Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Poster Above You

Tiki stole Zenek
Roz drinks computer smoothies
Stormy is a chicken. She lives on a farm, like any ordinary chicken.
Her birds are actually just some her chicks with budgie feathers glued on to them. Her owner once lost his phone, and she somehow found it. That's how she's able to talk to us. How she has the IQ to be able to communicate with us, I do not know.
Pip eats chicken nuggets with sauce made of a combination of sawdust and spit

Stormy eat pizza made of clay
Pipp is a dinosaur made of bronze
Tiki is a toucan. AN ACTUAL TOUCAN.
Tiki is going to my play today. It's about HUFFLEPUFFS
Tiki is a hobbit
Stormy is a wizard

“iMa a wAt”
“A WiZArd And stInKiNg GoOd ONe THaT Is”
This got stale....

Tikitiel is under investigation by the FBI for murder of 37 cats on Feb 17th 1927. The great cat slaughter of '27. They found no evidence at the scene except some blood under the cat's nails.

It wasn't until modern DNA and forensics was able to link the killer to an apparent bird owner and psycho that though killing housecats would save their parrots.

Cable news stations in 1927 were appalled at the gross acts of the crime and the nation was alarmed, ....until they found out it was just cats, then everyone went about their buisness.

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