Right now Salty is.....

Thank you guys, but Salty does all the work. I will make sure to give him a big kiss from all of you. As I;ve said before , the only reason I video these sessions is to show people how close you can become with your parrot and what is possible. I know I love working with Salty, it's the high point of my day, and I know he looks so forward to the sessions too, and not just for the treats. He reminds me if it's past training time!

Emyoung, I am going to PM you, with some suggestions.

Thank you!

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Last night I went to a Jam Session and didn't get home until 10PM, so I missed the normal training session time ( 9 PM). My wife said Salty was asking "Where's Daddy"? Several times, too. Incredible.
So Salty must have whacked his beak Wednesday , becasue he had not been using it, or very lightly. I know because he refused his Hello treat when I came home , and blew off training that night. Thurs I took him to the vet, and she gave him a thorough physical exam, with nothing out of the ordinary noted. He ate a bit thrurs night. She gave him a pain med injection, and gravaged some food into him. He was very out of it yesterday after that, but he ate a bit more for dinner. I have a gig in Baltimore this weekend, and had to travel today, but Geri says he has been acting better, playing on his chain and with his fav chew toy. The vet also gave us some by mouth pain med, which I gave him a dose before I left. He is so crazy on his chain, falling once in awhile, and we think he either fell, again, and whacked his beak, or whacked it against the side of his metal bowl, trying to get excess chop off it. I am not REAL worried, but anytime he is not 100% I am not myself either, and of course its worse when I am not home or in the immediate area. Geri can take care of him, but Salty is my boy and he loves his daddy like no other. Send good thoughts to him, while I am away for the next 3 days, I would appreciate it. Thanks guys.
Geez Al..:o
I'm certain Salty is in awesome hands with Geri :).
I get worried,if anything happened with Amy or BB and they needed someone to "be around", just to keep an eye on them,or administer meds,what I'd do..my job keeps me out of the house 15 hours and it would drive me crazy with worry not being there.

Salty??!! Amy and Beebs say knock that **** off and stop hurting yourself and worrying your Dad! :eek:

We are all sending your boy positive vibes of get well quick wishes and hope you have a great time at your gig,considering...

Hmmm, possible twisted the upper Beak? That can produce the same type of response. Compress on one side and slight separation on the other.

Young Amazons swinging, etc... and accidents can happen. There is a reason that tail feathers have a short life on young Parrots. The joy of being the Adult Staff Person of a Young Amazon! This to shall past -without injury, well that's the wish.

Hold in there Dad, they do grow-up, just not fast enough! :D
Maybe Salty needs to work with a net. Of course it would be a poop deck after a while...maybe a wooden ladder so he can reach up to bat the chain and bell? He is so exuberant he forgets he's up in the air. You gonna have to let him flap a little bit in case he falls?
Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyy, Al.
Get better, Salty.
It's awful to be separated during illness or injury.
Poor Salty! I hope his little beaky is better soon, I'm sure he'll be super pleased to see his daddy after the gig :)
Geri says he was doing OK today, she even got his pain meds into him. I would give good money to know for sure what he did to himself.
Salty seems his old self. Certainly got his appetite back, I was home this AM, and he dived into his pellets, which is a bit unusual, and he is head deep in his chop w/Avicake. PLaying on his chain like a monkey too. SO I theorize this was another minor injury or strained muscle from being a ramabunctuous young parrot. Glad we went to the vet though, you can never tell.
Happy as heck here Al,to hear the boy is his 'ol self ;)

Tell hin for me,Amy,and The Beebs,to knock that crap out will ya?? He scares the beejesus out of us when he does stuff like that! :eek:

Yep, he is all bedduh, being a almost 2yr old Yellow SHoulder Amazon. Taking his usual joy at doing our training sessions ( his favorite trick is the slide or the tube he will do either endlessly). Even put his harness on with out grumbling a few times, which is great, cuz Spring is here, and I am resolved to get him out in the dresh air this year. He is learning to sing Old Macdonald, but only mimics it when we sing in fake Opera voices. So I am thinking all is good with my little boy! Hark! I am being summoned. "I AM HERE, SALTY. WHERE ARE YOU?"
If I were a zillionaire, I would hire a staff of people to WATCH the Rb 24/7/365.
I'd design a rocket-science level chart for them to keep. Maybe have a separate independent review of video coverage to make sure the original observer didn't miss anything.
Well thankee Billdore, for thinking of my lil Salty boy. We are working on a new trick - I found a miniature shopping cart and some small play vegetables. First up is to teach him to push the cart around, which he basically got in 2 training sessions. So we work a bit more on that until he knows the commands and knows what to do. Then the second half of the trick will be to pick the veggies and go shopping ! Salty is such a joy to work with, he is so eager to do the tricks, he peeks over the edge of the table we train on, to see what tricks I have laid out on the floor for the session. He knows so many now that we can't do them all in 1 session. We always start with the same 2 - turn in circles and roll over, that way he knows the session has started. After that I try to pick ones at random. And lately we have been ending the session with his favorite one - the Slide ! Lest you think he is a goody 2 shoes, he has his Amazon screaming time, when Geri starts cooking, but thats when we start singing "Old MacDonald" or the other songs he is learning, to distract him and 98% of the time it works, but them 2% hoo boy, he lets us know he is a JUNGLE animal.
I love these little peeks into Saltyland! What a great guy! You're lucky to have him, and he's lucky to have a human that gives him so much to do, and Geri is lucky to get free concerts in return for food, and we're all lucky to watch at a distance.
I am the lucky one, believe me.

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