Right now Salty is.....

Yah!! Salty actually played his little piano last nite and tonite. We been working regularly on this for weeks in our nightly training and he did it all by himself for a couple notes. Also I introduced a trick that I have to give new member MUSHKA props to, her drinking out of a cup (bottle cap). Except Salty spilled it all over by holding it on the opposite side. He really surprised me a few nites ago. Some of you know his card trick, picking out the Kings from a fanned deck of card.. I left the deck on the table as it came from the box, Salty started to draw cards from the top of the deck, one by one, until he had gotten all the Kings out. Unbidden, too, he just did it! He surprises the hell out of me sometimes.

Salty is 2 and 1/2, and is feeling his oats lately, a bit moody , switching his FAVORITE person from Erik to Geri and back, refusing tricks some nites and being a bit aggressive occasionally. I just give him space and he cools down quickly. He's going to enjoy xmas, new toys of course, and a side by side food/water bowls for his daytime boing.
Kenntuck it's not the first nor second time he's done that. If you know his trick with the big plastic rings, the only thing I taught him was to walk thru each of them while I hold them up and to come back again. Then, one night, when the rings were laying on the training table, he pick one side up and flipped the ring over his head. Amazing right? And then, about a year (?) later, instead of flipping it over his head, he picked it up on one side, balanced the ring on its end, and walked through it. Both were Salty creating a real trick and departures from what I had taught him. He has even tried to balance the ring, hanging from the top of his head.
Any body, besides Jim with Amy, have a parrot that talks, sings or laughs into their food or water bowls? Salty started doing this a lot in the last couple weeks, a lot. Tonight he was laughing into one of those tubular stainless steel bells, really laughing like a deranged person. The bowl is funny enough, the bell had us in stitches which only makes him do it more. Nice gift buddy!
Oh yes! Nigel does. He laughs and talks in his food bowl which is metallic and creates a nice amplified sound.

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Mushka has some plastic baby stacking bowls that she likes to stick her head in and make all kinds of sounds. I think she likes that it makes her sound different. If you have a mic for your computer get salty to make noise into that and play with the pitch and add some digital effects. Mushka seems to get a kick out of that when I let her do that here.
what a gift to give his humans :) and he didn't even have to spend any pine nuts to do it! WTG Salty!

I'm so proud of Salty tonight. He ran through every trick we have in front of a full house of people. The wife's family and mine including aunts uncles and kids. Didn't pause or hesitate, just literally ran from trick to trick. What a ham! He even did his maniac laugh perfectly on cue. And this with 3 hours less sleep than normal, because Santa left a bunch of boxes which HAD to be opened early Xmas morning. I love mah Salty!
So xmas over, things settled down to normal. The boys are home again, after visiting their mom for xmas. Don't you know Salty stepped right up for Erik, my oldest, and nuzzled his bearded cheek. For awhile, too. Traitor!! At least Salty goes to 3 out of 4 here; Geri for talking and singing, and small amount of touching, Erik for cuddling, and me - I get it all. Youngest Brett wants nothing to do with Salty, but is not against him- he will pick him up if Salty flutters to the floor or food and waters his cage, it's just that birds are not his thing, more of a dog person. Alls right with the world in this house.
Is Salty clipped? I'm always confused about that and would love to know. I just clipped Ollie unfortunately because he flew out the door when something scared him while we brought
in presents on Christmas Day and made it all the way from the front to the back yard and landed low in a tree. He was so close to flying right I to a partially frozen death pond. It was almost the most tragic Christmas ever in the history of the universe... luckily we didn't actually cut down that weed of a tree yet...maybe now we won't because it saved my baby! In the spring we're getting a screen enclosed foyer for the front door so Ollie can fly to his little hearts content.
Salty is clipped. Just recently too, because he has been able to fly the length of our house, and from my shoulder he took a lap around the living room, gaining height as he did so, landing on my outstretched hand. With my wife disabled and home alone most of the day and Salty out of his cage for most of the day, the chance he will fly into some remote inaccessible corner where she can not get him is too high so he remains clipped. PLus I've had the unfortunate experience of loosing a parrot that flew away, never to be seen again. After I retire and am home 24/7 too, we will give serious consideration to letting him fly with full wings. He already knows how - he stuck the landing on my hand like a pro.
Thanks! I had always been wondering.
I'd rather have a traitor than a wife-beater (hen-beater?) who hates everybody else in the world!
I can't get enough of Salty's mischievious laugh..lol..And the talking into his bowl..Al,I wonder if that's an Amazon thing? Amy does that almost daily.

As of late,he has been VERY vocal,especially in the am. I'm going to attempt to get him on camera tomorrow.
Seems that he enjoys the birdy muffins too. Like's the crunchy tops. Even little Beeber's has been chowing down on them,after removing him a half dozen times from my shoulder.
I have plenty of goodies left for a few more batches,and will have another go at it tomorrow. Someone on the 'tiel forum said add a little honey to the mix (for Beebers).
I think Amy would enjoy it too..he does have a sweet beak:rolleyes:

As always, the Saltster never ceases to amaze me,on what can be achieved with patients and determination and LOVE. Well done,to the BOTH of you!

Al, I have been wondering about this forever! Who is the cute birdie on the first post in this thread?
SHine, sorry, Im not sure what you are referring to. THe very first post 64 pages ago? Its only my avatar.

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