Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

Oh my god wHAT did you say thats such a good lie
Pizu a 2 pigz not a guinea pig
tiki is green, shes an ogre
tiki is as tall as outlets
tiki is a smol as an ant
tiki is not weird
Okay guys, can we please think out goof lies? And not just write "[USER] is a [RANDOM NOUN]" or "[USER] is [INSERT WORD HERE]"?

It has become a bit boring now...

I'll start:

Tiki is was Spanish dancer from.. well, Spain. She was very popular and had a LOT of fans. She can also sing opera, and won an award in 2013. Until one day she stole a very valuable dress.. and got sent to jail for 20 years... she's still in prison..
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tiki originates from this little island in the alantic ocean called the, "McDonald's Island"... land where not one could dare to touch for the safety and sake of the entire globalized population. I myself have heard urban legends of this mysterious tikitiel and the mysterious creatures that inhabit that strange land... the most popular one amongst the crowd tells a darkening story on a late, rural night... "on a dark, stormy night, a mist of fog and daze swept the putrid lands of the early colonization of present-day Florida, the land was mucky and lifeless from the constant blockation of the sun and the terrible downfall that had been occurring for the past week or so... as the men and woman of the Seminole tribe set up camp and built their structures, a distant scream could be heard,,, "AHHHH". The percing scream could be heard among the distant lands, so as the scream ended... beautiful music could be heard gracefully swimming among the fog into one's ear, out into the other..." to be continued
PizuPDN has the "international bedroom zoo" and its true.......but what they don't say is the animal content. Sure there's some guinea pigs.... there is also three giraffes (one is gonna be unlucky there) a few resus monkey's, 7 or 8 Lammas, a bunch of petting zoo pets like goats and pigs and whatever and two pandas they are working on breeding, and last but not least, 2 hippos also bent on breeding.

There's also a honey badger obviously not part of the petting zoo.

The crazy part is, this is all in their bedroom. They use the budgies in slave labor to caretake the other animals....
Clark killed mother Nature. Now he decides about the weather on the all world. Because he doesn't like Poland, winter came back here!!
Tiki stole my apple juice and drank it.
Roz is still getting gekko tattoo on her legs
Tiki is still getting Pokemon tattoos. Now she has them on her legs, arms, neck, stomach, back, both hips. Today she gets new ones on her cheeks and tomorrow on her forehead.
Roz doesnt have any space left fod geko tattoos on her legs anymore
Now she will be getting them on her arms

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