Watch Me Grow

No glasses or sunglasses on my end, so there won't be any opportunities with me, but I will certainly keep that in mind for socializing. He won't be too close to any faces for quite a while.

WRONG! [Buzzer goes off]

Okay, first order of business after basic step up is BITE PRESSURE TRAINING...

Then, you do LOTS OF FACE TO BEAK with emphasis on NO BITING, NO BITE PRESSURE...

If you wait, you have to do that when he has his FULL bite pressure. That makes it much more problematic.

I BEAK WRESTLED with my greenwing, NOSE TO BEAK. That teaches them to be gentle around faces. If he gets too rough lower your head to your forehead. There's nothing to latch onto... Give the "too hard" command, and ignore the bird for a few minutes.

Stopping the attention is the most effective way to train a macaw. They're all attention hounds. If they did something wrong, and lost your attention? I'm sorry, I'll do better next time... then the games are resumed and all is forgiven.

Seriously... Trust me on this one! I've trained... ahem... A FEW... macaws in my day. Some of them were pretty dang angry and aggressive when we started... didn't stay that way, though. Wasn't havin' it!

If they're NOT used to being around faces, they tend to lunge bite. Trust me again, THAT'S WORSE!

Sometimes it seems counter intutitive... but it works!

The time to do the basics is when he's a baby. Pattern this bird FROM DAY ONE... AND IT WILL NEVER BE A PROBLEM.
No glasses or sunglasses on my end, so there won't be any opportunities with me, but I will certainly keep that in mind for socializing. He won't be too close to any faces for quite a while.

WRONG! [Buzzer goes off]

Okay, first order of business after basic step up is BITE PRESSURE TRAINING...

Then, you do LOTS OF FACE TO BEAK with emphasis on NO BITING, NO BITE PRESSURE...

If you wait, you have to do that when he has his FULL bite pressure. That makes it much more problematic.

I BEAK WRESTLED with my greenwing, NOSE TO BEAK. That teaches them to be gentle around faces. If he gets too rough lower your head to your forehead. There's nothing to latch onto... Give the "too hard" command, and ignore the bird for a few minutes.

Stopping the attention is the most effective way to train a macaw. They're all attention hounds. If they did something wrong, and lost your attention? I'm sorry, I'll do better next time... then the games are resumed and all is forgiven.

Seriously... Trust me on this one! I've trained... ahem... A FEW... macaws in my day. Some of them were pretty dang angry and aggressive when we started... didn't stay that way, though. Wasn't havin' it!

If they're NOT used to being around faces, they tend to lunge bite. Trust me again, THAT'S WORSE!

Sometimes it seems counter intutitive... but it works!

The time to do the basics is when he's a baby. Pattern this bird FROM DAY ONE... AND IT WILL NEVER BE A PROBLEM.

Good to know Mark. I DO trust you.
I guess I was just interpreting it the same way as avoiding shoulders for a while, but I will listen to your advice! I have read your bite pressure post as well.
To me the shoulder bird thing is limited to (1) birds who displacement bite, and (2) birds that can't be trusted to behave when they're up there. (i.e. don't come down when you ask them to.)

Once they're bite pressure trained, and have no fear of faces, I don't have a problem with it other than the above.

Tusk displacement bites. He's a hand bird... Only bird I've got that's not allowed up there.
No glasses or sunglasses on my end, so there won't be any opportunities with me, but I will certainly keep that in mind for socializing. He won't be too close to any faces for quite a while.

WRONG! [Buzzer goes off]

Okay, first order of business after basic step up is BITE PRESSURE TRAINING...

Then, you do LOTS OF FACE TO BEAK with emphasis on NO BITING, NO BITE PRESSURE...

If you wait, you have to do that when he has his FULL bite pressure. That makes it much more problematic.

I BEAK WRESTLED with my greenwing, NOSE TO BEAK. That teaches them to be gentle around faces. If he gets too rough lower your head to your forehead. There's nothing to latch onto... Give the "too hard" command, and ignore the bird for a few minutes.

Stopping the attention is the most effective way to train a macaw. They're all attention hounds. If they did something wrong, and lost your attention? I'm sorry, I'll do better next time... then the games are resumed and all is forgiven.

Seriously... Trust me on this one! I've trained... ahem... A FEW... macaws in my day. Some of them were pretty dang angry and aggressive when we started... didn't stay that way, though. Wasn't havin' it!

If they're NOT used to being around faces, they tend to lunge bite. Trust me again, THAT'S WORSE!

Sometimes it seems counter intutitive... but it works!

The time to do the basics is when he's a baby. Pattern this bird FROM DAY ONE... AND IT WILL NEVER BE A PROBLEM.

That has helped me more with BB than anything. He can't stand the attention loss. Helped me so much !! I actually get a small squeak sound out of him now when he has done wrong. Like saying he understands. They are so amazing.
Yikes, ankle straps? Really? Bro, please stick with Marks words.
Yikes, ankle straps? Really? Bro, please stick with Marks words.

The ankle straps are for crows and ravens, NOT parrots. I was just looking at the perch.

But yes, I have learned to trust Mark's advice.

Edit: And I will be using an aviator harness. Edit: Daniel Walthers is a very reliable breeder and very knowledgeable about birds as far as I know. His parrots wear HARNESSES when out, NOT anklets.
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WOW! I just looked at the baby boggles the mind. To see a "new born" then to see what he/she turns into! Would you ever believe that picture would turn into a magnificent Blue and Gold Macaw?? Not me!! :11: :o
Looks more like a tyridactile to me! <J/K>!! what a beautiful baby and I wish the both of you many,many,many joyous years!


HAHAHAHA!!!! Oh, that's great! I love it :18:. I want one hahaha!

It is pretty clever! No idea how functional it would actually be.

WOW! I just looked at the baby boggles the mind. To see a "new born" then to see what he/she turns into! Would you ever believe that picture would turn into a magnificent Blue and Gold Macaw?? Not me!! :11: :o
Looks more like a tyridactile to me! <J/K>!! what a beautiful baby and I wish the both of you many,many,many joyous years!


I would be shocked if he turned into a magnificent blue and gold because he is a green wing. Haha just giving you a hard time. I know what you mean, the changes happen so quick. Can't imagine what he'll look like another three weeks from now.
Thanks Jim!
Not too much to update.

The baby will be two months old tomorrow (9 weeks old on Wednesday).

I ordered the stainless steel baffle for foraging, a java perch, the aviator harness, a few toy pieces and this mug.

Sounds like you are nesting and getting ready for the new arrival who is obviously going to be very spoiled...I love tye mug :)
Just read thru everything. Congrats!! Such a cute little one!
Sounds like you are nesting and getting ready for the new arrival who is obviously going to be very spoiled...I love tye mug :)

Just read thru everything. Congrats!! Such a cute little one!

Thank you guys very much.

So, as I mentioned in another post, I am house hunting for my first house (currently living in my parents house). I am hoping to be moved out before Kalani arrives, but it is not an issue if not. I am truly revolving a large portion of my house hunting around parrot ownership

Today I went and checked out a property and LOVED it. I am actually viewing the house on Tuesday, so trying not to get my hopes up.

The property would be perfect for an aviary.

If you walk out of the house and do a 45 second walk, it leads up to a great trail that I would love to take Kalani on very regularly (once harness trained).
Here are some pics I took today of the trail.



9 weeks old!

Check out my dinosaur feet.

I'm getting so red.

I think I'm starting to get distinguishable.
Kalani will be 10 weeks on Wednesday.

In the photos, Kalani is on the left, Gaby is on the upper right, and an unadopted baby is on the lower right. Gaby is three days older than Kalani and the other baby is two days younger.



Just a pile of cuteness. I want them all. But the wife would shoot me. Literally. Worth it? Yes, but who would care for Salty.
How much longer, Don?
Just a pile of cuteness. I want them all. But the wife would shoot me. Literally. Worth it? Yes, but who would care for Salty.
How much longer, Don?

We're less than half way still. Around 14 more weeks. (Late August).
There is a ton of anticipation, but I've been parrotless for over four years since we lost our Nikki, so I suppose I can wait another 3 months!

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