Right now Salty is.....

Copied from my other thread... with additional comments:

First , I took Geri food shopping and on a whim i grabbed Salty , his pack o bird and his harness ( just for giggles). I know it was gonna be along time in the car ( Geri is handi capped and just wanted to get out of the house a bit). I knew it would be a couple of hours. After she left the car Salty came out, to run around the car. I started to count compliments on my car vs compliments on Salty. He won, 2 to 4. Again on a whim, I took out the harness, and with no treats at all, Salty let me put the harness on him, no bites, no squacking, he just let me. Even when I tightened it up. So we got out of the car, and walked up and down the flowers they had on side walk sales. I let him smell every one. And then we went in the super market, to ask if Salty was allowed in. They said sure, as long as he has a leash on him. So in we went, looking for Geri. Salty got so many compliments I lost track. Once I found Geri, she said she was almost done, and I should just meet her at the car. All the while Salty is just looking around. So back to the car we went, and took off his harness, which was just as hassle free as putting it on. Into the pack o bird he went. I even found a better place for it wedged in between the seats.. I couldnt praise him enough. In harness for a good 20 minutes ,I was so proud of him.

Funny though, he wanted no part of trick training in the evening; he did a few of his favorite ones ( the slide is his new favorite trick) but not really interested in many of the others. Well I will trade having him in his harness and outside in the fresh air in exchange for not doing some of his trick training at night. The harness is such a big step forward for us.
Copied from my other thread... with additional comments:

Funny though, he wanted no part of trick training in the evening; he did a few of his favorite ones ( the slide is his new favorite trick) but not really interested in many of the others. Well I will trade having him in his harness and outside in the fresh air in exchange for not doing some of his trick training at night. The harness is such a big step forward for us.

This is the most interesting part to me, because Bumble also didn't want to do any tricks last night. However, I had a VERY hard time getting her to not be on me. She did not want to get off my hand at any point, which is unusual. She's pretty "sticky" most of the time, but will always hop down at least for a little bit. Was Salty clingy at all?

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Salty is not a clingy parrot to begin with. Oh he has his I must be on your shoulder times, but he is cool hanging on his boing, or the back our big couch too. He wasn't noticably clingy last nite. LOL, if anything, I was more clingy, because I wanted to shower him with praise and treats for his being such a good boy at the supermarket. I know, I know, parrots are not good at disassociative thinking, and rewarding him for something he did hours and hours earlier likely will not connect in his little birdy mind - but heck it made me feel good!
I'm real envious here,Al :o. You are doing such an awesome job with that boy,and it certainly sounds like he enjoys pleasing Daddy.

There is something "special" about bringing a parrot/bird into some place that gets "most" people looking/talking,compared to a cat or dog.
Cats and dog sightings are pretty much the norm..but not so much a vividly colored,vocally opinionated,feathered being lol.

EVERYWHERE Amy and I go..ALWAYS SOMEONE has a kind remark to make about her,and it puts even a bigger :D on my face,when she acknowledges them in context lol.
Only "parrot people" could understand how it is!

Everywhere the Rbird goes, people cover their ears and stare. They groan when he arrives at the vet... the animal blessing... the rare Renaissance Fair or family reunion.
I just act as if I think it's the sweetest thing I ever heard.
Maybe I could borrow Salty or Beebs someday. Or clone them. Hey! You could make a fortune!
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what a good bird <3 That sounds like a blast. Can't wait to learn how to put this supposedly super simple harness on nibbler and take him places with me. With how good he is at pottying I think he'd do great.

How do you deal with when your bird needs to defecate in public?
what a good bird <3 That sounds like a blast. Can't wait to learn how to put this supposedly super simple harness on nibbler and take him places with me. With how good he is at pottying I think he'd do great.

How do you deal with when your bird needs to defecate in public?

I just let the s*** fly! :eek: ;)

Actually,when Amy is on an outing with me,I wear a tee shirt that I don't care if it gets "messy" and I usually have a microfiber cloth in my back pocket..hey...birds will be birds! and if ya gotta go...you gotta go!

Hey I just noticed this thread has broken 10,000 views! Good boy, Salty!

Salty is certainly feeling his oats, cuz Geri said he had a major screaming session , which she averted and turned it into singing lessons. He loves to sing! So when Salty goes into his Amazon screaming, we sing one of his songs, and he joins in. Oh and lots of raises too, he is a sucker for praise.
We're gonna need some video

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Salty is...... well, I don't know, cuz the band is on the road this weekend. I miss the little shredder, almost brought him with us, but an 8 hour ride in the van is probably not the most enjoyable thing for him, and we have the opening show tonight, and I can't bring him onstage. I am going to Skype him tomorrow, we'll see how that goes.
Everywhere the Rbird goes, people cover their ears and stare. They groan when he arrives at the vet... the animal blessing... the rare Renaissance Fair or family reunion.
I just act as if I think it's the sweetest thing I ever heard.
Maybe I could borrow Salty or Beebs someday. Or clone them. Hey! You could make a fortune!

I'm pretty sure I've only ever seen Patagonian conures at bird shows. The squawks they produced were insane! :) I'm glad your Rickeybird has you. How's your hearing, BTW? XD
A new Salty video. He will do this trick ad nauseum, as long as the treats hold out. He loves training time, and will start squacking if I am running late. Yep 8:45, if he doesn't see me preparing the training table, getting the trick basket out, and cutting up the pine nuts, he lets me know I am late. By 9:00, he is going out of his mind!

Anyways, enjoy the video

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oops, some of it is upside down :( .
OMG I'm cracking up. A parrot going down a slide, it's just too much!
Gawd I just love his laugh!!

He's just too wonderful.

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That video was hilarious. XD His laugh is awesome.

Amazon parrots love to do their tricks for people. Gabby even enjoyed large audiences, especially if they would say, "Yay!" and clap.

Salty is precious.
As always Salty never fails to entertain!

And, a 'Congratulations' is clearly due as this Thread has surpassed 11000 views!!!
Ladyhawk, you have to hear it after he has done a trick is particularly proud of, it's almost like a rooster crowing , he is so proud of himself.

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