
  1. Zfelis

    Looking for Conure and Cockatiels (NY,NY)

    I live in NYC. Willing to travel locally. Looking for green cheek conure and/or cockatiel. Thank you.:grey::grey::white1:
  2. A

    Baby parrot won't eat

    Hello everyone! I just got a 1 month old cockatiel :yellow1: from a friend and I need to hand feed him. I got him at around 9 PM. I tried feeding him using baby bird formula through a syringe at around 11 PM but he wouldn't open his mouth. I put some formula on his beak, but he would just go...
  3. N

    Cockatiel rubbed his butt on me?

    Today I was sitting at my computer and had my bird on my shoulder. Sometimes he likes to climb down to my hands. When he did that, I just let him sit on my hand and looked at him and called him a cutie. Then he suddenly got really aggressive and bit my thumb for no reason, followed up by some...
  4. petit.perroquet

    Unexpected loss of newest flock member

    Hi everyone, I’m a new member here. I’ve joined to learn as much as I can about giving my birds the best life possible, and to find some solace in the midst of the unexpected passing of my youngest bird. :( This will most likely be long, so I apologize in advance. I had purchased a beautiful...
  5. L

    Fake Christmas trees safe?

    Hi, so, I’ve had a fake Christmas tree for a few years now but about 3 months ago I’ve gotten myself a cockatiel. She can be quite explorative and go around the house which sometimes makes things a bit difficult. Right now, she’s really fixated on the tree and will bite the fake “branches”...
  6. T

    New Bird Alert!

    Hello! My names Titan and I just recently joined Parrot Forums with the hope of learning new ways to give my birds the best life possible. I currently have one male cockatiel named Phish who I’ve had for around 6 months now. Sometimes he’s a little demon but I love him regardless. I also decided...
  7. Zappy

    Feather loss - Any explanations?

    Hi, My beautiful Peanut has lately been picking her feathers under her wings, legs and and vent. She's always preening and seems irritated and I want her to feel better :( I thought she was just moulting because she had lots of pins, but I examined the cage floor and she seems to be pulling out...
  8. BellaTheLemonBirb

    Is my cockatiel okay?

    :yellow1: My cockatiel (Bella) has been sneezing often. Her nostrils become red when she sneezes. It did snow outside, so maybe it is that? I'm just wondering in case it is serious. Maybe it's something normal and I have just noticed it now? I would love to hear your thoughts on my problem...
  9. W

    Looking for albino (whiteface lutino) cockatiel male

    I am looking for an albino (whiteface lutino) cockatiel male. I am willing to pay extra to have the bird shipped. I would like the bird to be friendly though a breeder bird would be just fine. Please contact me if you can help. MODERATOR EDIT: As personal contact info is not permitted on...
  10. L

    Cockatiel dinosaur call meaning?

    Hello there, I recently got a cockatiel and she's been making these lovely dinosaur-like calls. I was wondering if anyone call tell me what they mean? I've tried to ask on the cockatiel's subreddit but i got no helpful answers unfortunately. I think it might be her being comfortable or...
  11. W

    Cockatiel not able to stand

    I left my cockatiel out of the cage to clean it. When I returned back after cleaning it , he got scared and jumped / tried to fly but came down at that vey spot. When I saw him he had his right wing open fully, I lifted him to check what happened, but I saw nothing physical , I placed him in the...
  12. A

    Looking for GCC (m) and Cockatiel (F)/ NE area

    Hello! Looking for additional members for my flock and figured I'd check here first. 1) Male conure 1-7 y/o. I currently have a male maroon bellied conure who is desperately trying to play with the cockatiel and she wants none of it. Hoping to get him a companion whether they end up being cage...
  13. L

    Protecting the bed against poo

    Hello there, I've bought a cockatiel about 2 months ago and her introduction is going great with my budgies in the living room. Her cage ha been situated in the bedroom during the quarantine and Coco (my male budgie) is absolutely in love with Zoe (the cockatiel). Unfortunately this means he...
  14. birbsRcool

    cockatiel head bobbing with saliva coming out of mouth

    please help, what is this behaviour? information is on the video. (i posted) i see a drop of saliva on the feathers, and sometimes when he does that i can hear seeds coming out. he's never done this before?! Cockatiel weird behavior | what is he doing? | read description - YouTube saliva looks...
  15. F

    Abnormal facial feather loss

    Dear bird lovers, My 2 month year old cockatiel :yellow1: has been showing facial feather loss as if he had been shaving (please see the attached picture) in the last couple of days. Also the feathers on his cheeks are not as abundant and thick anymore. We believe this has to do with his...
  16. L

    Force a cockatiel's harnass training?

    Hi, So my cockatiel's quarantine has just finished and she's still getting introduced to my budgies and getting used to everything. I'm planning on eventually getting a harness for her and training her, but I've seen some video's on youtube and I've seen different ways of people handling the...
  17. L

    Budgie in love with cockatiel - what to do?

    So, I've recently got myself a single female cockatiel and she has the softest most adorable personality. I've waited until her quarantine period has ended before trying to introduce her to my 2 budgies in the living room. Witje, my female budgie isn't particularly fond of her but she's okay...
  18. R

    Help my bird died bleeding from nose and mouth

    I have 3 birds and 2 of them being a cockatiel and princess parrot who live in the same very large cage. I have had them for over 10 years with no problems they were happy and healthy and today I went to feed and check on them and my cockatiel has passed away with blood coming from her nose and...
  19. S

    Mutilated feathers and tail from flight feather "trim"

    I went to a pet store I trust and have gotten wing clippings for my smaller birds who have a higher risk of escapingg from some parts of the house. Today when I went in to get my budgies wing trimmed there was a new employee. I instructed him to only trim a few flight feathers and he said he was...
  20. W

    Newbie alert

    Hi guys! My name is Bhairvi and I live in Toronto, Canada. I have two birds : GCC - Ollie (my pretty princess) Cockatiel - Charlie (my handsome boy) Excited to be here! Thanks :greenyellow:
  21. W

    Help with my new bird

    Hi everyone, I got a cockatiel yesterday. His name is Charlie. The poor boy's toe nails were twisted when I got him, couldn't imagine leaving him with his previous owner. He is around 3 months old. I have booked an appointment with the vet for next week, as they told me if he is walking around...
  22. B

    i think my cockatiel doesn’t sleep at night

    every night i can hear him move around in his cage, and whenever i walk by him both of his eyes are wide open. at first i thought it was because he’s afraid of predators attacking him, so after some research i figured it’d help if i left a small hole for him to look out from so he’d feel safe...
  23. K

    Cockatiels and budgies together?

    So i wanted to ask if cockatiels and budgies can live together? I'd love a budgie at some point! it would be great if they can be together! I have a few birds including 2 cockatiels who are both fine with other birds, i have a sun conure and GCC as well an IRN. they all get on fine and are...
  24. K

    goffin wants nothing to do with me or my family

    hello, friends :) i’m very new to owning cockatiels and birds in general, but i have family in my household that helps me with them. we have 2: a smaller cockatiel and a bigger goffin cockatiel. the smaller buddy behaves well with us and we have no problem with him. the goffin, however, changed...
  25. birbsRcool

    HELP! Cockatiel's nail cut too short

    My dad was cutting Pikachu's nails but he moved and was bleeding. I pinched his toe to stop the bleeding and put some cornstarch on it, do i have to do anything else? He is screaming, might be from pain? please help, we'll leave the nails to the professionals next time... Edit: pikachu seems to...
  26. birbsRcool

    pellet powder | I think the pellets might be too hard to chew

    We grinded up some pellets and gave them to pikachu (only pellets no seeds at all) we added 1 whole pellet in it. Pikachu gladly ate some pellet powder but when i hold a solid one up to his/her beak, she licks and grinds it a lil, it's like she plays with it, and then she spits it out. Do you...
  27. birbsRcool

    cockatiel shivering

    So pikachu is shivering but When she is about to poop she gets all fluffy and shivery and bobs her tail once but after her pooping shes still shivering anyone know why?
  28. Pikachu


    pikachu being pikachu.
  29. L

    New Cockatiel

    Hello, I just got her today. She is extremely friendly. Her name is mimi. She is looking a bit bored though. I am posting a picture. Can you please tell whether her beak and cere look fine or not? If yes then I can place her with my other birds. Right now she is in separate cage...
  30. birbsRcool

    Is this normal?!

    This dot on his cere actually looks something like a cut, the picture quality isn't good, sorry- and that white line around his cere and beak looks like skin? like you know if you have a cut on your finger and there's like white curled up/dead skin there? It's also ON his beak. That. He/she is...
  31. N

    new cockatiel owner

    hey guys my name is nabil and im a new cockatiel owner. i have multiple questions if can anyone help me out with concerning the cockatiel's behavior and ways to tame them. i have 2 cockatiels 1 male and 1 female, the female flied into my house randomly and we had it in a cage and tried to search...
  32. B

    Looking for a New Bird

    I have had my pet budgie Delta for 4-5 months and she and I have gotten really close over that time. I enjoy having her and nothing is wrong with her, I just have been thinking about getting a cockatiel a lot recently. I’ve been thinking about it for a month or two and if it wasn’t for the price...
  33. R

    Extremely Aggressive cockatiel

    Okay so ill start by saying, this cockatiel was in one of those crowded cages where around 50 birds were held in a small cage and no where to run or go, afraid of all humans and their behavior to come to cages and spook them to get a reaction, i did not intend to get this bird but when i saw...
  34. S

    Cockatiel Flew into Sink Dishes with Oil

    Hello Fellow Cockatiel Owners! One of our birds got chilling on her perch and got spooked when she heard something fall in the other room. She flew and landed in our kitchen sink, into a cooking dish that was soaking, but had some olive oil residue in it. Does anyone have any advice as to other...
  35. Altalex

    Egg laying and mating behavior with diferent species

    I own a male rosella and a female cockatiel who i keep on the same cage as they were raised together since babys. And recently, i noticed that my cockatiel cinnamon has been displaying what seems to be mating behavior... She gets really close to rosi and lowers her body while lifting the tail...
  36. T

    Harness concerns?

    Hey I'm so sorry if my formatting is a little odd, I'm new to the site and haven't been able to navigate everything yet. So I've recently decided that I wanted to train my two cockatiels (Both are males from the same clutch and I've had them since they were over a month old. They're over a year...
  37. B

    Need help making a bird hand reared again.

    Hi. Last year I was given a cockatiel by my grandparents, the bird was hand reared from birth and use to be a very friendly bird. The last owners of the bird, however, did not know how to properly take care of a friendly bird and would often grab it harshly to pick it up, which must have made...
  38. M

    My itchy birdie

    Hello everyone, I'm new here and would love some advice as I can't seem to figure out what to do with my 2 year old cockatiel. I used to live in Missouri where it was very humid and my bird thrived there. I moved to Colorado last year in the summer and from the lack of humidity and going through...
  39. R

    Cockatiel Chick Constantly Hungry?

    I have a cockatiel chick that’s a bit over 3 weeks and very stunted (only just hitting 40 grams now). He was actually taken out of the nest due to stunting along with his little sibling, but the sibling died a few days later due to unknown reasons (had hard remnants at the bottom of the crop...
  40. L

    Reputable Breeders in Northern California

    Hi everyone! I am interested in getting a young cockatiel but have been having a hard time finding reputable breeders near me. Any advice? Also, I have found lots of companies that ship the birds to you, but my instincts tell me that these breeders are likely not reputable/that it is...
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