Watch Me Grow

What a handsome guy :D I love the "lovin'" pic Don..his head/face looks soooo soft! and that BEAKY! OMG lol..


Thanks Jim.
Mischief maker during the day. Cuddle bird at night.

His head feathers look like the "hair" that comes with those rubber type "alien" critters,sticks right up on the head. Used to be a toy called "mold master" I think...poured "goop" into a mold and put the mold on this little heater thingy to make the goop cure <surprised no ones house burnt down lol> then when it is ready,you took these different colored fiber "hair" and pulled it thru a little hole on its head? This toy must be close to 50 years old :eek: :p that's what the little birdie reminds me of!

Oh my gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd!
That face. BOTH of them, in fact.
I lovelovelove happy parrot tales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at the deep red of that plumage! Beautiful!

So glad all is going so well! You need to get some video of Salani's antics as well!
Kalani's colours seem to get more vivid all the time. Thank you so much for the update, I have missed seeing that beautiful baby!
Very cool on your new bird. While I am far from an expert, one of the books I've read mentioned that round or oxagon cages aren't good for most birds. Has something to do with having a need to find or be in a corner if I remember right.
I know you've had your gorgeous boy for a while now but I love this thread! I'm getting a Rose Breasted Cockatoo from The same breeders. Just hatched on 3/24 so my wait has started. This will be my second bird from them and I'm lucky that I live just 15 minutes from their house so I get to pick up my baby:). So a late congrats on your gorgeous boy, it was fun to watch him grow and I can't wait for my baby pics to start now.
I know you've had your gorgeous boy for a while now but I love this thread! I'm getting a Rose Breasted Cockatoo from The same breeders. Just hatched on 3/24 so my wait has started. This will be my second bird from them and I'm lucky that I live just 15 minutes from their house so I get to pick up my baby:). So a late congrats on your gorgeous boy, it was fun to watch him grow and I can't wait for my baby pics to start now.

They were great. The waiting is hard, but the updates make it bearable. I was initially torn between a macaw and galah!

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