
  1. S

    Plucking cockatiel?

    hello. I hope I`m posting this in the right place. do you think my bird is plucking, or maybe injured? His wing has a bald spot. I`ll attach an image :yellow1::confused:
  2. Altalex

    Is this a normal pin feather?

    Hello everyone! Cinnamon, my cockatiel, has been molting recently, i already noticed some pin feathers and feathers growing out. But recently, i noticed that everytime i go cuddle her and hug my hand around her back, she complains in disconfort (Something she never does since i know she loves to...
  3. M

    Please help, new curious bird owner here!!!

    Hey:) So about a week ago i bought a new grey cockatiel named mikey, he settled in really well and by the second day i was scratching his head and all that.I have a mother and sister living with me and he also gets on really well with them! But there is one problem, he constantly purposly...
  4. pikachuthecockatiel86

    New cage for my cockatiel

    Hello. As you can tell by my username, I have a cockatiel named Pikachu. When we got him we had to go with a budgie cage because there weren't any bigger or better cages in the place we got him from. So I'm looking to buy a new, bigger and better cage online. I'm sure he's not enjoying his...
  5. R

    Cockatiel Chick Problems?

    Hello, I am relatively new to cockatiel chick raising and currently have three chicks who are at least 1 week old. I previously had 5, but 2 had unfortunately passed away in the nest. I didn't know at the time that it was important to clean out the nest, as I was under the impression that you...
  6. A

    Cockatiel has gone quiet after introducing a second one

    Hello everyone! I have two cockatiels, Cheeky (almost 5 y.o.) :yellow1: and Mango (almost a year old) :grey: Both are males. Cheeky was my first pet; I got him when he was 3 m.o., and back then I used to spend the entire day with him on my shoulder, so he got extremely attached to me. He learnt...
  7. T

    Hello all!

    Hey all! I am a proud Cockatiel dad of two baby Cockatiels. My girl Lola is 8 months old pearl and a total sweetheart when she wants to be. My boy Pappan is a 3 month old and a total cuddlebug. He wants all the scritches at all times lol. So as you can imagine, both of my tiels are young...
  8. Siorys

    6/7 month cockatiel shows both male and female breeding behaviours?

    Hello! I recently got a new tiel and now that it's growing up it's confusing me loads. I noticed that he "relieves himself" on objects like a male cockatiel would do and he'sstarting to sing too and is really really attention seeking and noisy, but for some reason he shows some female...
  9. C

    Adopted a Wild Cockatiel at 9 months old last year

    My parents have recently adopted a Female cockatiel from a bird farm not too far from our home. When she first arrived she was just fine and she adapted so well to us. She is an absolute sweetheart that loves to groom all of us and be around us. The only thing is that she doesn't like to be...
  10. LilyPearl

    Why is my cockatiel sleeping on the floor???

    Okay, so I have a 9-month-old cockatiel named Hachi and I've noticed that lately he's been sleeping on the floor of the cage. I see him in the middle of the cage with his head under his wing and one leg up (like he always sleeps)and, honestly, I get scared 'cause since he turned around a month...
  11. N

    I cannot wait!

    I get my bird today! As some of you may know I have been preparing for a cockatiel baby for some time now. It was a close decision between a ‘tiel and a conure, but considering some of the noise conures are capable of, my family decided on a cute white face baby. :grey: After my classes I get...
  12. B

    Happy Holidays!

  13. A

    I think my cockatiel is blind?

    So I've recently taken in a 30-year-old cockatiel, his name is Sammy. I've had him for roughly a week, but I've already noticed some things... First I should note, he isn't a social bird, he wasn't socialized with when I got him. The only reason his owner couldn't keep him anymore is that she...
  14. N

    Hand feeding a baby cockatiel?

    Hi all! My last post I had some questions about my soon to be cockatiel baby. However, the owner and I have talked, and they offered to rehome him to me now. I’d like to have him soon because on the 20th I have three weeks off of my schooling and do not have to do anything school related. (I...
  15. N

    My first cockatiel.

    Hello, I come here for guidance and advice. I am getting a cockatiel in less than two weeks. I’ve done research everyday and have prepared everything from the cage to the food to bird-proofing my house. I have just a few questions regarding the tiel I am buying, but first some information...
  16. I

    Cockatiel sleeping at the bottom of his cage

    Hi, so i just got my first cockatiel (yay) i was so happy, but when it was night, he decided to sleep at the bottom cage, is this normal? my friend (whom owns a cockatiel too) says its normal for them.
  17. King_Kaitt

    4yo female cockatiel

    Hi, so iv had my cockatiel since just before she was weaned and I had to spoon feed her, iv taught her to step up when she was little and we have a great bond but I never knew you were meant to teach her how to forage or show her how to use toys ect I just honestly thought she just wasn’t...
  18. G

    Please help with new cockatiel

    Hello. I bought a new cockatiel from the local pet store (The parrot is completely untamed and scared of everything) and I am new to keeping a parrot as a pet, so I have a few questions regarding their behavior if anyone could answer them! :) • The cockatiel has not made one chirp since I...
  19. H

    What age did your cockatiel/s have their first molt?

    According to the information the breeder told me when I got my cockatiel, he should now be 4 months old but it appears he has just today started his first molt. Google says they don't have them til 6-12 months so just wondered if anyone elses has molted early or if the breeder wasn't being 100%...
  20. B

    Friendly Tiel Not Perching?

    Hello! I have had my cockatiel for ten months now, and he's about a year old. He loves head scratches and he'll get on my palm but I've just never been able to get him to even try perching on my finger. Any thoughts?
  21. Seantheparront

    Need help with weird cockatiels

    I got a cockatiel from a breeder a few weeks ago, put him (actually a her) in his own cage and he quickly got used to his new home and is very happy here, but I noticed he doesn’t really sit on perches but rather he perches onto of his food or water dishes or toys and sits on the bottom of his...
  22. H

    New here, meet my babies

    Hi, I'm Hannah and here are my birds - Puff (blue with yellow head), Peewee (white), Pixel (blue), Pippy (cockatiel) and Pikachu (kakariki). My birds are my whole world, they are extremely spoilt. They are only put in cages for bed, even Pixel who as you see had her wings clipped as a baby has...
  23. L

    New member; need help

    Hi, I joined this forum today. I had 3 birds 1. Teil 1 alexnder and 1 plum head, they were completely fine yesterday and were playful, I don't know what happened but they suddenly started collapsing without any secretion from their beak aur nose or anywhere else. They just collapsed and stopped...
  24. L

    Getting a first Cockatiel

    Hi, So i've been looking into getting a third bird. i'm a student with a single room appartment. I currently have 2 budgies living in here, they're both 2 years old. I have space for 1 more bird and was thinking about adding a cockatiel. it will just be 1 cockatiel, 2 would be too busy and just...
  25. IrisOwl

    New member and looking for new potiental owner advice

    Hello! I registered here hoping to seeking help socialize with bird owners. As a wanna-be bird owner I'm think about getting a cockatiel! I do have some concerns due to my house and a family member. As a new adult I live with my parents and my mother has MS, I'm worried about getting the bird...
  26. W

    Introducing a 3y/o lovebird to another parrot?

    Hi, I have a three year old peach faced lovebird since a chick. He's tame and has always been very closely bonded to me, however I've been wondering for some time, would it be possible to introduce him to a companion of his own species? would another lovebird be best/ easiest for him to bond to...
  27. Alouette

    Getting a cockatiel

    Hello everyone, For a while now I've been considering getting a pair of cockatiels. I've always wanted a bird and from the research I've done, a cockatiel would be a good match for me. But, I've never had a bird before, so I'm worried there's something I'm not taking into account. So, I'm hoping...
  28. DaisyChick62

    New Cockatiel Questions

    So about a week ago I got my very first cockatiel and basically my very first bird thats my own. My only previous experience is the 2 little budgies my boyfriends little sister owns. Anyways, we got what we believe is a her, from a local bird shop that hand feeds and raises them. My guess is...
  29. reeisconfused

    IRN is EXTREMELY jealous of ‘tiel

    Sorry for the super long post in advance. Max meeting Honey has been...interesting. Quarantine ended early because I was cleaning and I accidentally left the door open and Max flew in (he has free reign of the house). 10 mins in, I walk in to see Max on top of Honey’s cage, looking over. He...
  30. socktheconure

    Hostile Cockatiels Update

    Edit: I am considering uploading update photos, including the Budgerigar. Would you guys mayhaps appreciate the photo updates more? Hello everyone! I apologize for the lack of activity. I'm a very anxious individual, so I tend to be stand-offish about a lot of responses and such. HOWEVER I am...
  31. DaisyChick62

    Big enough cage?

    So im planning on building a couple of cages for my birds. One is an aviary for our budgies, the other is a cage for a cockatiel we would like to get. Recently i found 2 available as a bonded pair, and while we where planning for one, we'd hate to break them up, but want to make sure the cage is...
  32. reeisconfused

    Respitory infection?

    Hello guys. I noticed yesterday that one of Honey’s nostrils (the left one) look different than the other. It looks a tiny bit swollen, perhaps? My family keeps telling me that it looks fine and I’m just being anxious. Am I being paranoid or is something going on with him? My previous vet is...
  33. PenClem

    Cockatiel needs a pal. EB okay?

    My sister was given a tame, flighted male 'tiel two days ago. He contact calls throughout the day, presumably to his former flock mates? She says he's barely eating the food he came with and he doesn't touch anything new. I gave her some toys just his size, but he seems afraid of them. She was...
  34. reeisconfused

    Eating paper?

    My new ‘tiel, Honey, came home to me three days ago. He’s approx 3 - 4 months old. Since his toys haven’t arrived yet, I put in some DIY toys using paper, cardboard and straws to keep him entertained. However, he seems to be chewing and eating the paper. Max, my IRN, has never done this. (He...
  35. B

    Advice Needed

    Hey everyone! I have a five-month-old male cockatiel, Bowie. We've been doing pretty well so far. When I put my palm in his cage he rushes to get on it, and he likes climbing on me or just sitting on my hand with one of his feet in the air. However, while he has no problem with my palm pressing...
  36. S

    Hi new member

    Hello everyone. I've just bought a young gray cockatiel 9 wks old not hand reared last week. I've looked online on how best to hand tame him but there's to many videos etc which show you how to get them to step up and I'm no where near that yet lol. I've been sitting close to his (I hope ) cage...
  37. O

    Help w/Nail Polish!!

    So before people tell me that it's dangerous, I know that you shouldn't paint your nails around birds. I know that NOW...didn't think about it while I was painting them. Anyway, my Cockatiel is 7 months old and decided that while he was hanging out on my shoulder he was going to jump down and...
  38. socktheconure

    [HELP!] School Cockatiels are Incredibly Aggressive

    Hello everyone! I recently joined this forum as I seek what I feel is urgent- I need help figuring something out. My school has a Veterinary Pathway. We have a Vet Lab, which is dedicated to multiple incredibly healthy animals- except, not all of them are healthy. We have a pair of cockatiels...
  39. CakeMarie

    Not very active

    Hi! I've had Hohenheim for about a month now. He lets me hold him but he runs right for my shoulder or the top of my couch where his favorite stuffed animal is at. He's not very playful and he doesn't move around a lot in the day...he's also very grumpy for most of the day and sometimes bites my...
  40. CakeMarie

    Some detailed tips for taming a new cockatiel?

    Heya everybody! Wanted to updated you guys that hohenheim is just fine :) thankfully. He's been very happy, whistling to me if I try to leave the room, inching toward me to his cage and eats millet from my hand now! I was wondering if I could have a few tips for taming him? I'm slowing trying to...
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