Right now Salty is.....

I can't wait for Salty to join The Brigands on tour...
He'll steal the spotlight so fassssssssssssssssssssssssst!

Catch 'em on YouTube.
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I am soooo proud of Salty !! Today, because it was so niice out, I took a chance and tried to get Salty into his Aviator Harness. He has been letting me put it ( but not under the wings) for like 3 weeks during training sessions. Today he let me put the harness under his wings and tighten it up, with a minimum of fuss, although lots of treats were involved, a steady stream of them in fact. But he let me cinch it all up, and out the front door we went. Slowly walked around the property and cars and around the front lawn, and sat on the front stoop awhile, so we could watch the world go bye. He was so good and just looked around with wide eyes. Taking it off involved more treats but went pretty smoothly, and of course when i gave him the "Off" command he calmed right down, because he knows that mean the head stall is is coming off. Yep, I am one proud daddy!
Way to go Salty!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thats awesome I hope to have the same success with Timneh. Thats really spectacular.
Lest anyone think Salty is the perfect parrot, the rest of Saturday, and today, Daddy's name is mud. Perhaps he resents me taking the outside away from him? He refused all but a few tricks last nite, we shall see what happens tonite. He's been very stand offish today. But as we know, Amazons are moody. He is still a good boy though.
Salty on his worst day is more of a gentlemanbird than you-know-who is on his best!
Salty on his worst day is more of a gentlemanbird than you-know-who is on his best!

LOL..sighhh...if RB only knew how you talk about him,Gail..:rolleyes:

Sooooo moody. Today, all is forgiven ( as if I actually did anything wrong). Last nites training was great, and Salty is begging for scratches, and trying to steal my wedding ring, and trying his hand at singing opera. In other words back to his usual self. I just wonder - am I the mother/father bird, and he will try to distance himself from me when puberty sets in? Or is he just a friggin moody Amazon? We are almost ready to take a new video - waiting on 2 new tricks and for me to write a narrative to go along with them. I see these youtube vids, where the bird does on trick, 2 tops and the vid has thousands of hits. Meanwhile Salty is doing at least a dozen if not more, and he only has a couple dozen hits. Salty, come on man, I am planning on retiring on the $$$ we will make on your wonderful abilities.

Mean while, we have been watching parrot videos every nite, and Salty always introduces himself to the birds on screen, its pretty funny. Then he asks me if its a PRETTYBIRD a BIRD, a PRETTYBIRD. Stop jewel thief, Stop! Honest officer, it was a green blur, headed right to the jewelry cases.
I believe what you are seeing is the quick transition from baby Parrot to young Parrot as his body and mind take on the structure and abilities of an Adult. No, not the major change still in the future. Think of the transitions your sons went through between 2 and 10. Much the same only a quicker time line. Recall those wonder discussions of: I hate you, I love you, I like you, what the heck is happening to me?

NOTE: The efforts that you are putting into socializing him, etc. will help him greatly when he pass through to Adulthood!
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It again so nice out that I am going to try and put Salty into his harness and venture out side. He's been putting it on ( head into head stall only) every night during training, so doing the whole thing should be no sweat. I'll report later. I akso have to find a fruit he likes, he is getting bored with his usuals - kiwi, grapes, blue berries, mango and bananas. Lately we have been finding them more on the floor instead of in his belly. He doesn't like strawberries, apples, blackberries, oranges, grapefruit or pears. And our supermarket is not the biggest so I am running out of options! He may just have to suffer with the current favs until I can find a store with a bigger produce section. Any suggestions?
Aw Salty, he's got a refined palate. Plums maybe (sans pit of course), apricots, peaches?
Ok ! Salty got his second excursion outside! He let me put his harness completely on with only minor squacking and protest. And we went out side and say on the front stoop, watching the cars listening to the birds outside. Salty still is a little apprehensive about being outside, I know this to be true because he ignored the treats I was offering. But once back in, and the harness off, he took the profered offerings OK. As far as new fruits, I got one of each odd ball spanish fruits ( we live in an area with a high Latino population). We'll see if he takes to any of them.

We'll see if he does the evening training session with his usual eager aplomb. Last harness success left him not wanting any part of training.
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Going out must be so thrilling and amazing... maybe he's tired later?
Tired ? Or maybe just freaked out a bit. He is so not used to the big wide world. Tell me Gail, do you ever take the RB outside? I am going to try and get Salty out every evening, now that the sunset is way after I get home from work. Every parrot trained to go out in a harness seems so happy and interested. Well we shall see.
I am following your progress with great interest. My dream is to be able to get my bird outside, but it will take a long time before she trusts me enough to put a harness on her.

Good luck :)
Halos (the tiny little mandarins) are extra sweet. If you are near any Asian markets you might try Salty on delicious mangosteen. Gus got tired of red grapes, but loves the new white Muscat grapes. He like only fresh, dead ripe mango if it's not fibrous. He likes fresh but not frozen cherries. And I usually cut the fruits open so he can taste the sweet inside, otherwise he just licks the outside skin and tosses it out.
Tired ? Or maybe just freaked out a bit. He is so not used to the big wide world. Tell me Gail, do you ever take the RB outside? I am going to try and get Salty out every evening, now that the sunset is way after I get home from work. Every parrot trained to go out in a harness seems so happy and interested. Well we shall see.

Oh, Mr. Wrench... back in New Mexico, he went EVERYWHERE... Renaissance Fairs, Parrot Clubs, visiting other parrots... all halterless... on my shoulder or inside my t-shirt, perching on my Victoria's Secret, head sticking out through the neck or bottom hem. Sometimes he would ride on the steering wheel as I drove. WHAT WAS I THINKING???? GAH. I didn't know any better.
After we moved up North, he was relegated to our sun porch and vet visits. Oh, and Blessings of the Animals. With a travel cage. Occasionally, I inflict him upon a tolerant friend or relative.
I do think about trying a harness...

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