Right now Salty is.....

Ahhh crap Al?? where is/was your band playing?? I don't work this weekend! :eek:

Jim, we are at the Baymont Inn in Manchester to night, Sat only. 8 to 12. if you come by, I will get you and whoever comp'ed to get in, usually its $20, be great to see you. It didnt even dawn on me to let you know - pirate music afficianadoes being as rare as they are. Free food, and you can even bring Amy! SHe would be a hit.
Just had to post - last night in our training session, Salty did his new slide trick PERFECTLY! I was amazed because he had not done it all by himself before, I had to lead him to make sure he didnt slide too fast, or freak out , or grab the sides of the slide with his feet or beak. Nope. Climbed the ladder, squared up his shoulders and just slid down the whole way. He makes me soooo proud. I have to try and video him tonight doing it. tonite, he's been play, play, play since I got home. New game we play - Salty hatching. He is small enough to fit all of him in my cupped hands, including his head. I make him work at freeing his head up first and let him "hatch". He loves it, and will try and snuggle back under my hands to do it again. We love this guy so much!!

Or video.
OK OK, a video of him going down the slide...

Too amazing.

Salty needs to be on those video-sharing tv shows!
Ya think so, Gail? I'm not even sure how one goes about doing that.
Yep... just go their website and it leads you through uploading your video, Al.
Some new Salty videos. No tricks , just hm being a young parrot having fun.


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I knew amazons were vocal, but I had no idea they were so acrobatic!
LMBO! I LOVE IT! Awesome Salty! lol...what big BEAK you have! I had tears running down my cheek watching him stretch and reach for the camera Al!
And I could watch him for hours playing/swinging around on his chain.

Golly Al..if/when you guys ever come back up to visit...I'd sure love it for you to help me "design" an area like that for Amy..I'd love to see her play like your boy does..he was so entertaining and certainly was enjoying himself!
Well done Al...well done! ( you too,Salts!(

Oh yeah, Sassi, they can be, when the mood strikes them. As you see , Salty is comfortable hanging by 1 toe, and swinging around by it. I shot these last night, and usually he is VERY vocal when playing. He is so quite in these. LOL tonight, he destroyed one of his favorite wood toys, in a matter of about 2 hrs. Just a pile of splinters now, and he was crowing, loudly, while doing it. I should have video'd it and condensed it into a 30 sec video. LOL, would have looked like a pile of toothpics exploding from a parrots mouth!
Salty had his second case of night fright, last night. I am a bit worried. He still hates going to bed, and cowers in the corner of his cage as I pull the black cover over his cage. Lst night after being put to bed for 2 hrs, we heard a wing flutter and a ump, as he hit the bottom of the cage. I opened the cover, and took him out fo a little bit , comforting him, and then put him back on his sleeping perch, but left the cover open a bit.
Opinions? Did I do right? SHould I leave the cover open a bit at night? Night light? I felt so bad.
My sympathies..
Yeah, I once did an extended babysitting for a cockatiel wayyyyy back in the day. Nothing was more terrifying than the sound of little wings beating against bars. I tried nightlights, no nightlights, covers, no covers, even music...
Then when I got the Rbird, HE did it, too. Again, tried everything I could think of. Awful.
Then, just before we moved up North (he was about 15) he just stopped. No idea why. Maybe just got to a certain age? I wish I could help.
Night flights are just plain dangerous regardless of the size of the Parrot.

We commonly deal with that when a new Amazon joins us. Over the years, I have come to believe that the top three things that seem to effect or result in more night flights: 1: Undersized Roosting Perch and/or placed too low in the cage!, 2: Too dark of a room - we target a semi-dark room, kind of like a harvest moon light night or a bit darker, and 3: Fully covered cage, we have gone to anything from a slight opening to one full face opened.

Learned along time ago to forget about the rules regarding 'normal' night time roosting and work to find what is most comfortable with them. If the above doesn't work, let me know and I will supply some additional. Based on above, the farther from the three listed, the additional items become ever more unconventional.

A well sleeped Amazon is a happier Amazon!

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