Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

Tikitiel is simply using lies and slander I only killed 29 cats and 8 were copycat killings.... What he doesn't want you to know is that he led an insurgent rebel force in to the mountains of the Netherlands to steal their illegal pot from the merchants that are not allowed to sell drugs there.

74 merchants died.... Putin of Russia was no longer able to get his "stash" so he decided he had to expand his territory to get to the Netherlands. He began this campaign about 3-4 weeks ago but he will keep it going until he can reach deep inside of the Netherlands and get his supply of pot back.

So basically the entire Ukraine war is Tikitiels fault.
Again such a liar.....after killing all those merchants he took a huge dose of Temazepam (Restoril) and has been in a coma for the last 2 weeks.

His parrot has been running his internet accounts in the meantime in order to clear his name.
In January of 2017 the birds aren't real movement started.....what you don't know is tikitiel actually started that campaign but it was supposed to be a secret. Now he doesn't kill the birds but he does capture them and replace them with drones. To date he has 37 million pigeons in a large warehouse in Dulles Virginia. he never attends but his team of minions makes sure to capture a bird, reproduce using 3d Printing technology, and releasing the cloned drones back to spy on America. He has a 88 million dollar contract to do these things.

CIA leaked documents have shown in 2022 he will have at least another 10 million by the end of the year. The bird drones eat your left over french fries or potato chips and then steal all your private information and turn it over to the CIA.

Donald trump personally said this is the greatest crisis to freedom we have ever seen.

President biden said " the birds, and you know the thing, and the battery bird thing and the other, and the banks and oil well nevermind *sniff*"
Koko is a bluebonnet
Tiki is a pokemon
Tiki is my sister
Roz is a cresstless macaw cockatoo with poka dots

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