Right now Salty is.....

Jim - Geri would welcome the chance to get out of the house ( she so rarely does these day) and has never been on a ferry, so lets make plans for your place on Sat 6/16 ( kinda like a Fathers Day gift for me).
PM me with your phone and address, all my info got wiped clean. Hope to be coming up to see you, Amy and the Beebs!
So Salty plays PeekaBoo. Whether you want to or not. He will say it incessantly until you actually play it with him fo a few minutes. Its cute/funny until he drives you crazy and then play ot with him. I suppose its better than him screaming "HELP HELP" which he does on occasion.

Oh yes I got some nice pics from our lake outing - i just have to transfer from the phone but I will - promise.

ANd we are pumped about having a birdy play date with Amy and Beebs and Jim on Sat ! Hoping for nice weather so we can take the gang outside - Jim you get that feathered chipmunk into a harness toot sweet!
Pics and video!
So nice out today I took Geri and Salty out for a lake side picnic. He was a good boy in his harness and lots of folks came over to admire him and tell us their own parrot stories if they had one. I couldn't finish my sandwich - a liverXzwurst on white w/ mustard - so we are the other halves for a light dinner. Salty came off my shoulder to sample the goods. He went nuts for the liverwurst ! So the question for our ParrotForums experts - liverwurst - a big NoNo or a small bit occasionally is no especially bad for him ?

Personally, the only meat I occasionally allow by birds to taste is chicken. Also fish. But even those I rarely give. That said, I am admittedly on the overly-cautious side.
Every time you mention Salty saying “help help”’I laugh out loud. I can’t help it. That little guy is such a character!

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So Salty plays PeekaBoo. Whether you want to or not. He will say it incessantly until you actually play it with him fo a few minutes. Its cute/funny until he drives you crazy and then play ot with him. I suppose its better than him screaming "HELP HELP" which he does on occasion.

Oh yes I got some nice pics from our lake outing - i just have to transfer from the phone but I will - promise.

ANd we are pumped about having a birdy play date with Amy and Beebs and Jim on Sat ! Hoping for nice weather so we can take the gang outside - Jim you get that feathered chipmunk into a harness toot sweet!

I wish I could convince Amy to try a harness Al..sigh.. BUT at least he'll be fresh with short sleeves come tomorrow morning..so we'll be able to go "outside...in the car" as Amy likes to say so we can go visit at the pet store and anywhere else for that matter!

Funny thing is Inger we have no idea where he picked that up from. TV is the only thing I can think of. LOL maybe he will pick up some Olde English as I am a sucker for King Arthur or Queen Elisibeth or Shakespeare movies. "Gadzooks Dad get ye busy with yon chop!!"
So , a new video of my clown bird....

And a few pics from the lake visit:



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That little guy is such a ham! And he certainly poses for the camera. Great pics and video.

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Is sleeping but not before he decided to run through every last thing that is in his vocabulary - from peekA boo to Hi Daddy to calling for Tinker "C'mere puppy!" to "You're a good bird" to "What are you doing?" to calling for "HELP" and everything in between. Odd too cuz usually we do our training session then he eats a bit more and then he roosts quietly on his hanging chain. Tonight he ate and then ran thru "Salty's Book of Wise Sayings" . I shoulda had my smartphone handy but who knew? TOmorrow night he'll go back to roosting quietly - you'll see.
I have no memory of Julio doing the same thing as yesterday or the day before. More like everyday is something new, different or in a different order! Life with an Amazon!
So right now, Salty is eating his lunch of fresh chop and blueberries. It's his last one where we don't restrict the amount of fruit in the meal. Why? Because Salty has a weight problem. At his morning weight check he is now 313 grams. The range for yellow shoulders is 280 to 320. Now he is a male and was noticing bigger than his sister, and males are larger than hens, in his species, but I think he is too close to the established top of the range.

I ask our resident Amazon wizard ...'Boats, you agree it's diet time for Salty-boy?

Here is a video from today of the little porker.

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The cooking is just good at your place. I am only a spectator, but I've seen a bunch of Amazons, and he looks like a healthy strapping fellow to me. Good-looking bird, Al. Amazing Youtube. I wish you ran a reform school for delinquent roosters.
Personally I don't pay much attention to the published "norms" on weight. I feel for the keel bone and fat deposits.
My grey is the heaviest grey my Dr. sees by a good bit. However he agrees that she is under weight and has me working increasing it.
I would ask his Drs opinion next time you go.

Besides Salty is a fun loving guy and weight loss diets are no fun!
Personally I don't pay much attention to the published "norms" on weight. I feel for the keel bone and fat deposits.
My grey is the heaviest grey my Dr. sees by a good bit. However he agrees that she is under weight and has me working increasing it.
I would ask his Drs opinion next time you go.

Besides Salty is a fun loving guy and weight loss diets are no fun!

I wholeheartedly cosign on this post. Those weight ranges are just guidelines, not hard and fast boundaries. A better telltale would be, as T.O.M just pointed out, the feel of the meat around the keel bone. If you have trouble being able to feel it, then he could probably stand to lose a few grams. And if the keel bone feels sharp and well defined, with the pectoral muscles significantly receded, then he might be a underweight. If, however, the pectorals are nearly flush with the keel bone, then he is likely in a good place weight-wise.

But yes, CAV is the best one to tell you for sure.
We just got back from going to the petshop to get pellets and toys so in the process of putting his haness on I did feel for his keel bone. Its there alright but not pronounced. Salty gets lots of execise playing on his chain and from the hanging toys. Even flapping his wings while hanging upside down; pretty furiously too.
Of course nothing is equal to actual flight for exercise but Salty is clipped and I dont see conditions changing to make that possible.

I think we are going to cut back on fruit and nut intake gradually. Bring him down to around 300. He has been 283 for maybe 2 years and all of a sudden in the last 3-4 months I noticed a climb. He was 303-4 for Oh say a month and a half then this climb up to 313. Do they have Jenny Craig for parrots?
O.T. M. I kinda agree with using published ranges especially with Salty's species which is rare and not a lot of studies on them. Plus there are 2 sub-species one of which is larger than the normal barbarensis. Have to wait for full maturity to tell. Like I said we ae going to try and stabilize Salty to a 300 gam weight so no more pizza crusts or exta pine nuts during the day.

I like Rival's idea of opeing up a reform school fo parrots! "Capt. Thighbiters School for Wayward Young Parrots" . They come back with bad habits corrected ( and a hidden pirate tattoo!)
O.T. M. I kinda agree with using published ranges especially with Salty's species which is rare and not a lot of studies on them. Plus there are 2 sub-species one of which is larger than the normal barbarensis. Have to wait for full maturity to tell. Like I said we ae going to try and stabilize Salty to a 300 gam weight so no more pizza crusts or exta pine nuts during the day.

I like Rival's idea of opeing up a reform school fo parrots! "Capt. Thighbiters School for Wayward Young Parrots" . They come back with bad habits corrected ( and a hidden pirate tattoo!)

You Sir are a much better parront than I am. I was hesitant when making that post because I have no reason to suggest anything regarding your boy Salty.
You are an amazing parront and I wish I could even come close.

PS to show what a bad parront I am I was spending Q time with Gracie. Here comes Anakin walking into the room. At this time they don't get along. Anakin appears to be the most jealous.
Yeah, maybe now. Believe me I learned a lot from the folks on here. And that's why I checked his keel bone yesterday, because good advice is good advice, no matter what you think you may know.
Tell me they dont hold grudges! I messed up Wen night, and fell asleep right before trick training. SO last night I get home , expecting my little Salty boy to give me his usual greeting and hand shake etc. Nope. Sliced my finger up like a Ginsu knife gone mad! It took all evening to make up with him, to the point where I could pick him up. We are good now, and we did our training session as usual, but boy was he P.O.'d at me.

Moral of the story - don't dis your bird!

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