
  1. Rico_Tiel


  2. Rico_Tiel

    Spring Cage Setup!

    This is Rico’s spring/summer cage! This cage is sadly not fit for outdoor use (the top can be picked off by a raven or a magpie even and it could topple over if a dog or cat leaned against it so it will not be used outside) so I will be using his flight cage for his sunning time! It is like...
  3. Rico_Tiel

    After 2 days, I finally finished my art piece!

    The Astronymphicus! These are space cockatiels! They don’t have legs, they have 4 wings, six eyes, and they eat asteroids for some reason.
  4. Rico_Tiel

    Lemme see ya favorite pics of your birbies 👁️👄👁️

  5. J

    Please help make parrots recognized ESAs. Some of us rely on their intelligence to help with physical pain.

    Hey there. I'm new here--I've lurked for years, but I've got a conure, a cockatiel, a lovebird, a medical degree, and a neurological disease where emotional distress causes me physical pain. I know your birds matter to you, and I know for many of you, you wouldn't want anything to separate you...
  6. B

    My cockatiel is bobbing her head, stumbling, and looking around lost

    I have a female cockatiel and a male cockatiel. The female is around 11 years old and I have had her for 10. She has been on an only seed diet since we've gotten her. Yesterday I took her on my finger and she stranded looking around randomly with a blank expression. The best was I can describe...
  7. F

    Going on vacation, but cant find anyone to look after my 3 cockatiels...

    I'm in between houses, and will be traveling internationally during the interim. Are there any good parrot boarding places in FL? Or perhaps someone who would like to take care of 3 cockatiels for about 2 months? Or If anyone has any ideas I'd be happy to hear them. I am a bit disappointed at...
  8. Rico_Tiel

    Cage Inspiration?

    I'd love to see all of your cage setups! tomorrow I am rearranging my poopy bird's cage and would love to use some setups for inspiration! afterwards, I will post a pic of his cage and you guys can rate it out of 10 or give some tips! thank you all in advance!
  9. Rico_Tiel

    Things I wish I knew before getting a 'Tiel

    1. how dramatic they are! he is a little drama queen and I love it lmao 2. how DUSTY they are! I knew it was a factor BUT I underestimated how dusty they truly are! thankfully I'm not allergic to it but my immunity to smoke, chemically scents, strong smells, etc. plummeted over the 3 years I...
  10. jessykeox

    Noisy tiel

    Hi everyone, I’m homeschooled so my cockatiels get a lot of time out of their cage, but one of my cockatiels (goose) calls for me when I leave the room. It is quite loud and very annoying after a while as I’m trying to study. We got him a friend but he still calls for me, he is around 2 years...
  11. Rico_Tiel

    the difference clipping can make on a bird.

    when I got my bird, the pet store had him clipped as most do. he was quiet, sad, uninterested in toys, unwilling to try or do anything, ate way less than he does now, chewed and barbered feathers, over preened them, plucked them out mildly (around the wrist area on the wing, near his crop, and...
  12. Rico_Tiel

    I am super bored and would love to know what are some of the greatest things your birds have done?

    for me, being an amazing eater! he is willing to try new foods if I make it look yummy! or him being there for me when no one else was. or when he helped me through a breakup with a vile guy. the dude was a manipulator, gas lighter, a very... hmm... let's just say creepy guy with few...
  13. Amy-Milo

    Cockatiel with abnormal droppings?

    So I have a male white faced cockatiel. Had him for almost a year now. This problem has been happening for a few months now. But when it first started it wasn’t so bad, he has been having droppings that are a brownish colour? A few months ago it was only like the odd one or two, but now it’s...
  14. N

    Wounded cockatiel

    Hi all, Was just wondering how to treat this wound my female cockatiel Leilani has. Must have happened in the last ten minutes or so, as she has been beside me all day and only noticed it now...I've no notion how she got injured, but it seems that the flesh of her left foot has been bitten off...
  15. B

    Trouble with Keeping Birds Separated

    Hello there. Let me preface this by saying I am trying my damn best right now. I have a conure and a cockatiel, both males, with which the conure is about 8 months old and my cockatiel about 2 or so years (unknown, tbh). They bonded, but I have to keep them separate because my cockatiel will try...
  16. E

    First-time owner and already messed up, how do I fix it?

    So I just bought my first cockatiel. The first red flag could've appeared in the first few moments of getting it when the shop owner separated the two birds then not so gently grabbed it and put it in a box (hopefully that isn't too traumatizing for it). Then the second worse thing happened, my...
  17. crowboy

    Affectionate Bird Suggestions??

    Bonjour, à tous! I'm looking into potentially getting myself a parrot some time in the coming year and was looking for some recommendations. I'd really like to have a very affectionate and cuddly bird that is not too big, but not too small. Noise doesn't bother me too much so long as it's not...
  18. G

    Is my bird plucking or molting ?

    I did a deep clean of my cockatiels cage yesterday ,but today I've noticed a lot of his feathers on the bottom of his cage? He is 5 years old has been molting for the past 2-3 months so far , but this is a lot more then usual. Is this something to be concerned about?
  19. ahgassi

    Molting or sickness?

    Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing great. :) I have a question regarding my cockatiel - maybe some of you have had a similar experience and would be willing to share it with me? My cockatiel, Fili (male, 1.5 years old) has been puffed up and sleeping quite a lot for the past three to...
  20. Rico_Tiel

    Here's a TikTok of my 'Tiel's journey home.

    actual art starts at: 0:20 the birb pics were for filler lmao This was my first piece that I ever uploaded so it kinda looks like... well, a hunk o' diarrhea
  21. B

    Cockatiel problems with conure

    Hello. So, I have a cockatiel (Artemis) and a conure (Xatu) that are both male. Xatu is about 8 months old, and Artemis is of an unknown age, but around 1-2 years. They get along really well for the most part - grooming and feeding each other even. However, multiple times throughout the day...
  22. H

    Red eyes

    Hey everyone! This is my first time posting here. I have a Cockatiel (Hanzo) for about 2 months and he was alone for this time and I planned on getting him a companion as soon as he was trained enough to listen to me and the command I gave him. He is a young healthy bird and I got him from a...
  23. Luna Kamel

    What is my parrot's gender and age?

    Hello, I've been really interested in buying a cockatiel because of how gentle of a friend they can be. I was offered this one, the seller told me they don't know their gender, also added that they're around 6 months old. I really want a male cockatiel, I was told they're more likely to sing...
  24. henk_and_zazoe

    My tiel lost all his tail feathers at once

    Hi all! My two year cockatiel, Zazoe, lost all of his tail feathers at once yesterday. Although this is his third molt, I have never seen him lose this many feathers (6 tail feathers) at once. When he lost them, he didn’t show any signs of being hurt and he wasn’t stuck. He just flew away and...
  25. Rico_Tiel

    how can i dye my hair safely while keeping a bird?

    I want to dye my hair dark purple as I think it'd look really good! however, my cockatiel, Rico, likes to play in my hair. I'd get it done at my local hair salon who does WONDERS with my hair! but is there any precautions I should take, or should I just leave my hair plain? ofc I know that the...
  26. G

    Red Eyes

    I recently got a cockatiel. It is my first time keeping a cockatiel with this mutation, so I'm not sure if this is normal or not. There is a red ring around both its eyes. It doesn't seem to be itchy. However, the previous household that kept this bird neglected it a lot. There is also a red...
  27. J

    Healthy Cockatiel Occasionally Vomiting?

    Hi everyone! Pecan, our ten-month-old female cockatiel has been throwing up once or twice a month, and we're concerned because the vet recently told us that cockatiels throwing up (not simply regurgitating) is abnormal. Typically she throws up early in the morning and is sometimes lethargic...
  28. T

    Plucking Cockatiel

    Hey guys, I have a 2 1/2 year old female cockatiel who started plucking around 5 months ago. She only plucks under her wings, above the tail feathers, and in the lower half of her chest. I’ve done quite a lot of research about this and wanted to see if there is something you guys could...
  29. C

    [SOLVED] Feather plucking or molting???

    Hello all my around 2 year old cockatiel has I believe just started feather plucking. He mostly seems to pull out down feathers so maybe could be molting but I have a more likely theory. He recently got into a pretty big accident and really hurt himself by flying into a wall. I took him to the...
  30. Parotteer

    Introducing myself, Mikey Arris

    Hello. I would like to introduce my flock and myself. My name is Mikey Arris. At the moment of writing I am 51 years old, retired and living in the Netherlands. I discovered this Forum in my search for information on Amazon parrots. It is one of the many sources I found and after reading many...
  31. R

    Plucked/Lost tail feather

    Hey all! Rocky is just shy of six months old and has already been molting for a couple of weeks now. Tonight she was sitting with me, and when I got up to put her to bed I noticed this tail feather sitting on the ground at my feet. Rocky is particularly clumsy when it comes to climbing and has...
  32. B

    Deslorelin Implant Help

    Hi everyone! I am new to this forum and desperate. I have a two year old cockatiel named Pietri who I love dearly. I have been dealing with her being a chronic egg layer and an extremely hormonal female tiel. I am currently going to a CAV near my home who has been aiding me in treating her...
  33. T

    What sex is my 8 month cockatiel?

    Hi, so I got a cockatiel yesterday and I am wondering what sex he/she is. I know that it is 8 months old. Thank you in advance!
  34. Mochikospets

    Tiel holding wings weird?

    Hi there! I have one hand fed baby cockatiel and one adult female, we recently decided to add a mate for her from a breeder. All of his cockatiels seemed in good health, clean cages, everything. He said this boy’s mate flew away, and he was in a cage with a bunch of females and another male. I...
  35. AdDefiant3705

    quarantine with tests

    Hello, I'm getting my 2nd cockatiel tomorrow. I already have one at home (for a year- without any contact with other birds) The new one has been checked at our local vet and they said he's completely healthy. My question is, if I bring him home, is it necessary to put him into a quarantine even...
  36. Rkwh

    Plant and herbs for aviary, help needed?

    Hi again everyone, We are building a outdoor aviary for our flock of cockatiels and conures. I want to put some plants in there that are safe for them to nibble etc I grow a bunch of herbs and also have a laurel bay leaf tree. Does anyone know if the laurel bay leaf tree is toxic to our birds...
  37. Mochikospets

    Hand reared cockatiel thinks she’s human? With arms?

    Hi there! New here. I’ve been an animal lover my whole life and recently got into birds! I have a little experience hand-rearing birds, but this is my first cockatiel. I got her around 4 days old, eyes closed. I’ve had her for about a month now. She’s an adorable little bird, loves attention and...
  38. Petite Parrots

    Double Cage or Flight Cage for Cockatiels?!

    Hello everyone! I’m new here so sorry if I get something wrong or use the feature poorly 😄 I am thinking of getting a cockatiel but I really can’t decide between getting a double cage, which I could have 2 cockatiels but they would be in smallish cages or a large flight cage with one cockatiel...
  39. C

    Hard Andronized Non-stick Cookware

    Hello I really want to get a parrot but I feel like my house is not safe for any birds. Do any of u guys have the Emeril™ Essential Nonstick Hard Anodized 11-Piece Cookware Set in Black...
  40. UnknownParrotPoster

    Wanting to get a cockatiel (Cockatiel Questions)

    Hows It going? I know like this may sound like I am asking a lot, but could someone basically give a brief overview on everything a cockatiel needs? Like specific foods, what kind of care it needs per day (how much attention, how often to change the water), etc, and what could be dangerous for...