Right now Salty is.....

I want to work that into a cool video. Maybe we will play some poker, like 5 card stud.
...So Salty came up with a new trick on his own. If you have seen his ring trick, he beaks this yellow plastic 6 inch ring, and flips it over his head (he came up with that one), but he started to pick the ring up, and balanced the thing on its edge, and just walked thru the ring. He just did it one night during our training session , and now he alternates between the two ways of doing it. Salty came up with both tricks on his own. The only trick I ever did with that ring was to get him to walk thru it while I held it up. That's it. Oh yeah, now he can pick all 4 Kings from a deck of cards - I spread the deck out face up and he will walk along the deck and pick out only the Kings. Good trick ,huh? I'm taking him to Vegas next week!

I'm floored. Salty is ferociously smart!
Well, the Rickeybird got his neck CAUGHT in a ring a while back!

Salty is a genius...
I'd let Salty play a hand of 4 card stud with Nigel, but Salty would likely come out of that game wearing a barrel.

Speaking of which, you know those black velvet paintings of dogs playing poker ? I want one with parrots playing poker !!! Or dice !!
Yesterday Salty (in his harness ) ran a few errands. One to the drugstore and then to his favorite place, the big box pet shop. He is such a good ambassador when we are out, shaking hands will every one, and never offering to bite. He loves going the the pet store, they have the biggest selection of parrot toys. He got to pick out several, one which he will get today, and the rest saved up for his birthday party next week on 8/15. I hope you all can attend via Skype . I'll announce details later this week. I can't believe he will be 2 whole years old . He will get all his favorite treats, a night off from training, and get to stay up as late as he wants. He will allowed to eat dinner right at the table with us , instead of from his hanging boingy. Last year he was more interested in destroying the candle in his birthday cake , then eating the cake. Today, a nice shower or bath for Salty, then some time in the backyard to dry off.
Salty came to work with me on Wen 8/2, so we could make a Dr appointment for him, scheduled for right after work. My boss is good like that, he has no problems with Salty being there in my office. But unlike past times when he as come in with me, everyone, including me, was exceptionally busy and had no time to come and say hello, or play with him much. SO Salty did not enjoy his day at work with me. THat, and the heat and high humidity and not much interaction, leaving my house at 6AM instead of getting up at 10AM, me forgetting his pellets for his breakfast, all left my poor boy in a fowl mood for the vet. Well fowl for Salty anyway - the vet still calls him Amazon lite. THe thorough exam by the vet did nothing to improve his mood either. We only got home around 7:30, right at dinner time, so Salty got his usual dinner, chop with Avicake. But he was literally falling asleep on his boing perch and we skipped our training session that night ( a rare occasion ). Yesterday he was still recovering from an unusually long and tiresome day, and he was misbehaving all day with Geri. But by evening, he had regained most of his composure, cooling off in our bedroom, watching birdy videos. Salty was quite eager to do our training last night too, and showed improvement in one new trick ( playing a small E-piano), and even did his least favorite ones with marked zeal. I will hang some new toys for him tonight when I get home and hopefully Salty will be fully back to his old sweet self. But it just shows that a break in long standing routine(s) can make even the sweetest parrots disposition change and not for the better.
Ah totally agree! Routine is king! Poor Salty, hope there's fewer interruptions to his days!!!

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It seems like Amy LIKES diversions from her "regular" routine :rolleyes:.

And her (his) diversions are usually going out on the town with Daddy :p
When we did the trip to visit Al's family he was very alert on the way down,but it was a long (and most excellent) day for everyone concerned,and on the ride back home I could tell he was tired and couldn't wait to climb back in to her mansion and head straight to his nite-nite perch lol.

Yes Al...something about visiting their relatives at the pet store really makes the day for them..every time we are out,I MUST stop at AllPets so Amy can visit his buddies the green armed bee bee's :rolleyes:

Boy,he is gonna be two years old already! How times fly. I wish I had Skype,would love for Amy and The Beebs to be a part of your boys special day.

Keep making your Dad so very proud of you Salty boy...Amazons Rule!...and Have More Fun!!!..according to our resident 'zon guru ;)

All the amazon people have made me hope that one day an amazon will consider me a friend.

But don't tell Nigel. I'm typing quietly as he noshes on his birdie bread....

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Tomorrow, 8/15 is Salty birthday and he will be 2 whole years old. My wife is making a special birdcake for him. I loaded up on presents the other day. If anyone wants to Skype in around 7 pm, you can join in the festivities . Balloons to pop , and a pinata for him to destroy. He has become a true member of the family for us. And of course videos to share. Happy birthday my little boy.
Sadly, cannot confirm at this moment that Julio and family will be available, but it is on the calendar and if possible, we will!
Skype wrench131 . If we aren't too 'happy' by then. Just cause Salty can't toast himself doesn't mean we cant. He is playing with an early present, a foraging toy that dispenses treats.
Time zone?

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Time zone?

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Al (and I ) are EST...I think that is 4 hours ahead of you Inger ( as I type this, it is 11:26pm EST)

Time zone?

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Al (and I ) are EST...I think that is 4 hours ahead of you Inger ( as I type this, it is 11:26pm EST)


Thanks, Jim. It's 3 hours. And I'm sorry to say that I will be in downtown Seattle seeing the sights with my niece at that time. Well, not actually sorry but I would have enjoyed skyping with Salty!

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Well last weekend I picked up a new computer...mine was sooo old the tubes fried :rolleyes: This one is wizz-bang super hi-flow warp 9 but I'm so computer illiterate I can barely find the go button :eek:
Trying my damndest to down load SKYPE and not doing very well at it...can't seem to get the "verification code" :confused:
I did find my mic but don't have a camera.. SALTY BOY!! I'm tryin' buddy! Amy would love to wish you a Happy Birdiday even if its just a couple squawks and grunts!

If you have a smart phone skyping on your phone is pretty easy and there's already a camera and Microphone. I don't have a camera on my computer so I use my IPhone.
If you have a smart phone skyping on your phone is pretty easy and there's already a camera and Microphone. I don't have a camera on my computer so I use my IPhone.

I have an Android and I don't know why...I'm not very "techy" and the phone aggravates the beejesus outta me! Should have stuck with the old flip lol The phone is "Smart"...me...not so....

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