
  1. T

    Rope toys

    Hi there, I was looking online for some toys to see if there are any good deals. I came across a rope climbing net and was wondering if it was safe for birds, specifically cockatiels. I have already bought it but if it is not safe I will not use it. Pet Bird Parrot Parakeet Cage Rope Net...
  2. S

    Cockatiel About to Lay Eggs?

    I have an 11 year old cockatiel who I adopted two years ago. The adoption place said that my bird's previous owner never mentioned her laying eggs at any point, so they assumed she hadn't. Throughout the two years I've had her, she has never laid eggs. I recently went on vacation and I boarded...
  3. Soul

    Rest In Peace, Sylvester

    Last Wednesday, I was getting ready for my drive to school and Sylvester, my cockatiel, was chirping up a storm demanding attention. I love him to bits, but that morning I was already running late. I put him on my mom's shoulder as I sometimes do, and continued getting ready for school. The...
  4. X

    Baby cockatiels

    Hi! My two normal gray cockatiels recently started to lay eggs. They just laid their second. This will be their first time breeding so I'm quite worried. I've been keeping track of the dates the eggs came out, the weight, I have tried candling with my phone light (not sure how it's going so...
  5. Soul

    Sudden Behavioral Change

    My 3-year-old 'tiel has suddenly been acting very aggressive towards me. We've always had a very good relationship. We play this game where we "blow kisses" to each other. Essentially, he just mimics a kissing sound and I would do it back or vice versa. In fact, just last night he was blowing...
  6. T

    Why hello there!

    Hi! I'm new so I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Breanna and I live in a small town near the mountains in North Colorado. I share my room, and my heart, with an almost 3 year old White Faced cinnamon pearl cockatiel. She has her own youtube channel because she's so adorable that I'm...
  7. My Cockatiel

    My Cockatiel

    My cute Cockatiel Figis
  8. My Cockatiel

    My Cockatiel

    My cute Cockatiel Figis
  9. My Cockatiel

    My Cockatiel

    My cute Cockatiel Figis
  10. My Cockatiel

    My Cockatiel

    My cute Cockatiel Figis
  11. J

    How do I deter an unwanted whistle combination?

    Hi there, My 1 year old cockatiels have learned a very annoying whistle combination. It is very high pitch and is driving me a little crazy haha. I really do not know where they learned this whistle combination from. It is not one of the whistles that we done with them. The sound does not...
  12. I

    Question: New Bird Behavior

    Hello, I am a biology major, avid bird lover, and new dad to beautiful cockatiel -Dakota, a normal grey cockatiel. He arrived at the local bird store on Wednesday, was hand-fed and is approximately 6 mos old. I brought him home yesterday afternoon. I am concerned about him a bit as is what...
  13. R

    Very scared cockatiel

    I have 2 male cockatiels that I rescued from a shelter at separate times. The one I'm having problems with is the more recent one and his name is Picasso. No clue how old he is but he IS an adult. He is completely terrified of being held or touched but he will get on my shoulder and preen me for...
  14. C

    New Cockatiel, help please! (video included)

    Hello and greetings from Hungary. I'm a "new" parrot owner (I had a few kinds of birds many years ago though), and I've got a young (probably 4-5 months old?) Cockatiel 11 days ago from a pet store. Situation is the following: The first 2 days Cookie was upset and scared, which I found normal...
  15. My Baby Boy

    My Baby Boy

    This is my baby Chichi, yes he's a boy, we found out too late for a name change XD He's a beautiful social birdie.
  16. K

    Cockatiel egg laying and diarrhea?!

    My cockatiel lays many unfertelized eggs and because of this she has smelly diarrhea. Even when she is not laying much eggs, the poop is not healthy and is big and watery... My mom tells me that I should give her away but there's obviously no one who would want a bird like that. I don't know...
  17. P

    Cockatiel Won't Bath!

    I have recently gotten two beautiful cockatiels! They are happy and very active. They are also very young. The one is only two months old and the other is four months. The older one, Loki, has had a couple of spray bathes and only twice has he seemed to enjoy it. Other times he just flies...
  18. L

    my cockatiel gets scared out of the cage

    hey i bought a new cockatiel from animal city in tennesse 14 weeks old (wingsclipped) and hand fed an 1 week ago i let stay in its cage for a week to get used to it and when i take it out the cage it jumps off my hand and shakes a lot and stays in a corner also sometimes when i putt my finger...
  19. Kae

    What to do about a clingy cockatiel?

    Hey again! My beautiful tiel Artemis, who I rescued from the shelter, is finally bonding to me! Unfortunately, I can't spend every waking minute with him, I have things to do, but he is suddenly clingy and doesn't want to be alone with only my lovies. He is fussy when I put him down and his...
  20. E

    Strange Wing Wound - photos 1st post

    My 9 year old female cockatiel isn't sick, but something is definitely wrong. Notes: Diet: Harrison's pellets, for nearly a year. Red palm oil since April. Cage: Ample size, new as of February. All new perches and toys as of March. Clutch history: 4-6 infertile clutches, discourage...
  21. S

    Caging different species together

    I have a 10 year old sun conure and a 9 year old cockatiel, who have been raised together since they were babies, when I got both of them. They have always had seperate cages, right next to each other. They will often visit each others cages and have even spent nights :orange::grey:sleeping in...
  22. 2

    new member- loving pet owner looking for answers

    loving pet owner looking for help Hello I am a new member to the group. I have had my first cockatiel for awhile, been told it was a boy, we then named him Buddy he talks & whisles. Then few months down the road I was considering on getting a girl for him. So I end up finding another on...
  23. Kisota

    Stubborn, stubborn polyurea!

    (GAH, I just realized I typo'd and misspelled "polyurea" in the title... if a mod would like to help me save face and fix that, it'd be much appreciated) Hi, again everybody! Been a while, hasn't it? I've been trying to finish my thesis, so I've been very busy! In the meantime, my cockatiel...
  24. P

    Cockatiel vs Quaker parrot?

    I'm making a decision to pick up either a cockatiel or a quaker parrot; both are hand-fed/tame and both are male. They're both sold at a shockingly bargain price conveniently at the same time. Which bird should I purchase (as I can only own one pet at home)?? From my previous experience with...
  25. C

    How long do cockatiels live on average if they live off of exclusively seeds??

    I purchase cockatiel seeds that have a mixture of dried vegetables, and fruits I think. I've tried pellets, I've tried fresh vegetables, I've tried fresh fruits, I've tried boiled eggs, I've tried cooked chicken, I've tried cooked rice, multi-grain bread, cooked yams, and cooked sweet potato...
  26. C

    What are some down side of owning green cheek conure or love bird??

    I've owned budgies and cockatiels, and here are some common traits of them that I found intolerable: - budgie: easily scared - budgie: craps too often; like I need a towel in hand if I ever bring him out of cage - budgie: hates being touched, and perpetually afraid of hands - budgie: too...
  27. C

    If my cockatiel recognizes non-seed food as "food", will it be a fluke or permanent?

    If my cockatiel recognizes non-seed food as "food", will it be a fluke or permanent? I mixed ground bits of cucumber, tomato, apple, carrot, with yam, rice and small pieces of multi-grain bread. I am leaving it out for one hour at a time, and it's been about half a day so far. He seems hungry...
  28. C

    My grey cockatiel is balding?

    To cap everything, he came in with a full head of hair, I think (I don't remember). When I first brought him home, he had a lot of difficulties readjusting. He was untamed and extremely skittish, because he just came from a home with children. He flew toward the windows a few times, hit his...
  29. C

    Green cheek conure vs love bird? Gender difference?

    I'm interested in the personalities of green cheek conure and love birds. I've owned hand-fed cockatiels, and I find them too stubborn and easily scared. Plus some of them seem to prefer being alone for the comfort of safety. From what I've read, green cheek conure and love bird are the bolder...
  30. C

    Hey from Canada, the lands of polar bears and igloos!

    :grey: Jk, we only have igloos and polar bears up north, I don't even know if we have polar bears actually... Well I'm new here and thought I'd say hey to all y'all fellow bird lovers and owners!:white1: So basically I have one bird. Its all I have space for with my other pets living around me...
  31. S

    Tiel Toys and Treats?

    Hey guys! I posted a thread yesterday about my toy-pineapple-loving cockatiel that hates hands. He loves his pineapple so much that I can place him in one room, hide his pineapple in my pocket, walk a couple rooms away, hold the pineapple up and he will fly right for it. Its really cute. I call...
  32. S

    My Cockatiel LOATHES hands

    Hello everyone! I need some help.... My sister's friend gave us their pet cockatiel since they couldn't take care of it anymore. She told us he was a mean little bird and she were not lying. I don't know what happened to him to make him traumatized of hands, but its not getting any better...
  33. X

    Is my cockatiel hurt? Or is he normal? Help.

    Hello. I have a cockatiel 3.5 months old. And I just noticed something strange at his wings. His bones are going a bit out. When I touch him there he does not hurt ore something. He feel no pain there. Here is a picture of his wings: Should i get my Cockatiel to the vet? Also, he have this...
  34. P

    Can I give a cockatiel a good home? [Lots of questions.]

    Hi all, I have recently been looking into whether I would be able to adopt a cockatiel and provide for it correctly. I feel reasonably sure that I could, but I have never owned any kind of parrot and want to be sure of my footing before I commit to the next 10-15 years of parrot ownership. I'm...
  35. C

    New Owner of two cockatiels!!! help!!!

    Hi everyone, Approximately three months ago i bought my cockatiel "Cutey" who i thinkkk is female from what the avian vet told me - she just speculated. She is 10 months old with grey with a yellow crest and faded orange cheeks. Today i bought another cockatiel i called "Ashes" who is grey all...
  36. greenthii

    Names for male cockatiel? (Pearl)

    I'm getting a Pearl Cockatiel on Friday and he's multicolored. I'm having trouble looking for a name for him. I'm considering "Mango" one of the names I will be naming him but I'd like suggestions. (: Any names? I'm also getting a female grey cockatiel and she's going to be named Peaches.:grey:
  37. veimar

    Murzik is a sweetheart! I want to share a success story.

    Hi again, As some of you may remember I posted about a 18 months old cockatiel I rescued from very bad conditions on July 15. He was kept outside in a small cage with 4-5 other tiels in a mobile house community. According to the owner he was never handled, never let out of cage, parent fed… The...
  38. F

    Hello from my flock to yours!

    Hi everyone! Really looking forward to being part of the community here! A little about myself: I'm in the US, live and work in a large city. I share my home with my partner and two cockatiel fids, Firefly and Clementine. They're 3 and 2, respectively, so still relatively young. I've had them...
  39. J

    Cockatiel Questions

    Hey guys i am new and i have a question. My best friend got a cockatiel and after playing around with him a bit i have kinda been obsessed with him. So i am thinking about getting one of my own... but i have to parakeets. I have read that they are fine together and that Cockatiels will eat...
  40. happycat


    Hello all! I am considering buying a cockatiel sometime in the next week or so. I already have a cage (kirby's old cage) and mostly everything ready. Even a name! I was thinking of naming the new birdy either Wheatley or Quigley, since I thought it would go cute with Kirby's name :09: I'm not...
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