Right now Salty is.....

I love Double Yellow Heads, but for some strange reason they hate me. Guess they are just good judges of charactor. Most of my serious parrot scars are from DYH's that I've tried to befriend over the years.
Salty practically lives on his hanging chain. He only uses his cage for sleeping and to finish his baths - I don't know how we survived before I put that up; his toys are hanging on it, his boing and food bowl hang from it too. With a couple of office chairmatts under the chain, keeping his area clean is a 5 minute job.
I have always found DYHs to be proud of their looks and imposing personalities... a little vain in some cases. I think they're just jealous of your charisma and stage presence. No question in my mind.
You're darn tootin'

Read it all.

Salty has another die hard fan.

That is if I can afford the dues to his fan club:D
Yipes !! All 81 pages?? LOL, Sir, I will pay your dues!
DYH's are big time into defining the Pecking (Biting) Order. Julio will try to assure his position, therefore, dominance in the house. But, when the Lady of the House enters the Room, he is a big time Mama's Boy!!!
Salty is officially mourning the loss of Nigel to some dastardly low down no good scum. Words can not express the hell that awaits the thief of a family pet.
Salty is officially mourning the loss of Nigel to some dastardly low down no good scum. Words can not express the hell that awaits the thief of a family pet.

So cruel...

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Salty is so darn smart. I bought 3 little copper shot size cups, with handles, to eventually to do a 3 card monte type trick with Salty. First look at one of these cups sent Salty squacking and flying off the training table. So I started leaving one laying around the house, in his view, for a few days. Last night, in our training session. I put the cup on the table with a pine nut right next to it. Salty slowly went over and got it. Next, I put a pine nut under the cup and let Salty see me doing it. Don't you know he went over, picked up the cup, got his treat, and then picked the cup up and brought it over to me. He got such a big applause from me and Geri for this ( he is a hog for praise and applause). He also got the"Bomb" trick down -descending whistle and an explosion. We do that all the time with him. He makes me a proud parront almost every day.
Salty is brilliant! He picks up the tricks so swiftly!
For no reason I can articulate, this sentence has been running in my head for a while now: "Salty only parrot ever whup Mongo. Mongo impressed."
Al...nothing you tell us about The Saltmiester's intelligence suprises me anymore.:D If he DIDN'T do it..THAT would be the surprise!

It's an awesome reflection on you and Geri,in your abilities in training/teaching that boy and his eagerness to please his parronts. Well Done to all concerned!

Jim it's more a testament to Saltys abilities. The only thing we do is to set aside 20-30 minutes every night religiouly for training and to provide Salty with interesting and challenging tricks and props to work with.

Jim how does next Sat look for you? You up for an invasion of pirates and parrot?
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Gee whiz... how would it be, to have a bird like that??????
Gail the Rickeybird has enough personality for any 5 Salty's. And lets not forget the huge following the RB has with the Henzeses.
So nice out today I took Geri and Salty out for a lake side picnic. He was a good boy in his harness and lots of folks came over to admire him and tell us their own parrot stories if they had one. I couldn't finish my sandwich - a liverXzwurst on white w/ mustard - so we are the other halves for a light dinner. Salty came off my shoulder to sample the goods. He went nuts for the liverwurst ! So the question for our ParrotForums experts - liverwurst - a big NoNo or a small bit occasionally is no especially bad for him ?
Jim it's more a testament to Saltys abilities. The only thing we do is to set aside 20-30 minutes every night religiouly for training and to provide Salty with interesting and challenging tricks and props to work with.

Jim how does next Sat look for you? You up for an invasion of pirates and parrot?

Saturday sounds fine to me Al! Would you prefer Amy and I come your way? After all,you guys made the trip here last time. And Amy just loves any chance to go riding in the car :D

So nice out today I took Geri and Salty out for a lake side picnic. He was a good boy in his harness and lots of folks came over to admire him and tell us their own parrot stories if they had one. I couldn't finish my sandwich - a liverXzwurst on white w/ mustard - so we are the other halves for a light dinner. Salty came off my shoulder to sample the goods. He went nuts for the liverwurst ! So the question for our ParrotForums experts - liverwurst - a big NoNo or a small bit occasionally is no especially bad for him ?

My opinion on the liverwurst besides yummy is the salt and nitrate/nitrite in it.
Same as most processes foods I personally don't think a tiny bit now and then would be harmful. I would give my fids a taste now and then.
But that's JMHO.

Mmmmm liverwurst and mustard:D

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