Watch Me Grow

GAAAAH! :heart: I can't stand the cuteness. I'm going Ga-Ga over here. :D

Don, I have that SS cage thingy for both my big macs. It's GREAT!! You can put pieces of wood in there, or even walnuts. :D

Yeah, with a large macaw in the house, your toymaking skills are going to go through the roof in no time...

I make lots of wiffle ball toys, for mine. I get those in the dollar stores. They last about an hour or less. And actually if you cut one of the spots where the holes connect up, you can bend it a little, and stuff broken toy parts, and treats inside the wiffle ball, and THAT becomes a forraging toy in and of itself.

The hot tip with large macaws is to recycle the large broken pieces and use them (if they're clean) in your foraging toys. Lots cheaper.

Sissal rope works great for hanging toys, and it's cheap. You can buy a bag of (untreated) scrap wood, drill holes in it, and string those up. Two by fours work just fine. (My bird didn't care if it was colored or not.) Those hardwood coins are favorites around here, and they last a little longer.

Anything pine will become a toothpick in a matter of minutes.


I have a pretty killer hardwood swing that has lasted fairly well despite lots of use...

Thanks guys! Those are great ideas. I will take all the toy-building ideas you have. While I will spare no expense for this bird, budgeting in any area leaves room for spending in others!

Mark, that toy you made is no joke; I'm almost afraid to ask how long it lasted.
Im dead Jealous Kalani is a dote ...Gorgeous...those toys will be greatly enjoyed too :)

Great stuff Wendy.
Your PVC designs are simple, but clever.

Speaking of showers, how often is too often? I would love to incorporate this into a daily routine, as it will give me an extra 30 minutes or so in the morning with Kalani. Every minute counts. I can always have a playstand in the bathroom for him to just hangout nearby instead, but would daily bathing be detrimental?
You have me stomped, honestly. I've never heard of anyone drenching their bird(s) on a daily basis. Twice or three times a week, yes, once a week definitely - but daily?? :confused:

Nonetheless, I'm sure Kalani will appreciate watching you shower. :D (Did that sound weird/funky/inappropriate? I hope not, it wasn't meant in that way.) He will LOVE being near you/with you. There - that sounds better.
Didn't make that one. Got it at a bird fair.

I've got two of them. Each macaw has had them for around two years. They're still going. That's HARDWOOD, and lots of it.

Pine doesn't last.

In 20/20 hindsight, I would have gone with the single swing instead of the doubles. They rarely play on the lower level. It just gets pooped on.

But I do MAKE more toys for my flock than I buy. We go through these things in bulk.

The toys I do buy have to be refillable. Like rope toys and chain toys. Things like pipe bells are good because they can't get the clacker out, and then you can run sissal rope and wood blocks through the chain.

Macaws need chew toys primarily.

And shredder toys. Telephone books hung on a chain make GREAT shredder toys, and let's face it, what else are you gonna do with old phone books?

Thick wood dowels can be drilled out and cut to the length of your choosing. Again, just use sissal rope, and criss-cross your holes, and string up wood blocks and such. For the same $50 bucks they charge you in the bird stores for one toy, you can make 3 of these.
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Maggie loves baths. She'd enjoy getting soaked all the time.

She gets (got) one or two baths a week. Danced in the shower... the entire time. It's very good for her feather condition too...

Generally speaking it's daily misting, weekly soaking.
Actually that is close to what I have. BB Loves it. He has chewed up some but not bad at all. And for price It can't be beat
[ame=] : Bonka Bird Toys 1297 Jumbo Swing Tri Parrot Bird Cage Toys Cages Toy Chew Amazon Macaw Cockatoo : Pet Supplies[/ame]

Agreed, that is a very nice swing, and can't beat the price for something that useful.

And the best thing about things like that is you can actually attach it to a large hanger, and move it from room to room...

When buying stuff for macaws you want to avoid paying big bucks for stuff that's going to be gone in 60 seconds....

You'll go broke in a week!

Cut up a 2x4. Hang it on sisal rope. Separate them with those XL bird beads. For around ten dollars, you can make a huge toy in about fifteen minutes (less if you have a drill press - which I do) that will keep him occupied for the better part of a week.
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True. I plan on buying another one of those. So far its held up for two months . He enjoys climbing and swinging on it.
And it can be refilled
True. I plan on buying another one of those. So far its held up for two months . He enjoys climbing and swinging on it.
And it can be refilled

And that's the key.

If they don't use it - are afraid of it - it's worthless.

If you can't refill it - it's destroyed in short order, and becomes trash or kindling.

That stainless steel cage thing you bought - that was a good investment... it will last forever.
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Didn't make that one. Got it at a bird fair.

I've got two of them. Each macaw has had them for around two years. They're still going. That's HARDWOOD, and lots of it.

Pine doesn't last.

In 20/20 hindsight, I would have gone with the single swing instead of the doubles. They rarely play on the lower level. It just gets pooped on.

But I do MAKE more toys for my flock than I buy. We go through these things in bulk.

The toys I do buy have to be refillable. Like rope toys and chain toys. Things like pipe bells are good because they can't get the clacker out, and then you can run sissal rope and wood blocks through the chain.

Macaws need chew toys primarily.

And shredder toys. Telephone books hung on a chain make GREAT shredder toys, and let's face it, what else are you gonna do with old phone books?

Thick wood dowels can be drilled out and cut to the length of your choosing. Again, just use sissal rope, and criss-cross your holes, and string up wood blocks and such. For the same $50 bucks they charge you in the bird stores for one toy, you can make 3 of these.

Maggie loves baths. She'd enjoy getting soaked all the time.

She gets (got) one or two baths a week. Danced in the shower... the entire time. It's very good for her feather condition too...

Generally speaking it's daily misting, weekly soaking.

Actually that is close to what I have. BB Loves it. He has chewed up some but not bad at all. And for price It can't be beat : Bonka Bird Toys 1297 Jumbo Swing Tri Parrot Bird Cage Toys Cages Toy Chew Amazon Macaw Cockatoo : Pet Supplies


You have me stomped, honestly. I've never heard of anyone drenching their bird(s) on a daily basis. Twice or three times a week, yes, once a week definitely - but daily?? :confused:

Nonetheless, I'm sure Kalani will appreciate watching you shower. :D (Did that sound weird/funky/inappropriate? I hope not, it wasn't meant in that way.) He will LOVE being near you/with you. There - that sounds better.

Christine- That swing looks awesome for the price! I will definitely be adding it to my list.

Wendy- Another alternative would be to put the shower perch out of the stream of water, so he would be getting a light misting at most. I know I'm getting ahead of myself; for all I know he'll come terrified of water.

Mark- You are full of great ideas. I guess after 17 years with a big macaw, you have to be.
Over 20 years, if you count all the rehabs and fosters.

Once you go Mac, you can never go back!

(Especially when it's a greenwing!)

Oh, and Maggie just sat on top of the shower curtain rod in the mornings on the weekend.
Exactly 7 weeks old today. I asked the breeder to try to help me get a feel for Kalani's size in the photos.

I am so in love already!




We have color!! :07:

FYI - My greenwing bit several pairs of sunglasses in half... I think I've lost about half a dozen pair to one macaw or the other going "I wanna preen your eyeballs" CHOMP!

So, yeah, greenwings and glasses... gotta work on that one early. THIS IS NOT A BIRD TOY. I NEED THESE!
FYI - My greenwing bit several pairs of sunglasses in half... I think I've lost about half a dozen pair to one macaw or the other going "I wanna preen your eyeballs" CHOMP!

So, yeah, greenwings and glasses... gotta work on that one early. THIS IS NOT A BIRD TOY. I NEED THESE!

No glasses or sunglasses on my end, so there won't be any opportunities with me, but I will certainly keep that in mind for socializing. He won't be too close to any faces for quite a while.
I'm eight weeks old tomorrow. Check out my facial feathers!


Did I mention my wings are green and my tail is blue!?


Okay, now feed me more.

She's SO cute! So much personality already.

Keep the photos coming!
She's SO cute! So much personality already.

Keep the photos coming!

Thank you. He is looking great. Getting pictures of him each week definitely gives me something to look forward to, but it's a double-edged sword; I want him more and more each time!

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