Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

e hh m ehm
Clark actually isnt a conure
But an old legendary creature thats said to stab paper and eat it ALIVE ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ซโ˜บ๏ธ (WRONG EMOJIES PFF-)
tiki really likes to fly to the Bermuda triangle and stalk the birds that live in the area
Pizu was a secret agent that worked for fiddle sticks
He knows where the chamber of secrets is located and HE is the one that hit ed shareen with a car
um, how did you kno- WAIT NO IM NOT
tiki is short
pizuPDN is actually a famous wrestler back in the 70s back before it came out as being scripted. Actually caused the multiple transgressions that let everyone know (well everyone already knew) that it was fake.

His most famous move was the Guinea pig clinch where they'ed grab the back of the back skin and pick them up off the canvas .....say "what are you doing".....then slam them into a bunch of cedar chips for some reason no one can fathom.

It was super effective till Diamond Dallas Page came on the scene with the diamond cutter and Hulk Hogan with the leg drop.
Clark has the most famous parrot in the world which speaks 4 languages
roz lives in The South Pole in Antarctica because she loves the coldness
Maroa lives on Mars
Roz has a very big rare macaw
Maroa has a kakapo, a kea, a Budgie, two macaws and ten cockatoos
Roz is a new member who really needs help with her conures
I saw Maroa in a bus with twenty pionuses
i saw Roz in the dog shelter
Maroa's new nickname is December98765
you like my new name Roz i changed it for stormybica asked if she/he/non-binary can call me may but then i decided a few min ago to change it to may to surprise stormy bica when she comes back online

Roz has an English budgie that can take scratches and is free flighted


may changed her name to fit in and so that we didn't call her maroa because that's what the secret agents at the Illuminati call her and they don't allow her name to be anywhere else or else her secret spy job would be a bust especially since it's us...
Oh really
may hates birds

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