Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

Tiki is a conure
Roz agrees that there isnt too many people olaying this game rn
Koko is outside my window milking giraffes are
Tiki was in northern Africa 100 million years ago and was almost eaten by a dinosaur
Tiki is Pikachu
Rozalka has been identified by news reports to be the wealthiest woman in Dubai. She does give out billions to philanthropic charities but also has been photographed with a lot of top male models drinking champagne in Paris, London and Madrid.

Her estimated net worth is set at over 17 billion. Since the money came in from several different sources she remains tax free as the auditors cannot determine what money came from where and who can tax her.
Rozalka has been identified by news reports to be the wealthiest woman in Dubai. She does give out billions to philanthropic charities but also has been photographed with a lot of top male models drinking champagne in Paris, London and Madrid.

Her estimated net worth is set at over 17 billion. Since the money came in from several different sources she remains tax free as the auditors cannot determine what money came from where and who can tax her.
Clark is benefactor of Rozalka's generosity and promises lifetime parrot care stipends for every ParrotForum member!
Scott wanted to fly planes all his life but has a fear of such he leads the undersea deep dive submarine community and even invented a new type of sub that can go deeper than the one james cameron used in challenger deep.
Clark was on Mars
Clark was on Mars
This has been blown way out of proportion... me and elon were only in a simulator.......we didn't got o mars.....

Spend less time jet setting the world with male models and drinking champagne next time, this is all fake new. never was on mars.

And stop getting gecko tattoos on your leg.
Clark is a dot.
Seriously Rozalka stop getting geeko tattoos on your leg 😥
Tiki - stop getting Pokemon tattoos! I know you have them everywhere and don't think about getting one more on your hip!
Oh Roz!
Stop eating so much yogurt with macaws seriously thats creepy-
Tiki is a macaw and it's she:
Bart PL.webp
Tikitiel keeps playing because they think it will keep me away from telling the TRUTH! (srsly someone else needs an epic lie)

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