Right now Salty is.....

I am of the opinion that we need more salty videos.

That Salty Boy is a very popular character indeed...he and HRH Nigel are neck and neck in cuteness! :54:

Salty and I braved the 10 deg F weather today to go to his vet. When he went for his clipping 2 weeks ago, there were 2 blood feathers that needed more time for the blood to withdraw. So into his Pac o bird he went , cover with a microfibre blanket and into a nicely preheated car he went. They love him there and he was so well behaved, he even did a few tricks for the staff and other pet owners in the waiting room. Snip, snip done and re- bundled up. back to his nice warm boing and a few special trets.
Who wouldn’t love Salty? He’s amazing!

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Salty and I had a really nice Sunday. He was singning away, call ing the dog ( Tinker ! Here puppy ) and talking his head off almost all day. ANd he wanted to play, play play, which for us is roughousing with Salty on his back, and me tickling him, covering his head with my hand and asking 'Where's Salty?' and generally teasing him with my hands and fingers. And he never went into overload, which he does sometimes. Just gently beaking my hand and fingers. I give him rasberries on his belly, Salty seems to like that. We must have played for more then a hour and we had Geri laughing so hard she had to go the the ladies room! Some scratchies too, but no, he wanted more rough housing. and then more talking, my Lord, when he gets on a talking/singing/laughing jag its pretty amazing - I'd put him up against any of the Hot 3. Right up to bed time, with him saying softly "Salty's a good bird" . Just a really nice day with him.
Al? isn't it amazing/heart warming when an evening with your fid just turns out to be "perfect"? :03: No yelling,no chomping,lot's of laughs and silly time/playing and knowing that not only you,but your feathered buddy are truly having a great time?

Amy may not do the amazing things Salty does,but when we play (flapflapflap sessions) or we're out in the kitchen and he "plays" cards with my pal Joe,or when he goes places in the car with me (his most favorite thing to do,but it SUX this time of year :o) and they show you their appreciatation...makes one feel real good!

I will have him on his back,in my hand,tickling/kissing his belly.."tossing" him from hand to hand (he doesn't even flinch) or have him hang upside down from his perch stick and twirl him back and forth..I can see it in his face the excitement and hear from his Amazon grunts a squeals lol.

Non-birdie people just don't understand :o and I truly feel sorry for those folks!


I love the Amazon fix of a Salty update. I can almost see him - except when there's a video, and then I really see him. What a perfect 'Zon! Are you going to issue bumper stickers that say "My other bird is Amazon Salty"?
He does love his play time fixes. When he is in the mood, he will not come off my hand onto his boing, kinda like tryng to pick up a parrot that does not want to be picked up, but in reverse. I have to get Geri, who is more of a Ludite then me, to video when he is in play mode.
There is a preference to being referred to as a Crazy Amazon Person! That is the secrete and Joy of understanding "Being Owned By An Amazon!'

Amazons' Have More Fun! And, Salty and Amy prove that point everyday!
The Rickeybird was verrrrrrrrrrrrrry interested in Salty when we Skyped. He screamed non-stop, out of admiration.
Okay, he just screamed non-stop.
Salty, on the other hand, seemed quite astonished at the uncivilized Patagonian loudness.
LOL, Gail I remember that well, it was very comical. We were trying to have a conversation, RB hootin and hollerin away, and Salty looking at me like "What's dis guys problem?" LOL !

My little Maxie did this high pitched , short, loud call almost constantly. We learned to ignore it, and it's one of the things that we fondly remember about him. For a tiny Brotogeris parrot, he had some lungs on him! RB reminds me of him.
We need to look at the demographic locations too..first...we have a parrot from the "hood".."yo yo bro..'zup man? "what be hap'nin??"...then we have a parrot from the "Hampton's" swillin' tea with the pinky extended.."oh Jeeve's would you go procure the Beemer please?"
It's like...sunflower seed and nutraberries..

You want more video?
You got more video.

This is me giving Salty razzberries on his belly and playing a bit with him.

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And one more, just he and I fooling around

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Even my youngest, who is NOT a bird person, freely admits Salty is a cutiepie and lots of fun.
As we were hanging out last evening, before, during and after Salty's nightly training session, Geri and I were making a few observations about him, about new behaviour and attitudes Salty is showing lately.
He is definately not a baby anymore, more like a juvinelle parrot. More willing to take chances, more investigatory, more willfull. He gets into places never before explored, like under his cage shelves, or thekitchen table (which is right next to his daytime boing). And like horses, once he gets into something, or goes somewhere, that is burnedinto his memory banks and he will do it again and again. While Salty is still clipped he can glide and take short hops/flights or a foot or 2, and he is taking full advantage of that, so we've had to reposition some things, because he knows he can get to them. An odd thing has also happened - Salty is right handed. When he was a baby, eversince I taught him the trick of rolling over (with an assistingfinger from me) he would extend either foot, left or right, for my finger to start the trick. Now he only extends his right foot. He only shakes hands and give high 5 with his right foot. Throws toys with his right foot. But oddly,he only holds edibles in his left foot. When he does his spinningtrick, he used to turn either clockwise or counter, now no matter how close a reat is held in front of him, he only turns clockwise. Salty has always been a fairly even, almost placid Amazon, but recently if he is excited he will literally hop like a Caique from toy to toy, or trick to trick, and his Amazon Tail-O-Meter was never fanned out, now is spreading when excitement sets in (never realized how colorful his is). He is not exhibiting the puberty trait of humping stuff, but cleary at 2-3/4 yrs, that is coming soon. We hope that when it kicks into high gear, our loving little Amazon doesn't dissolve into a devil bird (but we are ready for it and have discussed it with all family members). I think we may luckout, becasue while he has prefferences, me, and oldestson Erik, everyone except youngest, Brett, interacts with him daily, and even Brett can step him up.

Wow long post- I must have lost track of time. Time wake Salty, weigh him, change water and food,clean cage; walk Tinker and collecta poop sample for a vet visit at 11.
Great observations Al...Salty is coming into his own,so to speak and is enjoying life and finding out theres "stuff" to do and investigate,outside of his boing/house/play area...livin'a dream as they say :p

Tail-O-Meter! Better get those Salty videos backed up, you may need to watch them as therapy when they are supplemented with the "Salty chomps down" series!

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