
  1. CakeMarie

    Hohenheim's perch fell and so did he...

    Hey guys! I adopted hohenheim 2 days ago and everything was going so wonderful! He's been chirping at me and my hubby and I played music for him and he started dancing. I think I'm getting a bit too attached, yesterday I fell asleep next to his cage in a chair instead of next to my hubby haha...
  2. T

    Me and my first bird, Atlas. Help ;-;

    Hello, my name is Erica and I got my first bird last month, a female pearl cockatiel named Atlas. After years of research I finally found me a cockatiel to call my own. My pet shop changed owners and in the new location I found her with her mate. Originally, the pet shop wasnā€™t selling her...
  3. CakeMarie

    Hes got hia cage! Hes almost ready to be homed!ā¤

    Do you think he will like it??? I don't have a calcium block or cuttlebone just yet but I will be buying it once I adopt him! I'm thinking about naming him hohenheim! Such a noble name hahaha.
  4. CakeMarie

    What is the cockatiel doing?

    Hi! This is a cockatiel at the pet shop that was rescued and he is a total sweetheart. I'll be adopting him by the end of the ! I'm sure he's just trying to be friendly...but I'm also not sure. What do you think he's doing? Pic attachedā¤ :yellow1:
  5. M

    Hey there!

    I am the proud owner of two beautiful birds, a male Cockatiel named Onni (after the Japanese mythology creature) and a male baby Umbrella Cockatoo MamĆ©s Dango (yes I like the Japanese theme thing). Onni is about 2 years old, he keeps to himself, doesnā€™t act at all like other cockatiels I know...
  6. CakeMarie

    The best advice you can give a new parront?

    I would love to hear some advice as I will be adopting a cockatiel by the end of June most probably! Anything at all helps! :D :yellow1: :yellow1: :yellow1:
  7. M

    First Parrot

    Hi everyone, NOTE: If you vote in the poll, please explain your vote! (Message or comment is fine) So for about a year now, I've been stricken with a love for parrots. It started with Cockatiels, and has, more recently, spread to Conures, Caiques and Indian Ringnecks. But before I get to the...
  8. B

    Blind Cockatiel care?

    I'm thinking about adopting a blind cockatiel- it had been surrendered with 4 others a few months ago, and is the only one that been there for the longest time. One problem. I cant find anywhere that gives tips to owning a blind bird. If anyone can give me suggestions, facts, tips, etc that...
  9. D

    traumatized cockatiels

    I have a cockatiel (Aing) and he hisses or tries to strike me when i get close to his cage, i want to bond or interact with him. i have no knowledge on taming a bird and i can use some help.:confused:
  10. FeatheredMom

    I need their trust

    Hello everyone! New member here. How do I get my cockatiels' trust? I got them 2 weeks ago (I just realized lol) and they still don't trust me. They don't get out of their cage even if I leave the door open and move away to make them feel safe. The male (Tiel) eats from my hand (only treats) ...
  11. J

    Posing Kiwi šŸ˜

    Finally managed to get a decent picture of my munchkin Kiwi! ļæ½ļæ½ 10 weeks old and Iā€™m already looking forward to the years with her! Training is pretty much all completed now, Iā€™m so happy with how quickly she has learnt! Everyday she is getting better and better, after my post the other day...
  12. J

    10 weeks old today!

    Hello everyone, ive really been getting into this site and seeing what people have been posting, even people blogging daily on there little chicks. So, Kiwi is now 10 weeks old! Already growing so fast! My little Ki-Ki is better daily with me, still not to keen coming up to me straight...
  13. J


    I bought a pair of cockatiel lutino, more like rescued, they are very timid, and I have a few questions. But first description of their condition. I got them from a pet shop, the owner didn't take care of these birds and stuffed them into a small cage with 4 more cockatiels, and had only seed...
  14. Budgie


    dont tell her she's actually a cockatiel
  15. L

    Pionus as a first bird

    Hello! My name is Louise, and Iā€™m thinking about getting a bird. Iā€™ve never owned a bird before, but I have done many months of research and Iā€™ve narrowed my choices down to three species: a ring neck, a cockatiel, or a Pionus. Of these three, the Pionus are definitely my favorites, but I want...
  16. X

    Cockatiel chose to bond with my roommate instead of me

    Hello! So this is a long story. It might be more of a roommate problem, but I am not sure who to ask anymore. --- So I got my tiel when she was about 4 months old from the pets store. She was hand raised and everything (so she's about 8 months now). My girlfriend originally got her for my...
  17. D

    What Parrot Type?

    Hello Everyone, I have been considering buying a parrot but am having trouble choosing a lot of things. This is my first time buying a parrot and I want to know which one to choose from a Cockatiel, a Budgie and a Lovebird. I want something that easily becomes close to the owner. I have to go to...
  18. Jferrand526

    Story Time!!

    Hello everyone! I recently took Tango, my sun conure, with me to a local market that is held in the small parking lot of my sisterā€™s school every Sunday. Tango loves walks and he had his aviator harness on but I had people rushing up to me to get a look at him. It scared him a few times and...
  19. Jferrand526

    Iā€™m embarrassed and sorry about this

    So to begin, I am an owner of 6 birds. 2 sun conures named Tango and Talia, 1 pineapple sided conure named Comet, 1 yellow sided conure named Echo, an ARN named Martini, and a cockatiel named Arrow. All of these babies are tame except for Martini who was not handled as well as he should have...
  20. S

    New Yearā€™s Eve with parrots. How do I get through this?

    Hello everybody. I have been stressing all month about what to do with my birds on New Yearā€™s Eve and yew years day because my neighbors always like making tons of unnecessary noise and throw a big party every year. This is my first year dealing with this when it comes to birds. My birds normal...
  21. reeb

    I got my birds made into art! What do you think?

    I got my birds made into art! These are vector grapical designs made by an amazing artist. I will be getting them professionly printed and framed for hanging in my room! Pearl and Opal Berry Let me know what you think!
  22. reeb

    Not a question, but a little story I had to share

    So, Berry, my cockatiel, came from a breeder. He had a lot of birds - even in the room where he kept hand reared birds there were so many, and so I guess he didn't have a lot of time to spend with any of the older hand-reared babies who hadn't been sold yet. Berry was 4 months old when I got...
  23. reeb

    What is your parrot story? why did you decide to get a parrot?

    What is your parrot story? why did you decide to get a parrot? How have your bird(s) changed your life? I'll go first. In late 2014, I was on holiday at our beach house. An emaciated white and blue budgie flew down onto our deck, and with plenty of sunflower seeds (its all we had!) and...
  24. reeb

    Can you teach a female cockatiel to whistle?

    Hi there, According to most sources, I have found that it isn't possible to teach a female cockatiel to whistle. My cockatiel, Berry, is a girl and I am curious as to whether it is possible at all to teach her to whistle, from anyone's personal experience? Thanks! :grey:
  25. reeb

    Cockatiel's first moult and clipped wings growing back?

    Hi! My baby cockatiel is around 4.5 months old, and her breeder clipped her wings. I have free-flighted birds, and since her wings were clipped before I booked her, I was unable to request unclipped wings. Her wings are nicely cropped, and she is still able to fly to some extent, but I really...
  26. reeb

    what is the best way to introduce new foods?

    Hi! I am gradually introducing fruits and veggies to my three young birdiesā€™ diets. I feed my aviary birds a balance of veggies, fruits, seeds and the occasional boiled egg/egg food. However, all of these tastes are very new to my 2.5 month old budgies and 4 month old cockatiel. So far I have...
  27. reeb

    Experienced budgie owner getting her first cockatiel! Any advice?

    Hi everyone! I am a bird lover with an aviary of 20 budgies and two tame budgies who are strongly bonded with me. After much consideration and research, I have decided to get a cockatiel, and I have found a reputable breeder with a lovely hand-reared 4 month old baby. Firstly, since I am new...
  28. Zack

    My Cockatiel won't let me touch his wings, what do I do?

    My Cockatiel hates it when I touch his wings and I want to put a harness on him, so what do I do? :yellow1:
  29. L

    What Bird Should I Get?

    I'm new to bird-keeping and have looked everywhere for "quiet" birds, mostly because I have a house with high ceilings and am not very fond of screeches echoing into my ears. I've eliminated lovebirds, conures, and ringnecks. I'm looking into cockatiels more and more, but people seem to say they...
  30. Juno


    A normal gray female cockatiel who wants to be pet but will also nip your finger!
  31. K

    Introduction Post

    Hello everyone! I'm a new member of the parrotforums website, but I've been lurking this site for a couple of years now. I've started wanting a bird for a companion about five years ago from now, but I didn't have the opportunity to have one until I received one for Christmas just last year as...
  32. Vilatus

    Breaking tail feathers?

    My cockatiel keeps breaking her tail feathers. She's attempting to groom them, or she'll have a night fright and bash them on the cage bars. Is it normal for them to be this brittle? I can understand them breaking when she bashes them against the cage bars, but it seems weird to me that...
  33. birdycrazy

    One legged Cockatiel

    Hi everyone, Im new here. I have had my 2 tiels (Buttercup and Westly) for about 6 years now. These were my first birds, I must be at least the 2nd or 3rd home for these guys. The previous owner said she put them together in an attempt to breed them, but she never had any success. However within...
  34. N

    Young Cockatiel shivers only when I approach the cage

    I have a young Cockatiel (doesn't yet have the adult coloration young). I have only had him for a little over two weeks so he is still really scared. Ever since I got him he has done this thing where he puts his crest up then fluffs up and shivers like he is cold only when I or a family member...
  35. Vilatus


    Hi, I've just registered and am new here, so sorry for any mistakes! I was wondering if its safe to let my cockatiel play with a plastic spoon, as long as she is not eating it? She's fascinated with my spoons when I use them, and tries to throw them around. (In a typical bird fashion she enjoys...
  36. N

    Confused about sex of cockatiel

    When we bought Lily from the pet shop, we were told she was a female. We've always thought this to be true because she behaves like a female. She's 1 year old, just gone through her first molt and she's never spoken a word despite us repeating many phrases to her constantly. She screeches a...
  37. K

    help! my bird poo looks weird

    Hello, I am new to this parrot forum community but I am in urgent need of some help understanding my bird's poo. So, I've had him for a year I got him when he was 8 months old. He's been very playful and seems like a normal bird! He loves eating next to me (I have a small plate for my bird, Kiki...
  38. K

    HELP! My bird's poo looks weird

    Hello, I am new to this parrot forum community but I am in urgent need of some help understanding my bird's poo. So, I've had him for a year I got him when he was 8 months old. He's been very playful and seems like a normal bird! He loves eating next to me (I have a small plate for my bird, Kiki...
  39. S

    Should I buy these birds

    Hi everyone. I have found a person looking to rehome their cockatiels. They are adorable pair of male and female. However the owner says they haven't had time to tame them so they never leave their cage. My main concerns are: Would having a pair of untamed birds make taming them difficult? As...
  40. S

    advice for taming pair of aviary cockatiels

    Hi everyone. I have found a person looking to rehome their cockatiels. They are adorable pair of male and female. However the owner says they haven't had time to tame them so they never leave their cage. My main concerns are: Would having a pair of untamed birds make taming them difficult? As...
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