
  1. Kisota

    Contemplating an Addition?

    Hi, again, everybody! Long time no talk. :P I'll give you a quick update on Cuzco, the GCC I got earlier this spring. If you want to skip those details and get to the real point of the post, skip the italicized portion. He's doing great, really settling in (though currently molting). Not...
  2. veimar

    How long does it take for an adult tiel to get adjusted?

    Hi everyone, I posted before a thread and few picks of a 2 yo (according to his owner) cockatiel I got two weeks ago… So it has been 2 weeks now since I got him and things didn't change that much. He has no problem eating from my hand (well, I hold his food dish in my hand), and he obviously is...
  3. veimar

    Cockatiel - male or female?

    Hello again, I've been thinking of a cockatiel for a while and was doing my research. I read a lot of information about tiels, and I sort of understood from what I have read that females are prone to be egg-bound and other diseases while the males tend to be more healthy. And also that...
  4. A

    Chore chart

    My 5 year old daughter got her own cockatiel a couple days ago, she is an awesome little tamed tiel and just great with the kids. Our understanding with the breeder was that if Sai doesn't take care of the bird I will bring it back to her and she will take her no questions asked since she had...
  5. S

    Cheeko won't eat anything but seeds!

    So Cheeko Is a three year old pie balled cockatiel, I bought him off of kijiji on Boxing Day that just passed. He was not treated well by his passed owners. I have spent these passed months getting him friendly wanting to handled, so forth. Now since he allows me to scratch his head, I'm wanting...
  6. C

    Possible first time owner with lots of questions

    Hello everyone. Like the title says I'm thinking of getting a bird, and so I was wondering a lot of things. I have a whole laundry list of questions to ask so I will just start off with a few. First off, I was thinking of getting a Cockatiel since I heard they were social with their human/s...
  7. L

    Help sour crop 25 days old cockatiel

    Hi everyone, I have still got Angel and having a troublesome time. I noticed about a week ago in the mornings that her crop wasn't completely empty like other mornings, so I started reading about sour crop. It's not doughy, but there. I tryed remedies with a spice remedy that I found on...
  8. L

    Help! Underweight cockatiel baby

    Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and I need help with my baby cockatiel, already named her Angel. I had to remove Angel from her/him nest 12 days ago, as her father died, my handsome Lutino "Big Boy" and the greatest father. Her mother did stay for a little while until the other male...
  9. jls

    Cockatiel weight loss

    My Cockatiel is not eating seeds because he is an old bird (29 years old), my avian vet said the seeds are to hard for him to eat. I have tried cracking the seeds but he really doesnt eat them. Today he dropped 2 gm, he is now at 85.5gm ... :-( His avian vet said try cinnamon oatmeal, he didnt...
  10. A

    Cockatiel noise level around other birds?

    Good Morning! I currently have four budgies, and am considering buying one or two cockatiels. Right now I'm still in the research & supplies collecting stage, but I just had a question about their noise level. From what I understand, they aren't extremely loud, as compared to some of the larger...
  11. G


    I am a cat owner. I have 2 Devon Rex cats, 1.5 yr and 1 yr. I am thinking about introducing a cockatiel to my clan and want advice... I have seen many vids on youtube where they are playing and companions free in the environment. I want to hear any advice and experiences please. Know this...
  12. Arjiope

    Singing mixed with screaming (with video)

    My cockatiel Nikola makes this screaming/ singing noise, sometimes he does this while he's just playing with toys or when he's by a window. He's done this before a few times in the past week, so he doesn't do this every day. Cockatiel singing/screaming? - YouTube My sister is the one talking...
  13. Nubs


    My ancient cockatiel wishing I would leave him alone to eat his breakfast.
  14. Arjiope

    Cockatiel Yelling for Attention

    I really didn't want to have to post a forum about this. I've Googled everything I could to see if I could help this situation, but it still continues. This started 2 days ago. My 7 month old cockatiel (gender is unknown) Niko keeps yelling every 3 seconds (not quite screaming, but he does...
  15. S


    So As most have you known i got a pet cockatiel two days ago... well long story short i had him out and was walking around my house doing stuff and he just decided he wanted to fly (i was putting dishes away and i think it might have spooked him when i bent down and put a pan away) and he flew...
  16. S

    First time Cockatiel owner need some advise!!

    So here is my story. I have always wanted a cockatiel and so forth but never could afford to fully buy one and all the stuff for them... like the cage toys and even the bird can be expensive at the pet store... so instead i settled with owning rats.... well long story short i was trying to find...
  17. Arjiope

    Should I go to the doctors for a bite?

    I am new to threads and forums, so pardon me! Im not sure if this post is in the right thread.. My cockatiel Niko bit me today because I was trying to put him (or her, gender in unknown) in his cage but he did not want to. :( He's a good bird, but when it is time for him to go in his cage he...
  18. K

    Found a lost cockatiel

    Hey guys! So my roommate found a lost cockatiel outside and brought her home. She is adorable and very lovable. She is grey and white and is so much quieter than Lukah! haha Anyway, she took pictures and is posting flyers around the neighborhood. I am going to post an add on craigslist. Is there...
  19. P


    I am a Cajun girl who is disabled and I stay at home alot. I have a 2 adult children, a Yorkie named Sparky, and a Cockatiel named Sunny and I love them all very much. Also I love being on the internet, playing games on my Kindle fire hd, painting, and reading.:whiteblue:
  20. S

    Is it too late to train/ tame?

    Is it too late to train/ tame cockatiel? Hello, Little disclaimer, sorry this is going to be a bit long, I just want to put out all the details. So I got a cockatiel about 6 months ago. I bought him from a guy who had about 20 cockatiels in a huge cage, but he never took them out or handled...
  21. LucidValvo

    Help! Seeking advice for bird situation.

    Dear ParrotForums, I am seeking help and guidance for my current situation with my birds. A long-winded explanation is kind of neccesary to explain the scope of my dilemma, so please bear with me. I currently own two parrots, a quaker parrot and a cockatiel. My father was a long time bird owner...
  22. J

    Cockatiel and flight feathers, help???

    I've had my cockatiel Tiki for almost a year now. He was given to us full grown so we're not really sure how old he is, though I'm guessing around 3. In the entire year we've had him he has molted once and is currently going through a second molting. We've never clipped his flight feathers yet...
  23. Arya's Fifth Day

    Arya's Fifth Day

    Arya nibbling at my blanket...
  24. C

    New Moluccan Cockatoo owner

    Hello, I'm from Arkansas, full time student and petcare lead at petsmart. I have a Indian Ringneck, Quaker parrot, cockatiel, and a Moluccan Cockatoo.
  25. L

    Confusing Cockatiel

    Sorry this is very long, but I wanted to make sure I included enough info as possible. We've now had our cockatiel around four months and for the most part she's really well behaved. She steps up, is very relaxed and spends most of her day with us. When we first got her she had a bit of an...
  26. D

    Billy gets all excited when I do this !!

    Has anyone else experienced this. I was sat with Billy (my cockatiel) on my hand the other day and gently started to blow into his face and body. He got all excited and puffed up like a balloon and was leaning all the way forward with his wings spread, absolutely loving it. The more I gently...
  27. My Beautiful Bobby

    My Beautiful Bobby

    This is my beautiful cockatiel Bobby :O)
  28. My Beautiful Bobby

    My Beautiful Bobby

    Here is a picture of my beautiful cockatiel Bobby. He has a big personality and I love him dearly :O)
  29. D

    LOVE my baby green cheek!!

    I've had zoey :rainbow1: for 2 weeks now & she is AMAZING! super affectionate & already on a schedule :) she wakes up early, has a little play time outside the cage then crawls into bed w/ me... we snuggle & fall back asleep for about an hour... then breakfast & tons more play time! she lets me...
  30. W

    Sleep Cages, Out time and Related Questions

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum. I wanted to start a discussion about cage size in relation to location, schedule and socialization. For many years I kept parakeets and cockatiels. My avatar is a picture of Kocomo, my male 'tiel. I'm living on my own now and would like to adopt a green...
  31. happycat

    Which food should I keep him eating?

    I got my kakariki eating zupreem fruit pellets and cockatiel food. (A mixture of both ) He seems to like the tiel food a bit better but he's not picky. Does anyone know which I should wean him off and which food I should keep?
  32. LoveMyParrots

    Goodbye to Kiwi and Tweety

    I am giving Kiwi and Tweety away tomorrow. :( I really don't want to, but I feel that they are not getting enough attachion. They only get to spend 1 hour with me each day, for the rest they have to play with toys and etc. Heres a little info on Kiwi and Tweety and their parents - I rescued...
  33. C

    introducing me

    hey im catherine, i am 18 and living in melbourne, australia. at this point in time i own 3 beautiful green princess parrots (petrie, 7 hand tame and the biggest sook) (2 un-named as i only got them last week and i havent thought of suitable names, not tame, 15 weeks, aviary birds) :green2...
  34. L


    Her name is Lizzy I've had her for about 6 months now and she's approching 1 year old, her poops are normal and she has no drippy noses or anything like that. I think it might be that she might be a bit cold since we just moved the cage around, but I was wondering what you guys/girls thought...
  35. Julie86

    Cockatiel and Mulga compatible cagemates?

    I am going to get a Mulga, many colored, Australian female parakeet in a couple weeks. Somewhere down the line I would love to own a Cockatiel. I was curious if they would make good cagemates or if i would need to house them seperately? I have a cage that measures 35.25" H x 21" W x 32" D, the...
  36. sammybird

    aggresive cockatiel

    My cockatiel loves paper and whenever i take it away he gets really aggresive! anyone know why?
  37. J

    Conure suddenly dies after cockatiel PLEASE HELP

    On around November 23, My cockatiel of at least 4 years old suddenly died. What she did was she spread her wings and tail feathers, lifted her head and breathed rather heavily. Within seconds she was dead. A time after I got a sun conure that was about 5 months old. Within 24 hours, he died the...
  38. sammybird

    Cockatiel loves paper!

    My cockatiel loves paper for some reason and i dont know why. he talks and whistles to it and he gets real aggressive if i take it away. anyone know why? ___________________ -sammybird :yellow1:
  39. Q

    My Sunny shares cage with cockatiel.

    My sun conure shares a cage with a cockatiel. The cockatiel is 3-4+ years older than the conure. The cockatiel is the family bird. The conure I got for my bday making it my bird. My parents promised me a cage for her but due to lack of space and my parents don't want it in my basement we were...
  40. T

    Bitey tiel help / how to get him to stay on his play stand?

    Hi, i have a 4 or 5 month old tiel named kelly! lately he has been quite nippy with me,and the bites are getting harder. usually its just nibbles arround my hand but lately he will find a spot and bite, not nibble. i do not like bieng bitten and want to train this out of him, but im not...
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