over Levi's wings but not so loose that he trips on the straps. Then, at the edge of a table hold the loop and the rest of the harness open with 2 fingers and present a small bowl full of Levi's favorite treat (Salty's is pine nuts) and Levi will get the message that ignoring the harness lets him get to the treats. Once his head is thru, slide the straps over his wings. The idea is to get him use to the weight and feel of the harness. He gets un restricted treats at first. Once he is OK with doing this, its a small step to leave the straps loose enough to now open them up and slide his wings thru and tighen up the strap. Its a slow process and may take a few months of nightly training, but this method is way less stressful to the parrot. I make Salty walk all over the table, come up on my hand and even shake hands with the harness on, just so he is used to it. Levi is smart , he will pick up on this pretty easily. Good luck.