Right now Salty is.....

If you have a smart phone skyping on your phone is pretty easy and there's already a camera and Microphone. I don't have a camera on my computer so I use my IPhone.

I have an Android and I don't know why...I'm not very "techy" and the phone aggravates the beejesus outta me! Should have stuck with the old flip lol The phone is "Smart"...me...not so....


You should just be able to go to the play store and download Skype. Truly simple and if you can manage to keep parrots successfully (which we know you can) you can certainly do Skype on your phone [emoji846]

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Sorry wrench accidentally called you with skype just making sure my Skype is updated and stuff.
If you have a smart phone skyping on your phone is pretty easy and there's already a camera and Microphone. I don't have a camera on my computer so I use my IPhone.

I have an Android and I don't know why...I'm not very "techy" and the phone aggravates the beejesus outta me! Should have stuck with the old flip lol The phone is "Smart"...me...not so....


You should just be able to go to the play store and download Skype. Truly simple and if you can manage to keep parrots successfully (which we know you can) you can certainly do Skype on your phone [emoji846]

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Well I got SKYPE on my phone...now by the time I figure out on how to USE it...Salty will be in birdy night night land...:o

Tomorrow, 8/15 is Salty birthday and he will be 2 whole years old. My wife is making a special birdcake for him. I loaded up on presents the other day. If anyone wants to Skype in around 7 pm, you can join in the festivities . Balloons to pop , and a pinata for him to destroy. He has become a true member of the family for us. And of course videos to share. Happy birthday my little boy.

Kelly, Myself and our new baby girl B&G (No name yet) want to wish Salty a very happy birthday !!! We hope he enjoys his birdcake and all the cool toys !!!
A big Happy Birthday Salty !!!

Kelly and Karl
Thanks everyone, I read all the birthday wishes to Salty last night. Here's a short vid of him playing on one of his new hanging toys. No fear, Daddy hangs it up, that means its for Salty, and he immediately starts playing on it.


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I was eyeballing that toy the other day. It looks like a hit in SaltyLand.
So take heart those of you trying to get a harness on your Amazon. THe more your do it , the more routine it becomes.. Salty and I went out for a trip to the local big box pet store ( they have the biggest toy selection). Salty just sat patiently while I put his harness on, it is very cool. He knows the harness means going outside and maybe a trip to the STORE to get him some goodies, and this trip did not dissapoint. He just sits in my lap, letting me put his hear thru the harness, slip his wings they each look, and tightenup the straps , all with as much drama as changing his cage papers. After 2 or 3 times, if you have treated your parrot at each step, the drama in putting it on should be noticably less and less. They come to realize it means treats, can going outside and seeing new things and meeting new people. Salty even likes car rides in his harness, where before, car rides in his Pac-o-bird would make him nervous sometimes. The only down side is he poops on my fine corinthian leather seats, but hey that what wipes were made for, right> Even taking it off is a matter of loosening the straps, even them out, slip his wings off, and give him the off command so he pulls his head out of the loop. So very worth the work we did every night for months and months. I am thinking about bringing him to my grandsons birthday party next Sunday, bt we;ll see.
SO instead of taking him to the kids birthday party on SUnday ( 20+ 4,5 and 6 yr olds), I took him with Geri and I to the more intimate family party tonight, Just my 2 grandkids and 8 adults. My 5 yr old grandson Lucas was thrilled because Salty shook hands with him, and gave him Hi-Five and even stepped up for him and accepted treats from him. I brought Salty over in his pak-o-bird, just in case he or one of the kids had a meltdown, and to give Salty a place to chill ( like when the lights went out and we started singing Happy Birthday). Salty was a perfect gentleman, not biting or nibbling anyone, and didnt even poop on anyone. He did a few tricks for every one, and Lucas laughed his little head off when Salty went down his slide. He was a little nervous when we arrived, with all the strange faces and party balloons all over the place ( he's never seen a balloon before!), but he settled down and was the perfect ambassador for Amazons, sitting on my shoulder most of the time. He still has issues with being in the car at night, so we drove home with the courtesy light on, which calms him down a lot. A special treat when we got home, extra stay up time and is now sound asleep.
Well if last nite with the grandkids stressed Salty out, you would never know it tonight. A nice hearty "Hi Daddy", practically begging for skritches, singing his fool head off and did his trick training with real eagerness. Maybe taking him out of his comfort zone once in awhile is not such a bad idea?

Got to see if my daughter got pics of Salty shaking hands with Lucas, my GSon.
For a bird as well socialized as Salty, going out of his comfort zone every once in a while is probably fun!
I bet secretly Salty was enjoying it. He's such a confident parrot
Yeah, Triggs , usually he is, but at my daughters house everyone was in her basement family room - hard walls, new hardwood floor and drop ceiling and it was echo-ey as hell. Salty jumped off my shoulder 3 times and needed some reassurance from me, but he calmed down to say a 3 out of a 10 on the nervousness scale, a 10 being "I am OUTA here at any price" and a 1 being same comfort as his cage.

He'll be going out of that zone again Sat; I am taking him with us when I take Geri shopping at Target for lady stuff. Yippee = shoes, handbag, fall clothes and bras ( a hands-on job).
Yeah, Triggs , usually he is, but at my daughters house everyone was in her basement family room - hard walls, new hardwood floor and drop ceiling and it was echo-ey as hell. Salty jumped off my shoulder 3 times and needed some reassurance from me, but he calmed down to say a 3 out of a 10 on the nervousness scale, a 10 being "I am OUTA here at any price" and a 1 being same comfort as his cage.

He'll be going out of that zone again Sat; I am taking him with us when I take Geri shopping at Target for lady stuff. Yippee = shoes, handbag, fall clothes and bras ( a hands-on job).

well in such an excitable and different environment is definitely calmer than I would expect. Try to get a couple of pictures of salty at the store for us! I know I need to see more Zon fun! I'm definitely falling into the fraternity but that's a bird for the future I think. Maybe at least when I'm in a house and not an apartment
Just want to keep Salty's videos on one thread. This is me, trying to put his harness on him, the first time I botch it, the second time it goes smoothly. Salty's such a good boy, he hardly utters a scwauck and lets me manhandle him a lot.

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Oh man, did we ever get a concert last night. Salty's been watching and listening to all sorts of opera stuff, sung both by parrots and human divas, and a lot has rubbed off on him. For a good 20 minutes, he gave Geri and I his rendition of.... well we aren't quite sure what, but he was singing in an opera 'voice', using almost words ( like Amazons do) and keeping in pitch and repeating some pretty complex melodies. Geri and I were enthralled and didn't compliment him until it was obvious he was done, for fear of interupting him. He's never done this as long as last night, it was quite extraordinary. And of course I ran for the tablet to record any further songs, but he took his final bows and was hard at work destroying a paper towel tube by the time I got back.
A new video from last nights training session; Salty does some really well in this one, though the videographer (me) is not so good.

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Salty is amazing! Also he's very cute. I never notice this on Bumble, but I'm bigger birds I love how their feathers go down their legs and look like fluffy pants.

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Salty is amazing! Also he's very cute. I never notice this on Bumble, but I'm bigger birds I love how their feathers go down their legs and look like fluffy pants.

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Inger..when Amy would "fluff up" my mom used to call Amy's "pants legs" PONTOONS :rolleyes: Don't ask me why lol.

Truly amazing Al...really. Salty does not even hesitate to do any tricks,and it really seems to me he loves doing them. The "walking thru the hoop" thing..he just does it..whim bam boom and he is done with it lol.
And that freakin' laugh,with the "ohhhhhhh" at the end..now THAT makes it all worth while :D
Salty...you're the bomb birdie!


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