Right now Salty is.....

I dunno Al...two "boys" smooching :rolleyes: ( not that it's bad now! or however Seinfeld put it lol) but we didn't know that at the time now,did we? ;)

Salty's long tail reminds me of a blue front's. Are they fairly closely related?

They may be in the same branch, but I've been told they are closer related to double yellow heads - in that family. Salty is funny like that. He never spreads his tail feathers, when singing or talking are even when we play ' rough'. Most Blue fronts fan then really wide and so do DYH

The DNA studies are not complete, but far enough along to provide 'groups' and some related groups. The Blue-Fronted Amazons are a fully separate family from the YNA and DYH Amazons, which are more closely related.

It is very important to remember that 'all' Amazons are related. It comes down to a couple of markers of separation.
This past Saturday I got Salty up at his usual time, 10AM, gave him his breakfast and fresh water, and let him wake up a bit. Then I got him out of his cage and put his Aviator harness on him. It's still a bit of a struggle to get it on him, no biting at all, but he still does not like to put his head thru the head loop. I have to hold his little head still and slip it over. Once that is on, slipping the loos for the wings is easy and he doesn't seem to mind that so much. Each time we put it on it gets easier and easier, as he realizes that a) its not going to hurt him or eat him and b) he gets lots n lots of treats when we are done and c) it means we are going OUT somewhere. With a pocket full of pine nuts, we headed out the front door. It's great to see the change come over him, like a wide eyed youngster seeing Disneyworld for the first time. We walked around my car a few times so he doesn't get freaked out by it when we actually go inside. I let him ride on my shoulder this time, if its going to be a long trip, Salty goes into the Pac-O-Bird, and wedged between the front bucket seats. But this was not going to be a all day trip, just a lot of stops, shopping. Salty loves to watch the trees and other cars go whizzing by. First stop was the big box pet store, where I get some of his food items - Avicakes and Roudybush pellets. They also have a big toy selection, and I let Salty pick out his own toys ( that way I know they will be used and destroyed, instead of ignored ). The staff there like when we visit and make a big fuss over him.
Salty was a gentleman the whole time, accepting his treats politely and even shook hand with a few people. Then it was back into the car, to hit a smaller Mom and Pop pet store, to get more of his second favorite treats, the yogurt coated seeds. And there he gets to say hi to all the other parrots waiting for new families. It was funny, he even introduced himself to one pair of white front amazons. We walked up to their cage, and Salty sings out "SALTY" and 'pretty pretty bird'. And more admiration from the staff and patrons in the shop, he must get a swollen head from all the attention, but I dont mind, it's good for socializing him. Its was interesting to me that last time he had his harness on for a lengthy amount of time ( the pirate festival a few weeks ago) he was chewing on the straps of the head loop. This time he paid no attention to the harness at all. Maybe he is getting used to it, maybe there was so much visual stimulation ( and treats) going on that he clean forgot h had it on. SO back into the car we went, cranked up the radio and listened to some good loud rock, so we could sing to it. Once back home, taking off the harness was matter of seconds ( Salty has the removing his head move down really well, so no drama in doing that), and we unpacked his treasure trove of goodies, toys and other less exciting purchases. I hung one of the new toys up right ways, onto his play chain, and he went right to town on it. All in all a good outing with Salty. We are going to take advantage of the nice warm weather here, because in 4-5 months it will be too cold once again to tke him outside.

To those working to get your parrot to accept a harness, I say keep at it, even if it takes months and months and months ( like it took us). It is so well worth it.
I love seeing how Salty's world has expanded since getting him harness trained. You really put in the time and the work, and now it's paying off for both of you. Inspiring, Al.
Awesome story Al..Just more proof that Amazons have more fun! :D

Nothing like a guy (or gal!) out and about with the birdie on a mid summers day,hob knobbing with the masses :p

Salty has come so far in his short life..more proof on what a devoted parront,and a loving fid can accomplish when they set their mind to it.
Well done my friend...well done! :)

Thankee, both of you! Though in truth Salty makes it easy. Oh he grumbles and gripes, but he does enjoy being out and about. Right now he is enjoying one of the toys he picked out, to take his mind off the heat and humidity. It's funny, Geri will give him a little spritz to cool him off, and he immediately runs into his cage to give himself a full blown bath.

Salty is still deciding if he likes the new batch of chop we made this weekend. Let's hope so, we have 75 baggies of it!
75 bags of chop??? Dang Salty...I hope you like it lol. Still amazes me..how Amys birdonalitly/demeanor changes when we go out on our adventures. Even though Amy might not have the elaborate home set-up that some of the fids I read about,it always puts a big smile on my face,to see the smile on her beak,when we go places.. I know she enjoys our outings,so I make every attempt to bring her out with me. Jim
Thanks for the inspiration!! Thats awesome, I can't wait to show off Timneh some day soon, or whenever it happens.
Salty's long tail reminds me of a blue front's. Are they fairly closely related?

They may be in the same branch, but I've been told they are closer related to double yellow heads - in that family. Salty is funny like that. He never spreads his tail feathers, when singing or talking are even when we play ' rough'. Most Blue fronts fan then really wide and so do DYH

The DNA studies are not complete, but far enough along to provide 'groups' and some related groups. The Blue-Fronted Amazons are a fully separate family from the YNA and DYH Amazons, which are more closely related.

It is very important to remember that 'all' Amazons are related. It comes down to a couple of markers of separation.

Do you happen to know offhand if Amazons are the largest genus? There are thirty-one species and who knows how many subspecies. That's why I think the yellow-headed group needs their own emoji. I wish the forum could get permission to use these:


There are tons more. Lookie: Parrots & Parakeets products < Birds

I doubt you could get permission since designs based on these cartoon parrots are being sold, but a forum user can dream. :p
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Salty's long tail reminds me of a blue front's. Are they fairly closely related?

They may be in the same branch, but I've been told they are closer related to double yellow heads - in that family. Salty is funny like that. He never spreads his tail feathers, when singing or talking are even when we play ' rough'.
ost Bluue fronts fan then really wide and so do DYH

His temperament seems more manageable than a DYH or YN, but there are members of the "yellow headed" group that are supposed to have nicer temperaments. Panamas have been much touted.

Yeah, my DYH spread his tail all the time. So far, Kizzy has only displayed once (in the shower) and her tail only fanned a little bit. Do you know other YSA's? Do they fan their tails when excited?
CHRISTMAS COOKIES!!!! Salty was extra mushy to nite when I got home, with a good long scratch in progress, when all of a sudden that great amazon undefined smell hits me right in the face. I call it his
x-mas cookie smell. He does not emit it all the time nor every time, but tonight it was really strong. Guess that means I was a good human slave! MORE, MORE, right there..... aahhhhh.
And now, this AM, Salty took a hunka hunka burning meat from my finger. My fault, or rather my sons. Or both. Salty usually gets up around 10 am (we have him on a pretty strict 12 hr sleep cycle) . But today, my wife was up early and made breakfast and with all the clanging and cooking noises, Salty was up more like 8 am. Again, his usual routine is to get water and pellets changed, and then like an hour in cage. But today, my son let Salty out as soon as he was making bird noises under the cage cover. So, 2 things that usually happen every morning were disrupted. Salty climbed to the top of his hanging chain/boing, and when I reached up to get him down, he was not having any of it, and clamped down, and I was sure it was going to be a typical nip from him. Nope, he held on and sawed his lower beak in deeper. I made not a sound and did not jerk my hand away. Like i said our fault and shows that interrupting a well established routine is done at the parront's peril.

P.S. 15 min later, treat in hand, Salty stepped up, got weighed and is happily eating breakfast ...... in his cage.
His "routine" got disrupted,and was having no part of it.." I will learn you.lowly human Daddy servant,to do that again" :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear that,Al my friend,I feel your pain,honrst! :eek:

A couple of questions: 1) How much does Salty weigh? and 2) What size Aviator Harness does he wear?

He looks close to Kizzy's size, but Kizzy is a bit on the thin side because she's fledging / weaning. I have both a small and a medium. The small barely fits over her head and it's kind of hard to get off. The medium may be too large, but I'd prefer she not have a tight fit. Then again, I very much prefer she doesn't get away. Maybe they should make a small-medium? I don't know.
I sometimes catch the missus rubbing her nose into the PATAGONIAN's armpit............
she says he smells like chocolate bar WRAPPERS..................... I must just watch.................occasionally I summon a feeble "that's nice"
Seriously though we have a dear friend who raves about the Christmas cookie or fruitcake smell of their Double Yellowhead.
Oh no...a change in schedule! I,too, have suffered when schedule has been interrupted. Thankfully I've avoided the beak so far but have had plenty of bombs dropped on me when I have erred with timing.

Feel better! Ouch!
Yep, that must have been what triggered the grumpy Salty to come out. He has been a mush ball since we went back to his normal schedule. Extra mushy even, asking to rough play and wrestle with him. Snuggling under my chin to watch bird videos. My Lil Christmas cookie.

So Salty came up with a new trick on his own. If you have seen his ring trick, he beaks this yellow plastic 6 inch ring, and flips it over his head (he came up with that one), but he started to pick the ring up, and balanced the thing on its edge, and just walked thru the ring. He just did it one night during our training session , and now he alternates between the two ways of doing it. Salty came up with both tricks on his own. The only trick I ever did with that ring was to get him to walk thru it while I held it up. That's it. Oh yeah, now he can pick all 4 Kings from a deck of cards - I spread the deck out face up and he will walk along the deck and pick out only the Kings. Good trick ,huh? I'm taking him to Vegas next week!
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The card trick is pretty amazing.

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