
  1. Mochikospets

    Hand reared cockatiel thinks sheā€™s human? With arms?

    Hi there! New here. Iā€™ve been an animal lover my whole life and recently got into birds! I have a little experience hand-rearing birds, but this is my first cockatiel. I got her around 4 days old, eyes closed. Iā€™ve had her for about a month now. Sheā€™s an adorable little bird, loves attention and...
  2. Petite Parrots

    Double Cage or Flight Cage for Cockatiels?!

    Hello everyone! Iā€™m new here so sorry if I get something wrong or use the feature poorly šŸ˜„ I am thinking of getting a cockatiel but I really canā€™t decide between getting a double cage, which I could have 2 cockatiels but they would be in smallish cages or a large flight cage with one cockatiel...
  3. C

    Hard Andronized Non-stick Cookware

    Hello I really want to get a parrot but I feel like my house is not safe for any birds. Do any of u guys have the Emerilā„¢ Essential Nonstick Hard Anodized 11-Piece Cookware Set in Black...
  4. UnknownParrotPoster

    Wanting to get a cockatiel (Cockatiel Questions)

    Hows It going? I know like this may sound like I am asking a lot, but could someone basically give a brief overview on everything a cockatiel needs? Like specific foods, what kind of care it needs per day (how much attention, how often to change the water), etc, and what could be dangerous for...
  5. C

    Cockatiel keeps trying to fly out of her room

    My house is as bird safe as it can be, no nonstick pans, no candles, etc. But the only thing I can't change is the ceiling fans. I constantly have to duck out of the room so she doesn't fly on me or fly out. I've broken a ceiling fan from stopping it because my cockatiel kept trying to fly onto...
  6. Teza2plays

    Very Sharp Nails

    My young cockatiel has very sharp nails even if we trim the tips every couple weeks. I have clipped the quick a couple times and it is very traumatic. I do have a few rough perches in her cage but they donā€™t seem to help. She is around 6 months old. Any ideas?
  7. R

    Juvenile molting?

    Has anyone elseā€™s tiels gone through a partial molt as a juvenile? According to the breeder, Rocky should only be about 15-16 weeks now, but weā€™re definitely doing a small molt. So far heā€™s lost quite a few downy and contour feathers, as well as about 4 or 5 from his crest. As for new feathers...
  8. Alig8torByte

    What birds will live happily with Green cheek Conures?

    Iā€™m about to move away from my old home and my parents, With this new move he will have far less time out of the cage. Iā€™m worried that all the time caged will bore him and I want to buy him a companion to keep him happy, he has been with two other birds before, both cockatiels and both he...
  9. Migi.oso.priti

    A little help, please...

    Preface: I've had migi for 5 years now. He's my best friend. He's had behavioral issues in the past but we've always gotten over those humps. I've done plenty of research online so I think I may already know a lot of the answers I'm looking for, but I'm reaching out in hopes of getting some more...
  10. Fahima


  11. Zilaxia

    New Parrot! Help.

    My dad bought a new cockatiel for me, a female Lutino, I named her Luna, she is very cute, but TERRIFIED of everyone. I know nothing about the man who had her, but im guessing he was a pretty bad owner since she doesn't even like being held. I want to know what to do to make her trust me and not...
  12. J

    Need Advice for Cockatiel Feeding!

    Hi everyone, a week ago my girlfriend and I bought a Cockatiel who was seven weeks old (now eight). We were told by the breeders that he was weaned, and so we purchased him. Two days after we purchased him he began to make the ā€œradio static screech,ā€ which we learned meant that he was hungry...
  13. L

    Please help! Cockatiel swollen vent

    Hi, Our bird Pike recently laid 2 eggs. However, I noticed for 4-5 days her vent is swollen. She is 3+ years old and has laid eggs before. Can you tell me what is the reason for the swollen vent? I am posting some pictures. Is there anything we should do? The bird is eating fine but sometimes I...
  14. Piano Pipp

    Piano Pipp

    While her I was practicing piano(About a month ago), I took a pic of her trying to be a piano player.
  15. K

    What gender is my cockatiel?

    Hey! My cockatiel Kiko is 5 months old, we've been guessing that she's a female since she is rather quiet, but recently she's been making more noises, which I posted in my media & wanted to ask you guys, if you guys can identify her gender by the noise she's making or if its still too early to...
  16. K

    Cockatiel likes to spend time with my budgies and sad? if alone with me.

  17. Amy-Milo

    Cockatiel fussy with food?

    Iā€™m worried about my cockatiel. I have had her for around 2 months now but she seems to not like any of the food I give her. I have tried giving her nutri-berries, Harrisonā€™s pellets and a few different brands of seed mixes. She wasnā€™t interested Iā€™m the nutri-berries or pellets and she just...
  18. H

    Cockatiel feather problems??

    Hi there, I'm new to the Forum, I hope I'm doing this right haha. I have a 7 month old whiteface fallow cockatiel named Halo, she is a great eater and is full of energy but from the day I got her I noticed her feathers were very sparse! She has a bald spot on her head which is common in some...
  19. Teza2plays

    Buying a cockatiel

    Iā€™ve been searching for a cockatiel but cannot find any that fits my budget and isnā€™t a scam. I live in Mitchell, SD and cannot find any breeders near me. I would like to spend less than $300. I am willing to drive up to 5 hours away. I would like to get a tiel from a breeder since I got a...
  20. Raveien

    Moody behaviour in a female cockatiel?

    Hello :) I got a female cockatiel beginning of November last year and when I got her she was between 9-10 months old. So we've had Loki had for just over 2 months at this point, I've given her a birthday of 3rd February as that'll mark 3 months since we got her. She was hand reared and was hand...
  21. G12sbmx

    Sick cockatiel?

    Hello there, can anyone understand why is my tiel doing this? She vomited aswell :( im so worried
  22. P

    moving my cockatiel

    My cockatiels live outside. theyā€™re right outside the backyard door and Iā€™d love to harness train one of them (sheā€™s the only one that can fly). However, until i do that, i bring her inside every so often so she can spread her wings and fly around the house. The issue is my method. I just reach...
  23. F

    Convincing family to let me get a cockatiel

    So Iā€™ve had a bird before, but as a child, since then Iā€™ve matured and educated myself fully on cockatiels and wish to care for one again. My first cockatiel I got in 2005 and had until 2012 (she died of illness that none of us saw coming). I was a little kid, just becoming a teen when she...
  24. G

    My cockatiel stopped liking me

    Iā€™ve had my female cockatiel for about two years and weā€™ve always been very close and bonded, she was always very possessive of me and clingy, but suddenly only wants to hang out in her cage. She doesnā€™t seem afraid of me, she doesnā€™t get scared when Iā€™m near her cage and I can still hand feed...
  25. A

    Bird is screeching in pain after flying and obsessively preening wings.

    My 3 and a half year old cockatiel, Oswald, flew to me today but immediately started screaming in obvious pain and preening constantly at her right wing. She would screech, turn to preen her wing, seem okay for a moment and then it repeats. She immediately became more irritable and didnā€™t want...
  26. S

    5 month cockatiel, slow recovery?

    Greetings! Obligatory "english not first language", hopefully everything is clear! Our baby cockatiel, Frodo (5 months old) has gone through quite some troubles. When we got him (2 months ago approx.) he did fine for 1 month or so, he had a bit of candida so we gave him Mycostatin (Nystatin)...
  27. Yuki-tiel

    Scared Cockatiel

    A week and a half ago or so i got this adorable male 8 month old cockatiel from a petshop. He was alone there in a cage since his mate was already sold and was fed a only sunflower seed diet. I got him better food, toys, and a big cage and now i got him a cuttlebone and want to feed him veggies...
  28. F

    HELP: My cockatiel is sick

    My 1 year old cockatiel, Chippy had all the symptoms of a sick bird yesterday. Since she woke up she didnt eat a thing, only had water and kept her eyes closed perching in the corner. I immediately separated her from the other birds and put her in her hospital cage. I made sure to give her...
  29. H

    (Help) Cockatiel's Beak

    Hi! I'm new to the community and I'm hoping someone can tell me if my cockatiel's beak is normal? There seems to be a crack at the end of his beak, I'm not sure if its peeling or what, can somebody tell me if this is normal and if there's anything I can do to help him with his beak? Thank you!!
  30. C

    Need Advice. How to care for my blind albino cockatiel and give fresh fruit/veggies ?

    Hello, i got my albino female cockatiel named sally around 6 or so years ago from an owner, i'm unsure of how old my albino cockatiel is but since i've had her for a while i'm probably guessing she's around 12 years old. Sally developed a cataract in her left eye 3 years ago i think, and just...
  31. E

    Cockatiel eggs pipping questions please any advice

    I currenting have 5 eggs incubating in a homemade incubator everything that is needed for the eggs have been met as all 5 have life. Now the first egg has started pipping 28 hours ago . It still only has a small hole. I have tried to read and do research on the matter but not much is found. I...
  32. A

    Clipped Wing Help

    Hi all, Yesterday Aussie had a scare and got pretty injured after flying into a window a couple of times. Took her to the vet and he clipped her wings while she recovers from the injuries. She was clipped when I got her as a baby the last august but since then she's been flying around happily...
  33. S

    First time bird owner looking for safety help and tips

    Hi! I've grown up many with birds when I lived with my family and love them to bits, however, my experience is mostly with aviary birds, although they would let us handle them and were friendly. I've now recently purchased a cockatiel (although I haven't picked it up yet as it's a bit far, I...
  34. S

    Another course of cipro?

    Just wanted to give a quick update: I've been monitoring my cockatiel for a week. He seems to sneeze occasionally when he preens, or while asleep. Maybe a couple of times a day. He also does this weird exhale with his mouth for maybe 3-4 times, happened about twice this past week. Vet says this...
  35. L

    COCKATIEL HELP needed! Red swelling on his head

    Good day everyone, Iā€˜m new to this forum and Iā€˜m seeking your help because Iā€˜m unsure of what to do. My cockatiel Tweety is seemingly fine, but there is a red swelling on the bald spot of his head. When I look into it, it looks more like an inverted feather that is trying to break free... but...
  36. H

    Congenital abnormality help with Cockatiel needed

    On May 3rd I adopted a 1 mth old cockatiel with numerous congenital issues. More so for the sake of getting the bird away from the Craigslist "breeder" than in the interest of my own pocketbook. That being said, I am in dire need of advice. I have already seen 2 vets with the baby but I am...
  37. F

    Hello all :)

    Hi everyone, my name is Issam, and am obsessed with cockatiels and budgies. I just started a blog, giving away a few tips and tricks about how to take care of our lovely pet birds. Here is it if you wanna check it out:
  38. necrosacorporis

    Cage defensive cockatiel

    Hey everyone, I'm kind of struggling with my bird as he's kinda aggressive when in his cage. He won't let me change his water and food without hissing and threatening to bite, and touching him/trying to make him step up when inside his cage is a big no no, he won't let me do that but bite me...
  39. S

    Help - Sick Cockatiel - Distended Proventriculus

    my vet did an x ray contrast dye on my cockatiel and discovered that he had a distended proventriculus and ventriculus. She suspects Borna virus. She also said that another cause could be ingestion of metals. Are there any other causes for the proventriculus and ventriculus to be distended...
  40. N

    Cockatiel screams for attention, but decided to hate me..?

    Hey fellow parronts. I'm at the end of my wit. I got Navi about half a year ago, and she is about two months older than that. Bonding has had its ups and downs, as expected, but overall she's grown on me and I would never want a different birdie than my quirky, screamy lady. Thing is...
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