It is heart-wreching to hear your Amazon suffer from one, let along several night flights!
1) 1.5" perch is a nice size and generally considered appropriate for Salty. My recommendation is to move to a 2" diameter. This relaxes the muscle tension need to maintain a good perch grip. It also allows a greater sway of the body without loosing balance. At present, my DYH Amazon is on a 2.5" perch and I am considering moving to a 3".
2) When night's darkest sets in Amazons (Parrots) loose their sight earlier than we do. Shadows are the big problems for all Parrots. Even if you are speaking to them in gentle terms, they cannot always connect us with the shadow that just past over them. This is the reason I have moved to 'Harvest Moonlight' level lighting for their sleeping room /area. I use three tiny wattage nightlights to eliminate shadows by placing them on three separate walls with the fourth wall being behind the cage.
The 60 watt bulb is off at night, correct?
3) Full black-out cage covers are good for those Parrot that can handle full darkness. Most Parrots, like Humans want known landmarks when they wake in the middle of the night. Full darkness cannot provide see-able landmarks. Having at least one face open provides that comfort.
When all three are changed, you can see that you have made a major change in allowing for better balance, greater reduction of shadows, and view-able land marks.
Let me know how these change work.
Now, ObiWan Kenobi, that is a name that I have not heard in a very long time!