Right now Salty is.....

My favorite parrot legs go to the caiques, who look like they have a pair of pants on, esp when they are excited - they fluff them up, too. Saltys species, Yellow SHoulder Amazons, when they are mature , like 5+ years have yellow thighs and legs. Salty has a little touch of yellow now. Hey! Thats a good pirate name - Parrot Leg Pete.
Caique legs DO rock... I love when they do the River Dance with their pants fluffed up!
My favorite parrot legs go to the caiques, who look like they have a pair of pants on, esp when they are excited - they fluff them up, too. Saltys species, Yellow SHoulder Amazons, when they are mature , like 5+ years have yellow thighs and legs. Salty has a little touch of yellow now. Hey! Thats a good pirate name - Parrot Leg Pete.

Yes Al..that happens when Amy gets excited too. Her pants legs puff up lol

Ok I don't mean to spoil Salty's thread with an utterly cute parrotlet, but tonight during playtime I looked over and realized I CAN see her pants! [emoji170]


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Oh man, did we ever get a concert last night. Salty's been watching and listening to all sorts of opera stuff, sung both by parrots and human divas, and a lot has rubbed off on him. For a good 20 minutes, he gave Geri and I his rendition of.... well we aren't quite sure what, but he was singing in an opera 'voice', using almost words ( like Amazons do) and keeping in pitch and repeating some pretty complex melodies. Geri and I were enthralled and didn't compliment him until it was obvious he was done, for fear of interupting him. He's never done this as long as last night, it was quite extraordinary. And of course I ran for the tablet to record any further songs, but he took his final bows and was hard at work destroying a paper towel tube by the time I got back.

Wow! Salty is so talented. :) I wish I could meet him. As for parrot pants: I used to say Gabby had yellow socks and green pants. If you look at a DYH, you'll see it's true. :)
Awesome videos, Al! I see from that harness video you're a finger fumbler like I am. Unlike Maya, though, Salty has patience on the level of Job. Lol! I'd NEVER have been able to successfully pull off a 2nd attempt after botching the first. That would've been all she wrote for that day.

And as always, I enjoyed the training video. You can see just how much that bird loves his training time with you.
Inger Bumble is so cute you can thread steal all you want! So tiny, but all parrot.

Anasi - he is into it most nights, but as you know, parrots have their moods and once in awhile Salty is like "mmeehhh, let's not tonight". I let him decide. ANd then there are other nights when he is so eager, he looks over the edge of the table to see all the toys and tricks I've laid out on the floor for the nights session.
Having his lunch, after going to the pet store with me to get more Roudybush pellets. Of course he always gets a new toy ( or 2 or3). Got his picture taken 3 times. I put his harness on today with a minimum of fumbling and I think he finally understands that the harness means we are going out and many treats will be given for being a good boy.

Last night i went to a jam session and Geri tried to do Saltys normal training session with him ( she's done it a few times before) but Salty was not having it and nipped her a few times before she realized that he wanted Daddy to do the training - in fact he was calling 'Daddy" in a plaintive voice a few times. i got home late ( 11 ish) and put them both to bed, ha ha.
I have a dream once in awhile...Amy is free-flight trained and I take her out to a huge open field,put her on a tall T-stand and tell her to "go fly"..she looks at me,then jumps off her stand,and as she is zooming all around,she is yelling out "Weeeeee!! look at me Daddy! I'm flying I'm flying! Weeeeeee!!"

I have a huge :D on my face for the rest of the day! :green: :D :rolleyes:

Last night Salty seemed a bit bored by our usual trick training line up. I always open with 2 tricks that he knows cold, and in fact he expects these 2 - spin in circles and then rolling over 2x. After that I try to vary which ones come next. I alternate with tricks he likes to do with ones he prefers not to to. He likes:
1) flipping the colored rings over his head and stepping thru the colored rings
2 )putting $ in his bank
3) pushing the shopping cart ( go shopping)
4) putting things into his bowl, and then giving them to me
5) Going thru the 3' piece of PVC pipe (Peak A Boo)
6) Cleaning up from peak a boo
7) Discovering treats under a piece of towel
8) Throwing the piece of towel away ( off the training table)
9) Picking out Kings from a deck of playing cards
10) shaking hands
11) Giving Hi Five ( or four)
12) Climbing up the ladder and going down his slide
13) Picking out small animals and giving them to me
14) Throwing a large 4" whiffle ball down the PVC tube ( Throw it away, Salty)

Tricks he does not like
1) Stacking cups
2) un-stacking cup
3) spinning around on a chop stick
4) Playing dead in my hand
5) Putting his head loop from his harness on
6) sorting out colors ( whether its colored rings or spacemen )

He does all of these, but we dont do them all every night. Last night I changed up the card trick a little - I pulled all four of the 8's out, and one 5. showed the 5 to Salty, and laid all five card in front of me, and asked him to give Daddy the 5. WHich he did. We did that trick a few times. Tomorrow I will add maybe 7's to the deck.

The other variation i did - I placed the 3 ft piece of PVC tubing next to his slide, and when he got to the bottom of the slide I asked him to peek a boo thru the tubing, back to the foot of the ladder. That one took a few attempts, but Salty got it right the last 2 times.

So we have changed things up a little, but I am all ears for suggestions on new ones ( real ones, please - no wash my car, or doing my taxes). Still looking for parrot sized bicycle that is not crazy expensive. I still want to string up more plastic chain ( his superhighway) from the ceiling, reaching from his cage to the playstand by the front window. Getting flak from the management on that one
I don't know,Al...Salty is doing more than I could ever imagine now :eek:
This is going to be a hard one to figure out..ask him to quack like a duck?:confused:
We have a lot of brainiac's here..and smart little birdies...I'm sure someone will come up with an exciting,stimulating and challanging thing for Salty.
Salty is no dumb bunny..can't have anything that would seem boring for him :o

Wow, go Salty!!! Smart little genius! We do easy stuff like "say hello", and "blow kisses" (he also has to "be polite" and say thank you when he gets kisses back!).

A few 'easy' tricks that you didn't mention are...
- "do a flip" = he stands on my finger and has to hang upside down then flip around my finger
- "flapflapflap!" = just flap his wings alot, which is GREAT for when we need him to burn off some quick energy

We're also working on "wings" (where he has to flash his wings) and then "batman" after he gets wings perfected (same thing, he flashes his wings just hanging upside down hahaha).

My wife's in love with Salty's card trick! She's been working on a fetch-type trick with Mav's whiffle ball and has informed me she needs PVC pipe now too!
The card trick was pretty easy to teach him. Start with oh 6 numbered cards, and one picture card ( I used a King). SHow him the king, let him take it from your hand, so he knows thats the one you want. mix it in with the other cards spread them out and ask for the king. Lots of treats, but only when there is progress. then you keep adding more cards and more kings. GOod luck!
Whew, just finished cleaning up from the latest chop making session. 84 baggies of chop, I hope Salty likes it as much as the last batch we made. I went to a farmers market to get a lot of the ingredients.

Swiss Char
Dandelion greens
Big double handful of Habenerro peppers
Red peppers
Orange peppers
Yellow and purple calliflower
Red Quinoa
Carrot greens
Green beans

THis time we only used the food processor for the peppers and the leafy greens and hand chopped most of the other stuff, its a lot chunkyer then our last batch. I was able to get these itty bitty squash too, so we can give Salty a whole one for dinner. We should be set until around New Years! Salty was seranading us while we worked and was saying his new phrase - "Lou Ferrigno " ???? where the heck he got that from , we dont know.
Is Salty flighted? There are some fun “fly in a loop” type of tricks. And fetch would be cute.

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And he likes it ! Yeayyyyyy - $90 and 4 hours of work NOTwasted.

Inger , Salty is not flighted, and he is about due to get some of his Primaries trimmed. I've lost 2 flighted parrots, and only recovered 1. I wouldn;t wish my worst enemy to know what that feels like. Read Mark's ( Birdman666 ) thread on the loss of his flighted macaw, Maggie.
If you aren't in tears after the first page..... and she was flighted for years; she and Mark used to go flying all the time. A random disturbance, a puff of wind. Gone. ( Sorry Mark to use Maggies tale to make a point). No thanks, Salty will stay with us, safe. If he needs stimulation, I'll take him to Vegas to deal Black Jack.
Habaneros and quinoa really float the Rb's boat. Pirate boat. Arrrrr!!!
We've seen videos of the shopping cart and it is soooo adorable. We'd love to buy one, but can't seem to find anywhere that has any in stock. Would you mind sending me a PM with where you got yours? Thanks!

We got Harvey a little 'training gym' that seems more aptly sized for a slightly smaller bird because the perch is a little too thin for him to grip well and isn't so stable, but it has a treat dispensing basketball goal and a deadlift bar (that is held to the 'gym' with a looped piece of plastic so the bar can only travel so far up, but not out). Maybe you can teach Salty to do some lifts and flex his pecs! hehe

And like any good pirate, he needs to learn to swing to another ship and swing his saber. ;)
Just hanging out video.

I wish I could have videoed tonights session, he did everything perfectly. LOL last night he was like Gimme a Break Dad!
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