Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

Be careful Pipp - you are the next on Pizu's list ;)
Rozalka isn‘t really from Poland, but lives on an invisible black pirate ship in the Sea of Cortez, smuggling ultra-premium tequila from Baja California to the reclusive lizard people of Galapagos. Don’t mess with Rozalka.

Kentuckienne spent the fall of 2021 attending several forums for birds at stanford...unkown to Kentuckienne it was actually about dolphins and whales. Despite the extreme awkwardness of the marine biologists in attendance like " this crazy person talking about?" The speech was met with a standing ovation at it's conclusion. It was a humongous success.​

Clark_Conure vacations in Alaska, renting out Polar Bears for the Canadian Army, arctic division. They needed the money to attend the lecture stated above.
Vamperic Conure knows exactly where each PF lives. She started helping Pizu and found few agents to follow PF members. Now, the newest videos have terrible tiny details about Scott's, Pipp's... and my life! :eek:

Please, Supermoderators - do something!
Vamperic Conure knows exactly where each PF lives. She started helping Pizu and found few agents to follow PF members. Now, the newest videos have terrible tiny details about Scott's, Pipp's... and my life! :eek:

Please, Supermoderators - do something!
Rozalka does not keep tiny pink birds, but actually giant macaws, emus, platypus, and ostriches for her omelette cafe. Rozalka sells the world’s most expensive omelettes in her breakfast cafe.

Heather is a professor and teaches students on Oxford University. They are very busy in their life - they travel a lot and have a lot of meetings about engendered species of birds. Today Heather was late for their lecture because they had a meeting in TV.
Rozalka owns a pirate radio station and is being hunted by whatever Poland's version of the NSA/CIA is. I'd go more into depth but my parrots are trying to silence my truth at the moment.
Rozalka owns a pirate radio station and is being hunted by whatever Poland's version of the NSA/CIA is. I'd go more into depth but my parrots are trying to silence my truth at the moment.
Clark conure cannot post because his Quaker Parakeet has gnawed off his fingers because he didn’t scritch enough. His Quaker Parakeet will now be posting on parrot forum by telekineses.
Heather has trained her sharks to attack everything they see
Pipp had a deer which decided to commit suicide in Poland going under a train. This train had to be cancelled and the next one is so delayed and crowded
Yeah I miss him... RIP Bokkie(FYI: "bok" means "buck" in Afrikaans, and "bokkie" is the smaller version of "bok"(you'll understand if you speak Afrikaans)

Natalia owns an island which she rents out for rich people. She made over $400,000,000 last year alone.
Pipp has a lecture in one hour but she won't be present because she's crying after Bookkie
Rozalka isn't even real it's just a parrot forum's spam bot to increase traffic. They use AI to interpret questions and post positive responses that seem like it could be a real person.....I think china or north Korea is involved. But I'm no conspiracy theorist this is just fact.
Clark_conure moonlights as a weather forecaster whose best friend is a famous gossip columnist. So when a famous couple has a wedding scheduled, coincidentally the weather forecast suddenly calls for hurricanes, which throws everyone into a tizzy while those two miscreants laugh it up!
Kentuckienne is a famous ornithologist and you can find an article on Wikipedia about them
Rozalka gets credit for telling outrageous lies, but has a secret staff of writers who churn lies out like an assembly line. It’s assembly lying’ all right.
Kentuckienne sells bird disguises like toupees, feather dye, and artificial beak prosthetics for the BIA (bird intelligence agency). Need a shinier or bigger beak? call kentuckienne! A fluffier tail? She’s your solution. Iffff you have the green stuff (and I don’t mean bird poop).
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Heather writes a lot of fanfiction and all her original characters are birds. She often creates very strange relationships. Recently she wrote a crack fic about Shrek and a macaw named Bluebonnet being together and now she's gonna write about Sid from Ice Age and a quacker parrot named Heather.
I'm ok with that, it's just kinda odd.

Lmao it looks like I've just watched too many videos about fanfic readers and writers :LOL:
Heather writes a lot of fanfiction and all her original characters are birds. She often creates very strange relationships. Recently she wrote a crack fic about Shrek and a macaw named Bluebonnet being together and now she's gonna write about Sid from Ice Age and a quacker parrot named Heather.
I'm ok with that, it's just kinda odd.

Lmao it looks like I've just watched too many videos about fanfic readers and writers :LOL:
(One way to get more romance in my life, I guess.)

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