Right now Salty is.....

We started to weigh out Salty's pellets that he gets as his breakfast. He used to get pellets, 2 Nutraberrie and 2 walnut halves. But we noticed no pellet grindings when we cleaned outhis bowl. Salty gets that for breakfast, 2 kinds of fruit for lunch and chop plus Avicake for dinner * dinner he eats a lot of*.So we have cut the # of Nutraberries and walnut halves to one and one, and tocarefully weigh the amount of pellets before and after. We aim to cut out the Nutraberriesand walnut in the AM, so he eats more of the pellets.
LOL,right now, he is telling Geri and I "Salty is a good bird!" and he really is, he just needs to learn to eat better.
My CAV recommends 1 tsp of seeds or nuts a day. I would think one walnut half meets that. I have difficulty following those directions though ;)

I also only put pellets in her food bowls. Nike is a grazer so she has pellets in 3 bowl through the house. Anything else she gets fed by hand otherwise she would never eat her pellets.

Her latest thing is to fly to a food bowl and grab one Harrison pellet, then fly to the lampshade and eat it, then fly back to the bowl to grab another....much like a bird at a bird feeder
Tonight's menu included a big ol' chicken bone, which is one of Salty's favorite goodies. You might think it too hard or too big for his beakie, but no, he polishes one off fairly fast.

Col. Sanders-watch out !!

Salty! Teach Nigel to love those!

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I tried giving Ollie a roast chicken bone tonight and he promptly screamed at me in disapproval and then I offered it to young Finley and he just stared at me like a grew horns. So far...it hadn't gone well...
Amy says the bigger the better...thank you :D
Leak, Sunny, let them see you eating one, they will get the idea. Maybe more then once.
Oh yes do that and often but Nigel’s mind so far remains unchanged!! #africangrey

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Great video! Salty should be commended for teaching you how to give all those treats!
So, time for a new Salty video. Starts a bit slow since Idumped the bowl of treats, and I shot it with the tablet screen facing us, so Salty gets a little weirded out, but anywhooo...


LOL! Al...we wouldn't care if you video'd Salty upside down! :D With the cup trick,when he picked up the green one,it looked to me he was staring right at your tablet lol.
I was waiting to hear his infectious laugh while he was doing the slide trick...but not tonight I guess :o
Have you ever asked him to do a trick WITHOUT offering him a pine nut?? He'd prolly give you the middle talon :54: He sure loves his pine nuts,doesn't he???
Such a smart guy you have there Al. It's obvious to me that he aims to please his daddy. Well done my friend,WELL DONE!


Jim (and Amy and the Beebs!)
LOVE LOVE LOVE this video! So sweet! Salty is darling and I laughed every time he checked out the tablet. Thanks for sharing this! #teamsalty

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Jim, some tricks he will do just for the sake of doing them. The slide, the rings, the shopping cart, rolling over, Putting that big ball down thru the PVC pipe, the card trick.
He would do these cuz he likes doing them. Others he is not fond of and would likely refuse if he knew there was no treat forthcoming. I do let him refuse a trick during any given session, some nights he just isn't into doing one or another, once in a great while he just doesn;t want to do anything, treat or no. On those nights, I give him a pass, but that happens really rarely. We are a team, so both of us have to be into it. Some nights I am exhausted from work and home stuff, but still resolutely do his training, but Salty can sense my mood; those are usually the nights when he might refuse a few tricks.
Last night Salty and I watched some parrot videos on Youtube. He gets so worked up sometimes, and night was one. Sitting on my shoulder he gets all fluffed up and started talking in parrot speak to the parrots on screen, he even tells them his name "SALTY !". One parrot, a DYHA, laughed a bit like Saltys demented one, and Salty completed it with the trailing off UUuhhhh. That had me laughing too. I cried a bit too, watching Kizzys baby video, I had to stop 1/2 way thru.
Hey wrench how are you and salty doing it's been awhile since I've caught up on this thread
Doing well as can be expected. Salty is getting his Amazon ona bit more these days. But not full blown puberty yet. How is your flock doing?
Doing well as can be expected. Salty is getting his Amazon ona bit more these days. But not full blown puberty yet. How is your flock doing?

Everyone is chilled out bonkers is like 19 and I haven't even seen him get hormonal so that's a blessing. I'm trying to find foods he likes I gave him some celery and he loved tearing it apart but apparently the stringy substance is bad for them so I need to find another food for him to shred.

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